WP2 Posting Analysis

Posted: August 25th, 2021

WP2 Posting Analysis

Management[A1] [A2] Training[A3] – Sales/Marketing Team[A4] 

Immediate Openings

Hattiesburg, MS, USA[A5] 

Apply on LinkedIn

Apply on ZipRecruiter[A6] 

3 days ago

What’s your attitude like under pressure? Are you the Play-maker when everyone else is focused on the problem? Is your desire to make things happen stronger than your will to watch things happen? Does the opportunity to work towards something new and bigger while maintaining stability appeal to you?[A7] 

We are a TOP Marketing Firm in the Hattiesburg area [A8] that provides the opportunity for those looking to excel in the field of sales and marketing by utilizing a hands-on approach in management training. We focus on developing and enhancing the competitive nature and willingness to lead within every potential candidate. We hire all candidates at entry level for the sole purpose of developing a strong management team from within; with the mentality and knowledge that everyone can get from an entry level position to a management position between 4-6 months. We do not believe in seniority; we promote to management those who get the job done.[A9] 

Phases Of Our Sales And Marketing Management Training Program[A10] 

Sales & Customer Service: client representative, brand management, direct field marketing, retail customer service

Leadership & Team Building: relationship management with retailer, interviewing, hiring and on-boarding process, training, team management, social media

Management Training: financial, administrative, operational, full recruiting cycle

Promotion to a management position should only take eight weeks, once you are fully trained at the Client Representative and Account Manager/Team Leader positions. Promotions are not seniority-based, nor are promotions guaranteed. We believe in a performance-based business structure and workplace. You must be a play-maker.


Weekly Pay: Base Pay PLUS Commissions and Incentives

Daily/Weekly/Monthly Bonuses

Ongoing Training and Development with Personal Mentor

Extremely Rapid Advancement Opportunities with a strictly enforced Performance-Based Promotion Structure

Travel Opportunities

Qualities Of Our Most Successful Managers

Coachable / Student-Mentality

Curiosity — not curious as in second guess everything, but curious as in you always want to know more, you always want to learn more.

Prior Success — Not necessarily from sales, but could be success from sports/pro-sports/college sports, school, previous employer.

Intelligence – You don’t need to be told what to do all the time, you can figure things out. You know what needs to be done and you do it. You are resourceful.

Passion / Desire — We can’t teach this. A passion with focus and desire to do well, an “ALL IN” mentality.


• Full time opportunities are available

Minimum age of 18 years old.

Great communication and verbal skills.

Excellent sales and negotiation skills.

Good organization and time management skills.[A11] 

Link: https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&ei=-mc-XdPeG8-akwWeqp6QAw&q=a+job+posting+for+a+marketing+or+management+position+USA&oq=a+job+posting+for+a+marketing+or+management+position+USA&gs_l=psy-ab.3..33i160.4857.7235..7616…0.0..0.343.1230.2-1j3……0….1..gws-wiz…….0i71.sTVyMVmYNSg&uact=5&ibp=htl;jobs&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiKu6r1l9njAhVFr6QKHR-VCpwQp4wCMAB6BAgFEAE#htidocid=w77mvGMs0VRfbV5bAAAAAA%3D%3D

 [A1]The purpose of this posting is to find potential applicant for the position of management trainees.

 [A2]The targeted audience are people over 18 years and who possess a number of requirements listed. 

 [A3]The tone of the posting is relatively formal and informal. 

 [A4]To start with, when applying for the job, there is a need to understand what position has been advertised and its nature. The posting is for Management Training- Sales/Marketing Team. Potential applicants are to be trained to become managers in sales and marketing teams. 

 [A5]A formal application letter must be addressed to the employers with the correct details. This physical address, hence, is critical to note as it will be used in the cover letter. 

 [A6]Failure to observe application procedures can limit chances of getting a job. These details tell applicants how they should tender their applications, and they are worth noting.      

 [A7]Employers are always looking for not only academically and professionally qualified applicants but also people with desirable soft skills. These listed skills will help me to craft my application letter and quote them in a bid to persuade the employer that I am the right candidate being sought.  

 [A8]Failure to understand what the employer does can be catastrophic. This information, hence, is pertinent as it informs me what the recruiter does, and I can use this information in my application to show that I fully understand what it is to be like an employee at the company. 

 [A9]In writing a cover letter, one must cite the exact things that an employer is looking for. This information, thus, informs me what needs to be included in my letter to show that I have the needed qualities. 

 [A10]In the quest to demonstrates that one if fully aware of the position they are applying for, there is a need to show in the application letter what the job entails. This information, therefore, is helpful as it informs me what to write about the job in my application letter. 

 [A11] [A11]Employers are always looking for not only academically and professionally qualified applicants but also people with desirable soft skills. These listed requirements will help me to craft my application letter and quote them in a bid to persuade the employer that I am the right candidate being sought.  

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