WK3 Coursework

Posted: September 6th, 2013

WK3 Coursework






WK3 Coursework

Question 1

            The two dissertations that use a qualitative research methodology are a journal by Saskia Sassen on the state of globalization and John Rennie Short’s journal on cultural globalization, global English and geography. In Sassen’s article, the research methodology used was observation. Observation is focused on the government in order to determine how it runs its affairs. Both the developed and the under developed countries are observed. The findings are that the developed countries handle their affairs and cope well with globalization as compared to the underdeveloped countries. However, the developed countries can only be able to cope well with globalization if they implement their own control measures (Sassen, 2003). John’s article uses the interviewing research methodology. The interview is carried out in order to determine people’s views on cultural globalization. The interviewed people appreciate the rise of English as a form of global communication. Debates on the cultural globalization are also used (Short, 2001).

The observation technique enables the researcher to get the information firsthand rather than depending on his respondents. Through observation, data is obtained through direct contact with the groups of people in the government. Qualitative research mainly centers on naturalism. Therefore, the researcher is able to observe the government in its natural state in order to obtain first hand information. On the other hand, interviewing enables obtaining data from the people by asking questions and getting answers. In this case, the respondent is able to give verbal answers to the interviewer and opinions on the matter. In observation, the data is collected only from the act but actual verbal information is not obtained. However, both of them give first   hand information. Participant observation is superior over interviewing. Observation gives a more complete data and understanding of a situation as compared to interviewing.

Question 2

            There are research questions to be answered in relation to this topic. These are why does globalization greatly affect the underdeveloped countries? What role has globalization played in the development of the economy? What are the advantages and disadvantages of globalization to the economy? What are the ethical problems of globalization? The methodologies to be used to answer these research questions are the mixed methods designs. In these designs, the data will be collected, analyzed and finally, the qualitative data will be integrated to a single study. In addition, articles, journals and books will be used in the methodology to answer these questions. Globalization is a broad topic that requires intensive research. People across the globe have different views about globalization. These opinions can be obtained using these journals and articles to obtain different writers opinions on globalization (Singer, 2004).

Observation, the use of interview schedules and questionnaires will greatly benefit the data analysis. Passive observation, participant observation or active observation can be employed on order to answer the research questions. From observing the activities first hand, the observer gets answers to the research questions. Statistics will help in the processing and manipulation of the data. The structured interviews are often used in the survey of opinions, beliefs and people’s perception. It also helps in obtaining a more accurate data since people have to write on the questionnaires and not give verbal answers. Therefore, their identity will be protected. After the data has been analyzed, it will be interpreted with reference to the existing theories and journals. This will aid in the answering of all the research questions. Then, the answers to the research questions will be interpreted (Sullivan & Kymlicka, 2007).


Sassen, S. (June 01, 2003). The state and globalization. Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies, 5(2). pp 241-248.

Short, J. R. (January 01, 2001). Cultural Globalization, Global English, and Geography Journals. The Professional Geographer, 53(1). pp 1-11.

Singer, P. (2004). One World: The Ethics of Globalization. New York: Yale University Press

Sullivan, W. M., & Kymlicka, W. (2007). The Globalization of Ethics: Religious and Secular Perspectives. London: Cambridge University Press.

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