Week 4 Discussion

Posted: August 26th, 2021

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Week 4 Discussion

Question 1

Intellectual property refers to any creativity relating to works such as library works, inventions, symbols, and images. Following the introduction of internet services, there are extensive changes affecting intellectual property laws particularly on copyrights, patents and trademarks (Nambisan 69). Ethics surrounding intellectual property have questioned if these rights are similar to private property rights. The reason is that intellectual property is often intangible as it is about the creativity of the mind. As such, the ethical aspect demand that uses has to seek permission in the process of using intellectual properties. In this case, the rights of designers, inventors, creators, and innovators should be adequately protected (77). At the same time, the individuals that invented or developed particular products have the right to control the use of their ideas or innovations. Therefore, a question of morality arises and subsequently, there is a possibility of violation of human rights especially when one is ignorant about intellectual property rights.

Additionally, intellectual property laws have the implications of enforcingfull protection of the rights of people in accordance with morality. Without ethics in intellectual property rights, inventions and innovations cannot be effectively developed since inventors and innovators will be susceptible to human rights violations (79).When inventors, innovators, designers, and creators receive exclusive rights to protect their intellectual property, they are recognized for their contribution to manufacturing or technological developments (82). As a result, intellectual property rights should play a critical role in protecting the ethical components of innovation (87). Thus, the importance of protecting the ethicaldiversity is for the promotion of progressive innovation within the specific field.

Question 2

The ethical perspective of intellectual property rights is critical to information technology (IT) managers. Usually, IT managers are often exposed to different sets of confidential data and knowledge about companies’ and individuals’ systems and networks. Such accessibilities give them the power to information (113). In this case, they have options of abusing such powers either unintentionally or deliberately. Since there are no particular guidelines dictating the way managers have to behave, there is a need for embracing ethical principles to avoid abuse of power at their disposal. Equally, the manager should realize that ethical considerations are key in the IT field. As such, should strive to inculcate it in his team for avoiding ethical questions emerging in their line of duty (119). At the same time, managers should restrain from making promises that are beyond their capacity to deliver. For instance, it is difficult to assure clients complete security for their systems. Hence, the ethical perspective demands that the managers should practices what is best in the interest of their clients.

Question 3

In circumstances of ethical conflict, IT managers have a role to institute ethical behavior. Even when the organization is engaged in unethical behavior, IT managers should strive to avoid being the perpetrators of such vice. Their services should focus on protecting their customers and ensuring that morality is enhanced within the working environment. Equally, the IT manager should create a conducive environment under which employees within the IT department are comfortable to practice ethical behavior (142). The most appropriate tool in achieving ethics in such an environment is through the manager’s actions. At the same time, there should be a method for employees to discuss or report behaviors suspected to encourage unethical practices (178). Thus, sustained appreciation and support of ethical considerations at the workplace would inculcate an ethical culture within the working environment.

Works Cited

Nambisan, Padma. An introduction to ethical, safety and intellectual property rights issues in biotechnology. London: Elsevier Academic Press, 2017. Print.

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