Unit Modeling Language

Posted: September 10th, 2013

Unit Modeling Language





Unit Modeling Language

1. CRC (Class Responsibility Collaboration) cards

CLASS TITLE Adding new contact


▪Search Directories

▪Contact Manager Tools

RESPONSIBILITIES : ▪Preconditions- addition of new contacts in the directory

▪Post Conditions-preparation of directory with new information for the searches

Basic/normal flow

  • Management is to indicate its need to add new contacts of registered and non-registered clients.
  • Development of new Groove Contact inside the contact Manager Tools (Argent, & British Agencies for Adoption & Fostering, 2002).
  • Subsequently identify the “Add contact” found in the Launch bar then click at it.
  • Identification of contact names, either registered or non-registered, for addition.
  • Identification of directory in search by organisation found in the “drop-down menu”.
  • The organization will then click at the “Find options”.
  • Groove will then continue with the specific search for the name entered in the preferred directory.
  • Selection of the contacts from the searches.
  • click at the Properties option in order to know much about the contacts (Fredricks, & Orenstein,2007).
  • Click at the “OK” option to add the contact to the contact list.

Alternate flow

The “Properties” option will present the organization with ability to authenticate the contacts identity. This is an alternate means of adding the contacts into a contact list through the provided steps

  • Identification of contact for authentication
  • Ensure that an identified contact belongs to a groove contact
  • Selection of “authenticate contact”
  • The organization will authenticate the contact.


COLLABORATIONS : ▪Triggers-associated with clients linked to the organizational operations.




CLASS TITLE Searching for a contact
Subclasses ▪Directories searches


Responsibilities Preconditions:

Identification of the contact needed to be searched.

Post condition:

Establishment of directories that may contain the contacts

Basic flow

  • Identify contacts to search
  • Identify the directory that it would like to search the contact
  • Evaluate availed contacts through the alphabetical order
  • Confirmation of the availed contacts
  • Get more information about the acquired number.

Alternate flow

The entity could partner directly with the clients in searching the contacts, especially for the unregistered clients ((Bond, & British Association for Adoption & Fostering, 2007).

  • Determining if client is registered.
  • cooperation with the client to gain access to their contacts
  • Record the availed contacts from the client
  • Confirmation from client about accuracy of the contacts
Collaborations Triggers

Organizational need to increase efficiencies in contact searches.





CLASS TITLE Importing a contact
  • Database system
  • ` Web Clients

  • Establish Clients from whom the organization needs contact
  • Establish the custom CSV file for use in contact importation (Bond, & British Association for Adoption & Fostering, 2007).

Post condition

  • Organization will issue email address to clients
  • Consult client about the intended import

  • The organization indicates that it would like to import contacts from another client




CLASS TITLE Managing contact



  • Gmail was identified by the organization as the means for managing the contacts (Carlaw, 2002).

Post conditions

  • organization will determine contacts which need editing

The company will determine the contact that it would like to add to its contact list.

  • There was dire need by the organisation to find appropriate means to manage the various groupings of contacts
  • Increase in the number of contacts availed to the organisation
  • Clients changed their contacts severally





Class Diagram:

Sequence diagram:







Argent, H., & British Agencies for Adoption & Fostering. (2002). Staying connected: Managing contact arrangements in adoption. London: British Agencies for Adoption & Fostering.

Bond, H., & British Association for Adoption & Fostering. (2007). Ten top tips in managing contact. London: BAAF.

Carlaw, P. (2002). Managing and motivating contact center employees: Tools and techniques for             inspiring outstanding performance from your frontline staff. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Fredricks, Karen S, & Lon Orenstein (2007). Outlook 2007 Business Contact Manager for Dummies. Indianapolis, IN: Wiley.




















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