Three Pieces of Collateral Material

Posted: August 25th, 2021

Three Pieces of Collateral Material

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Three Pieces of Collateral Material

Generally, marketing and promotional campaigns are considered as expenses or costs since they require a proportion of an organization’s funds to be set aside. In the long-term, however, these campaigns prove to be great investments since they generate sales revenues. Notably, the long-term value cannot be realized in the absence of effective marketing collateral. The term “marketing collateral” connotes a collection of media types which augment sales and promotion. For the case of thestrategic IMC proposal, a total of three marketing collateral materials are to be used as described below.

Web Content

In this technologicallyadvanced era, many people prefer sourcing genuine, credible, or authentic information from the internet, especially in organizational websites. A marketing campaign that promotes Spain as a world-class destination is meant to reach populations from across the globe. The easiest way to have such a reach is to develop textual, visual, and aural content that not only informs the targeted customers but also persuades them through photographic appeal.This is what web content entails.

Promotional Pictures

Seeing is a precursor to believing. If the global population is to be convinced that Spain is a world-class tourist destination, pictures of the uniqueness of the country must form in the audiences’ mind. This is easily achieved if pictures, which are the most common visual aids in marketing, are used. For the strategic IMC proposal, pictures must be about the top destination sites, cities, or towns in Spain.

Explainer Videos

The techno-savvy generation prefers getting information from explainer videos that are normally posted on YouTube. These videos are also commonly used in TV ads. Notably, an explainer video presents a product or a service in an easy and intuitive manner such that it has immense persuasive power. For the strategic IMC proposal, the explainer videos will be about Spain as a top tourist destination.

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