The Threat of Terrorism against NYPD

Posted: December 21st, 2022

The Threat of Terrorism against NYPD

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The Threat of Terrorism against NYPD

Both domestic and international terrorism present significant threats to key security agencies, including the City of New York Police Department, also known as the New York City Police Department (NYPD), which is the chief municipal law agency within New York City. Consequently, the department can embrace a raft of measures that would safeguard it against potential violations that could have far-reaching implications. The NYPD is a crucial target for tourists who may wish to tamper with how it counters terrorism-related activities. Terrorists, local and international, may also aim at tampering with the department’s key infrastructure that facilitate its operations. Thus, being able to advance on some of the already existing structures and learning from advanced groups present a better chance to protect the department against terrorism.

Describing Local and International Terrorism in the U.S.

Terrorism includes a broad range of intricate threats, encompassing orchestrated terrorism in war-torn areas, foreign terrorist insurgents, radicalized individuals, and infringements using explosives, and biological and chemical weapons of mass destruction (Interpol, 2022). Terrorist networks incite people, often young unsusceptible individuals, to leave their hometowns across the globe to move to conflict-torn places. Globally, a significant number of those willing to join such terror groups link with groups in nations such as Syria, Iraq, Somalia, and Nigeria where terrorism groups such as ISIS or IS, Al Shabaab, and Boko Haram operate (Interpol, 2022). Cases of more people joining terrorism groups is also becoming evident in Libya. The manner recruiters are approaches and radicalized has changed, with much focus on social media and other digital media avenues. Such groups promise those willing to join large sums of money alongside many other promises that leave a person with no alternative but to become an affiliate. Terror attacks that use explosives, nuclear, radiological, biological, and chemical materials – could have severe implications on the infrastructure and communities (Interpol, 2022). It is the reason why there is need to offer constant support in averting, preparing for and reacting to such attacks. This implies enacting preventing and responsive structures, regulated among concerned agencies, encompassing intelligence groups, the police, border control units, and professional health officer. It is possible to achieve this through sharing information, analyzing intelligence, offering operational support, and training and advancing capacity.

Various terrorist groups pose significant threat in the U.S. These fall into domestic and international terrorism. Domestic terrorism encompass violent criminal deeds performed by individuals and groups to promote ideological aspirations emanating from domestic influences such as those of environmental, racial, social, religious, or political factors (FBI, n.a.). International terrorism, on the other hand, are the criminal, violent actions performed by groups or individuals who are encouraged by, or linked to, particular terrorist group. In the U.S., groups such as the Earth Liberation Front (ELF) and the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) have emerged as a crucial terrorist scare (FBI, n.a.). The FBI projects that the perceived terror groups are responsible for nearly six hundred criminal acts in the U.S. starting from 1996, causing damages amounting to more than $42 million (FBI, n.a.). In addition, groups such as the National Alliance, which serves as a right-wing hate group, the Aryan Nations, and the World Church of the Creator, present constant terrorist threat at the local level. Although measures have been enacted by particular extremist groups to minimize evident racist rhetoric with the goal of appealing to a wider portion of the population and pay enhanced focus on antigovernment sentiments, hatred caused by racism is still an integral element of such domestic groups’ chief orientation (FBI, n.a.). Nonetheless, as the happenings of September 11 indicated that the U.S. also faces serious threats from international terrorism.  Internationally, groups such as Hezbollah, al-Qa’ida, and ISIS continue to stage attacks against the U.S. and its partners and allies (U.S. Department of State, 2020). As the threats created by these formations continue to change, the Department of State works as effectively as possible to develop global awareness lessen and counter these adversities.

Most of the terrorist groups conduct their threats and attacks unexpectedly. However, the emergence of technology has transformed how the attackers conduct their operations (U.S. Department of State, 2020). Consequently, incidences of cybercrimes have intensified some of which take the form of terrorism. Terrorists will continue to evolve in their practices unless concerned parties embrace effective mechanisms for fighting the menace.

How Terrorism Groups Impact on the Facility

Terror acts impact on NYPD in various aspects. The department must be watchful at all times to ensure that the city and the country is safe against potential attacks. The team must deploy various mechanisms as a way of being watchful, and must also channel a lot of resources towards the practice. In addition, the team must constantly train its personnel to equip them with relevant skills needed to counter terrorism. Otherwise, the NYPD will not be committing all these effort towards counterterrorism if the issue was not a threat.

Why the Department is a Potential Threat

Various factors make NYPD a target for both domestic and international terrorist groups. One of the primary reasons is that the department is committed to flash out terrorism in New York (NYPD, 2022). The division through its own counterterrorism division uses the practices, techniques, and military approaches that intelligence groups, corporations, law enforcement agencies, military forces, and governments utilize to counter terrorism. The group has so far made significant strides in deploying counterterrorism, which entails using the instruments of national power to conquer and diminish terrorism, and to incapacitate their networks so that it becomes difficult to use evil acts to instill fear. The federal and local governments continue to furnish the NYPD Counterterrorism Bureau (CT), which is the city’s main local resource to safeguard against the threats of domestic and international terrorism in NYC, while acknowledging the potential implications of an attack (NYPD, 2022). The bureau cooperates with state, federal, and other law enforcement groups in gathering and sharing intelligence, and serves an indispensable function in the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) Joint Terrorist Task Force. In addition to the Counterterrorism Division that serves wide-ranging functions, the NYPD boasts of its Bomb Squad, Joint Terrorist Task Force, Domain Awareness System, Lower Manhattan Security Initiative, World Trade Center Command, and Terrorism Threat Analysis Group that all deploy advanced technology in countering potential terror threats or attacks (NYPD, 2022). It is because of the advancements the department has made in combating terrorism why it would become a target for terrorists. Attackers operating locally and internationally would target the department with the objective of crippling its capacity to counter terrorism, thus making it easier for attackers to execute their plans.

Furthermore, the key infrastructures under the possession of NYPD make it a key target for terrorists, locally and internally. For example, terrorists would be attracted to the One Police Plaza, a 14-storey building that serves as the headquarters of the NYPD. The building on Park Row, Manhattan is likely to be a key target for terrorists who may want to disrupt operations at the facility besides causing harm and destruction. Causing an attack at One Police Plaza will not only be a blow to NYPD, but to the entire state and country in terms of countering terrorism. An attack at the building affect the office of the NYPD Commissioner at the 14th floor, the bureau’s offices flor local presses, including WINS (1010 AM), The New York Times, and New York Post among others (NYPD, 2022 a). The facility also owns and manages other key IT infrastructure that would have adverse effects if attacked by terrorists. For example, the group has erected telecommunication masts at strategic locations to facilitate its operations. Besides, NYPD would not want anything, especially terrorism to interfere with its key IT initiatives such as ShotSpotter, Domain Awareness System, and digitized Comp Stat reports that all play fundamental functions in facilitating the department’s operations (NYPD, 2022 a). However, whereas the department may focus on safeguarding these vital infrastructure and resources, terrorists, local and international, on the other hand, focus on how they find loopholes to make attacks. It is the reason why the group should consider more effective ways for dealing with the matter that could have devastating effects if nothing happens to salvage the threat.

Potential Remedies

Improving existing structures and gaining awareness from advanced agencies present a better chance to counter the threats on NYPD. For example, the group can engage in more researches on how to improve its GPS, ShotSpotter, and crime identification software because these innovations have the capacity to elevate how the agency respond to threats and attacks. However, the team may have to invite external auditors to determine whether the organization’s technology infrastructure is competent enough to help the group counter any incident that could breach security and peace. Alternatively, the department can intensify its relations with national and international groups committed to fighting terrorism to gain additional awareness on how to excel in this mission.


The domestic and international terrorism activities present significant threats to the NYPD. Various groups have caused havoc at the local level with the intention of promoting their ideologies. Similarly, international terrorist groups present considerable threat to the U.S. and NYPD. These groups use systematic approaches to execute their actions that often result in devastating effects. The NYPD should not relent in its fight against terrorism considering that it could be a chief target for attackers. Terrorists may wish to disrupt the organization’s ambition and plans to thwart the activities of terrorism groups, functioning locally and internationally. Terrorists would also want to interfere with the infrastructures and resources that allow the department to conduct its activities as effectively as possible. Consequently, there is need to embrace mechanisms that would protect the NYPD against potential terrorist attacks. Some of the most effective approaches entail enhancing already existing structures, particularly those that employ technology to counter potential attacks. The NYPD can also learn from national and international agencies because this offers a suitable chance to gain new skills and concepts that would advance how the department responds to threats while keeping the city and country safe against attacks.


FBI. (n.a.). Testimony. Retrieved from

Interpol. (2022). Terrorism. Retrieved from

NYPD. (2022). Counterterrorism. Retrieved from

NYPD. (2022 a). Technology. Retrieved from

U.S. Department of State. (2020). Countering terrorism. Retrieved from

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