The Influence of Employee Status On Salary Prediction for IT Firms: Case of Grant Technologies, Inc.

Posted: August 27th, 2021

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The Influence of Employee Status On Salary Prediction for IT Firms: Case of Grant Technologies, Inc.

Introduction/Problem Statement

Proper recruitment of employees is critical in advancing a business strategy. Currently, recruitment processes are drastically changing and becoming highly complex tasks that require intensive interviews and evaluation. Salary is an important aspect when it comes to employment(Frost, n.d). It determines whether a given firm can attract qualified employees. Thus, it influences the quality of employees that a firm would higher.

Among software engineering firms, challenges of predicting employee salary are prominent. A prediction refers to an assumption regarding the future based on existing knowledge and experience(Frost, n.d). It is essential in helping firms plan their future. Thus, this paper aims at predicting the salary of employees for software engineering firms based on different factors.  Some of these factors include test scores, age, years of experience, and gender. 


Collection of Data

The regression analysis in this paper seeks to understand if years of experience, test score, age of the employee, and gender can predict employee salary among software engineering firms. In an attempt to implement the project, data was collected from a sample of 30 web developers from Grant Technologies, Inc. An aptitude test was utilized in collected the test scores for each web developer. Thus, this study seeks to conduct a multiple regression to assess the validity of the model and statistical significance of independent variables (test score, years of experience, age, gender) in influencing the dependent variable’s behavior (salary).  The study defines employees in terms of age, job experience, test scores, and gender.

Regression Model

The following regression model was used in achieving the objectives of the paper;


Therefore, the above regression model was used to assess how age, age, years of experience, and test score affect employee salary for software engineering firms. Gender was denoted by 1 (if male), 2 (if female) and 0 (undefined).


The following shows the results of regression analysis displayed in the regression table;

Table 1: Regression Analysis

  Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value
Intercept 334.75 104.86 3.19 0.00
Gender 9.35 23.66 0.40 0.70
Age (years) 1.68 2.48 0.68 0.51
Test Score -0.45 0.96 -0.47 0.64
Years of Experience 12.37 4.48 2.76 0.01

As shown in Table 1, the intercept score is 334.75 with a p-value = 0.00. The gender, age (years), test-score, and years of experience coefficients scores 9.35, 1.68, -0.45, and 12.37. As such, this yields the following regression model;


p-value = 0.01

The ANOVA F-test results are as displayed in the following table;

Table 2: ANOVA F-test Results

  df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 4 205043.2269 51260.8067 8.838 0.000136667
Residual 25 144993.0305 5799.72122    
Total 29 350036.2574      

p-value = 0.01


Regression analysis model (ANOVA F-test)

The regression analysis model (ii) shows that if all factors are held constant, web developers at Grant Technologies, Inc. will earn $334.75. Employee’s age increases employee salary by 9.35, gender by 1.68, and years of experience by 12.37. However, test scores have a negative influence on employee salary as it reduces it by 0.45 units. As illustrated by the R-squared value, these independent variables can predict 58.6% of all the employee salary changes. Thus, the rest is predicted by variables outside the model. The F–test results show that the calculated value (F-test Calculated) is 0.00014 against a p-value of 0.01 or 10% significance level. Since F-Calculated < F-Critical (3.49) or (F-calculated <3.49 at alpha = 0.01), it implies that we fail to reject the null hypothesis. Thus, this implies that the model is statistically significant at 10%. The independent variables can predict 90% of the changes in employee salary.


The study indicates that age, experience, gender, and test scores have a significant influence on employee salary. Test scores negatively affect employee salary while the rest of the variables have a positive influence. Thus, employers must look at these factors when evaluating the salary of their employees.

Short Comings

Although the model scores a high R-squared value of 58.6%, it leaves out a significant score of 41.4%. Thus, the current independent variables cannot thoroughly explain all the changes in the model. There are other factors outside the model that should be considered that the study did not incorporate. These may include inflation rate and economic stability, among others.

Works Cited

Frost, J. “Regression Tutorial with Analysis Examples.” Statistics by Jim, 13 June 2019,


Definition of variables

Age– refers to the age of the employee

Test score– refers to aptitude tests obtained from employee responses

Years of experience– refers to time employee has worked within the same profession

Gender – the particular gender of employee (Male =1, Female = 2, Undefined = 0)

Salary – the amount the firm pays to an employee

Table 1. Employee Data

NO Salary (US $) Gender Age (years) Test Score Years of Experience
1 300.7 1 25 76 4
2 330.1 1 18 67 2
3 480.0 1 30 80 4
4 500.0 1 40 10 5
5 500.0 2 43 80 10
6 300.0 1 41 76 10
7 454.7 2 23 76 9
8 469.8 2 28 76 8
9 485.0 1 28 73 9
10 500.1 1 29 70 9
11 515.2 1 29 80 10
12 530.4 0 36 100 12
13 545.5 1 38 100 8
14 560.7 1 38 76 14
15 575.8 1 38 73 14
16 591.0 0 56 85 17
17 606.1 2 56 80 19
18 621.2 1 45 82 16
19 636.4 2 45 81 18
20 651.5 2 49 83 17
21 666.7 2 48 82 19
22 700.0 2 41 86 15
23 450.0 2 38 90 15
24 350.0 1 38 93 12
25 400.0 1 18 93 1
26 332.2 1 21 79 1
27 480.0 1 33 84 3
28 415.1 2 33 88 4
29 419.3 2 33 82 4
30 423.6 2 36 82 6

Source: Grant Technologies, Inc. Database.

Final Regression and Significance Test

Summary Output

Regression Statistics          
Multiple R 0.765        
R Square 0.586        
Adjusted R Square 0.520        
Standard Error 76.156        
Observations 30        
  df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 4 205043.2269 51260.8067 8.838495 0.000136667
Residual 25 144993.0305 5799.72122    
Total 29 350036.2574      
  Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95%
Intercept 334.75 104.86 3.19 0.00 118.79
Gender 9.35 23.66 0.40 0.70 -39.37
Age (years) 1.68 2.48 0.68 0.51 -3.44
Test Score -0.45 0.96 -0.47 0.64 -2.43
Years of Experience 12.37 4.48 2.76 0.01 3.15

Residual Output

Observation Predicted Y Residuals
1 401.187 -100.487
2 368.766 -38.666
3 407.771 72.229
4 468.573 31.427
5 513.161 -13.161
6 502.262 -202.262
7 469.028 -14.361
8 465.051 4.758
9 469.427 15.525
10 472.462 27.633
11 480.311 34.927
12 498.408 31.973
13 461.637 83.887
14 546.705 13.962
15 548.061 27.748
16 600.609 -9.657
17 646.309 -40.214
18 580.482 40.756
19 615.023 21.358
20 608.464 43.060
21 631.977 34.690
22 568.940 131.060
23 562.096 -112.096
24 514.280 -164.280
25 344.642 55.358
26 356.007 -23.762
27 398.629 81.371
28 418.540 -3.418
29 421.252 -1.906
30 451.028 -27.456

Residual Plots – Line Check

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