The Impact of Leadership Styles on Security Management and Information Analysis in the UAE

Posted: January 5th, 2023

“The Impact of Leadership Styles on Security Management and Information Analysis in the UAE”


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The objective of this analysis is to perform a critical analysis of an organizational context, recognize major trends and issues at GAL and come up with research questions, objectives, and aims from the analysis. In this organization, leaders must identify the most appropriate leadership styles that would help them to improve security management and information analysis. The author examines the trends connected to the issue, encompassing appropriate leadership styles, leadership theories, technological application, data mining, and paying considerable attention to particular leadership roles. The author urges leaders to embrace all these trends and consider working with others to achieve the best results. The author completes the report by issuing six research questions examining what leaders can do to improve their security management and information analysis practices, and how these questions impact on them.


1 Introduction. 4

Assignment Objectives. 4

2 The Author’s Firm.. 5

3 Analysis Trends. 7

3.1 Trend 1 – Increased Focus on Leadership Roles and Responsibilities 7

3.2 Trend 2 – Adopting Suitable Leadership Styles. 9

3.3 Trend 3 – Leadership Theories. 11

3.4 Trend 4 – Being aware of Technology. 13

3.5 Trends 5 – Data Mining. 15

3.6 Trend 6 – Security Risks. 16

3.7 Conclusions on Trend Effects. 17

4 Initial Research Questions. 17

5 Conclusion. 20

Reference. 21

The Impact of Leadership Styles on Security Management and Information Analysis in the UAE

1 Introduction

Businesses focus on many things, which are almost equally essential, and must pay considerable attention to each of these to yield the most satisfying results. Some of the key areas of concern, and which form the basis of the report are security management and information analysis. Security management helps the firm to protect key systems, networks, and resources against potential harm with the objective of safeguarding the brand, workers, data, and key assets by employing many layers of interrelated systems (Soomro, Shah & Ahmed 2016). Information analysis, on the other hand, is the analysis and validation of data, encompassing the capacity to identify and quantify patterns of information of any type, encompassing images, sounds, texts, and symbols (Soomro, Shah & Ahmed 2016). The study illustrates how an organization is likely to perform well in security management and information analysis by employing effective and appropriate leadership styles. It utilizes Global Aerospace Logistics as an example to show what may happen to improve these practices at the organizational level.

Assignment Objectives

The primary research of the research is to create initial research questions for the leadership studies research thesis. The exercise requires the research question to be interconnected, focused, and sensible, developed into an easy-to-understand aim with deliverable and understandable goals and objectives. Developing the research questions in this assignment will be attained by offering the context for the issue with a clear description of the author’s firm. The study will also provide considerable information regarding the issues and major trends faced by the author’s company and sector will be recognized depending on the review of the practitioner’s literature. The final section of the highlights the research questions, aims, objectives, and will be formed from the information gained from the previous sections.

2 The Author’s Firm

Since commencing its operations in 2007, Global Aerospace Logistics (GAL) in Abu Dhabi has dominated the UAE and the regional aviation sector in terms of providing aircraft maintenance and repair, as well as controlling air traffic. The group provides aviation and defense consultancy services, and plays a fundamental role in supplying aircraft accessories and spare parts (GAL 2021). The firm regards itself as one of the primary regional providers of incorporated aviation solutions for civilian and military buyers. The group functions as part of EDGE’s Mission Support program, and deliver aviation services that fulfil changing military requirements across the world (GAL 2021). To improve its operations, the firm works with the best engineers and engineering firms, and rely on a global supply chain framework developed through partnerships and agreements with the globe’s leading operators. GAL has employed more than 5000 workers during its 13 years of operation, has more than 37 platforms, and conducts more than 125,000 flying hours each year (GAL 2021). The group understands that the requirement for fleet readiness cannot be over emphasized in any civilian or military society. It is the reason why GAL provides its clients with a range of support, overhaul, and repair services that encourage them to transit to greater positions (GAL 2021). The company offers comprehensive aviation services and maintenance solutions that are supported by more than ten years of experience in the civil aviation and defense industries, encompassing turnkey services and solutions, service-based initiatives such as logistics and maintenance services, and transactional-based support services such as repairs, spares, and maintenance (GAL 2021).

The author who is charged with the task of finding suitable remedies to the current concern is an employee at GAL. His role in the firm is to operate as a specialist information analyst, which entails examining and processing information and knowledge. The author chiefly focuses on the data concerned with matters of defense, international relations (IR), security, and politics. Filling the position and doing the tasks associated with data analysis helps the company to establish the most suitable operational plan and project implementation frameworks. The author in this scenario has the responsibility of determining the potential effect of leadership approaches on security management and analysis information in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The author finds the area fascinating to explore because it happens that security and information management are critical aspects that rely on their leaders for guidance. The report takes into account that the leadership approach influences how national and local leaders react to issues affecting security and matters concerned with the analysis of data available to state agencies. Despite the significant awareness, not many studies in the UAE examine the effects of leadership approaches on security management and information analysis. Most existing studies mostly pay attention to either information management in the country or how leaders handle security issues. Most researches on information management pay attention to IT instead of shedding more light onto the general information on proper ways of handling national security, such as examining information from various security agencies. Moreover, not many studies literary take place in the UAE, and conducting these researches elsewhere and applying the outcome locally does not have much impact.

The composer of this report is interested by the availability of many valuable information on suitable leadership techniques that facilitate security management and information analysis. He is committed to find out how the information and various leadership approaches could be embraced by his firm to advance security management and information analysis with regard to his present problem, while ensuring that the firm remains steady in its operations.

3 Analysis Trends

This section seeks to identify and analyze the chief trends connected to the author’s problem of improving leadership style such that it is easier to handle security management and information analysis. The writer has examined recent practice-based literature in various areas of leadership studies and other relevant areas. The analysis provided valuable information about various trends that impact on leadership, especially with regard to its application to influencing security management and information analysis.

3.1 Trend 1 – Increased Focus on Leadership Roles and Responsibilities

Analyzing the sources show that more leaders are increasingly paying attention to what their roles require as a way of being conversant with what it takes to manage security issues and to know the approaches that facilitate information analysis. An examination of the document by LEIDAR (2018) shows that it is easier to manage security more effectively and handle information analysis without much struggle if leader play the role of compass setting. Leaders while playing this role need to set their organizational objectives and strategy clear to know what it requires to achieve considerable development. Compass setting require leaders to create an open communication landscape where members of the organization interact with each other and share information that may help to come up with effective solutions that may help to improve security management and information analysis. Moreover, leaders while compass setting need to focus on setting personal agenda that do not interfere with planning on how to address security and information issues. A leader, according to the information from LEIDAR should listen to the views of other parties to attain the desired goals and objectives. Leaders need to listen to parties in the internal and external parties, and know what each stakeholder expects before making major decisions (LEIDAR 2018). Many leaders nowadays understand the importance of using analytical techniques that would help to improve strategy development. An analytical approach requires the leader to conduct regular benchmarking, and to assess how the external and internal aspects of the organization. Many leaders nowadays use various analytical tools to learn how the external environment impact on their activities, including SWOT analysis, PESTEL, and Porter five forces analysis.

The trend shows that many leaders strive to display other leadership qualities that make it easy to achieve their goals and objectives. Many leaders tend to develop capabilities and content that support their mission, and promote engagement through various ways. An effective way to build content and capability as it emerges in the report by LEIDAR is creating a plan to communicate with all parties regarding what ought to happen to deal with a particular issue (LEIDAR 2018). In addition, many leaders nowadays strive to unite their internal teams so that it is easier to develop plans that receive support from all parties. Besides, many leaders focus on engaging as many parties as possible in their plans with the aim of making work easier and building the spirit of teamwork (LEIDAR 2018). However, leaders effectively engage others by examining who may be helpful and who may be less useful to avoid working with an incompetent team. Successful engagement requires thoughtful leadership whereby one knows what may function well, and what may not work out as expected (LEIDAR 2018). It is also important to engage in advocacy to sensitize organizational members about the roles they can play to help the firm meet its objectives. Finally, many leaders nowadays measure whatever they do to find out if they are doing well or not. The information by LEIDAR (2018) shows that continuous measurement is necessary because this provides the chance to measure progress and make necessary changes to the strategy.

The trend where more leaders strive to adopt roles that would help them meet their aspirations may help to improve security management practices and information analysis at GAL. The team leaders should be ready to work with others to how best to develop a security plan that safeguards the company from the escalating threats. In addition, working with others provides the opportunity to gain new information that may help to improve information analysis, which is an equally essential program. In addition, it is easier to manage security and perform proper information analysis by creating a strategy that is easier to follow, and which provides suitable guidance to everyone committed to the mission.

3.2 Trend 2 – Adopting Suitable Leadership Styles

Apart from the increasing trend where leaders pay more attention to roles that may help them to achieve their aspirations, leaders now understand that adopting the right leadership style may facilitate the realization of better outcome in whatever one does. Humaidi and Balakrishnan (2015) argue that leadership techniques play an essential function in enhancing workers’ information security awareness and may result in suitable information security adherence behaviours. In addition, Humaidi and Balakrishnan (2015) argue that robust leadership is needed in guiding others to come up with the most suitable decisions and to encourage information security awareness among everyone in terms of vulnerability and threat seriousness, and merits of utilizing security-countermeasures to minimize security issues.

The researchers found that leaders who employ transactional and transformational leadership techniques increase their chances of changing employee perception regarding information security. Humaidi and Balakrishnan (2015) support transactional leadership, which they also refer to as managerial leadership, arguing that it allows team leaders to focus on their role as supervisors, organizers, and performers. Team leaders who employ the technique pay considerable attention to certain duties and utilize punishments and rewards to encourage followers (Shah & Hamid 2015). Humaidi and Balakrishnan (2015) think that transactional leadership is a suitable model for improving the effects of transactional leadership on followers’ information security regulation adherence conduct is mediated by two critical factors; awareness on severity and advantages of security-countermeasures awareness. Besides, Humaidi and Balakrishnan (2015) think that transformational leadership present a better opportunity for leaders to handle security management and information analysis without much impediment. Guhr, Lebek, and Breitner (2018) encourage leaders to practice transformational leadership, where the leader works with team members to identify needed changes, forming a vision to guide the changes through motivation, and implementing the change together with dedicated workers, arguing that it influences users’ adherence to security policy adherence due to three major factors. They include seriousness awareness, advantages of security-countermeasure awareness, and vulnerability consciousness.

The leaders at GAL should examine their leadership techniques and find out if they are effective enough to transform employees’ perception regarding security management and information analysis. Leaders should embrace techniques that make employees feel the urge for change and to take bold measures towards mitigating any severe outcome. Team leaders may take time to interact with relevant sources that inform about different effective leadership styles, and pick techniques that they feel may improve how the group handles its security and information systems. Otherwise, failing to review the leadership approaches and examining whether they are effective enough may deny leaders the chance to manage security issues and perform information analysis in a way that benefits and protects the packaging corporation.

3.3 Trend 3 – Leadership Theories

Organizations, big or small, and regardless of the sector where they are part of, requires suitable leadership to be prosperous. Khan, Nawaz, and Khan (2016) inform that proper and effective leaders are important aspect of proper business activities. For many people, however, being a worthy leader does not come without considerable effort, and also does not come inherently. In the area of leadership, there are several theories that guide how leaders work, and define what makes good leaders, and how to achieve effectiveness (Khan, Nawaz & Khan 2016). The study already shows that many leaders nowadays tend to employ the leadership styles that they believe will help them conduct their activities, and the effects of applying these approaches tend to vary depending on the team they are leading and the sector they are in (Khan, Nawaz & Khan 2016). Leadership theories, on the other hand, describe how leadership approaches work within a firm to bring prosperity. Thus, many leaders nowadays who want to become influential in whatever they do try to understand the various leadership concepts and how they influence one’s leadership and management techniques (Khan, Nawaz & Khan 2016). Leaders try to be conversant with different leadership theories that explain the behaviors and traits that people can embrace to improve their leadership skills and capabilities.

Many organizational leaders in the government and non-government sectors acquire lessons from various sources that they believe are reliable and likely to change their views on leadership. Many leaders tend to employ the behavioral leadership theory that pays attention to how leaders behave, and acknowledges that these characters can be imitated by other leaders (Khan, Bhat & Hussanie 2017). The framework implies that leaders are not born to be prosperous, but can be formed and nurtured based on learnable behaviors. Action, rather than qualities, therefore, is the key feature of behavioral learning (Khan, Bhat & Hussanie 2017). For example, the behavioral leadership theory acknowledges actions such as transparent communication, being able to motivate others, and being able to come up with hard decisions that impact on business practices (Khan, Bhat & Hussanie 2017). Many leaders also tend to apply the teachings of the contingency theory, which pays particular attention the context of a leader. The theory considers the situational effects of the successes or failures of a leader, and holds that the effectiveness of a leader depends on his or her context (Khan, Bhat & Hussanie 2017). The theory implies that leaders need to adjust their leadership techniques depending on the situation and context to be able handle issues that require keenness and some level of changing skills such as security management (Khan, Bhat & Hussanie 2017). The third theory that guides the practices of many leaders today is the great man theory, also known as the trait theory, and it implies that appropriate leaders are born (Uslu 2019). The great man theory implies that great leaders inborn traits and competence that make them different and outstanding, and that they have the right to be in their position because of their special qualities (Kovach 2018). The increasing trend where leaders rely on leadership theories for guidance presents a suitable chance for leaders to handle many issues, including those related to security management and information analysis.

Embracing the theories may be of great importance to GAL with regard to developing structures and plans that improve security management and information analysis. It is likely that embracing and applying the theories present leaders with the chance to apply high moral standards and strong ethics, which are essential when making security and information-related decisions. Adopting the theories provide leaders at GAL with the chance to build great and effective self-organizational skills that make it possible to create suitable plans on how to handle security management and information analysis. The team leaders at GAL should spend more time trying to understand how various leadership theories work, and what they advocate for to acquire more tips on how to engage others by being an efficient learner who is always willing to listen to others and incorporate their views.

3.4 Trend 4 – Being aware of Technology

Many leaders nowadays gain technological knowledge in addition to improving how they employ varying leadership techniques. Team leaders now know that to prosper in security management, an area that pays attention to the safety of resources and assets in an organization, both digital and physical safety, requires proper use of superior technology to achieve the most effective results. For example, organizations in the UK and the UAE now install several protective measures against possible cyber-attacks that are a major concern on modern business context (Amcor 2020). For example, Amcor, one of the leading packaging firms in the UK installs various mechanisms to safeguard its systems, thanks to the thoughtful leaders who are conversant with new technology (Amcor 2020). Thus, the group enacts effective structures that would protect its entire scope of information security management system, which encompasses all information resources such as human resources, electronic and physical documents, hardware, software, and infrastructure.

Leaders now apply various protective measures that play critical roles in improving security and information. For example, leaders nowadays encourage their team members to build a data backup plan because this is important in keeping the firm strong, and a suitable approach to avoid a worst-case scenario, in which vital business data may disappear. Similarly, many leaders nowadays encourage their team members to engage on continuous system update because this helps to protect the business. They know that the system should always use a new software if the company wants its data to be safe. While some business leaders become impatient with regular updates, others know they are inevitable because new vulnerabilities and problems will emerge in organizational software from time to time.

The trend may be of significance to GAL that is likely to develop effective defensive mechanisms that rely on technology and proper leadership to safeguard the company’s systems and networks. Leaders become aware on the importance of employing proper measures that require technological knowledge to achieve the most effective results. Moreover, the information challenges leaders at the company to undergo training in areas they feel require additional input to prosper.

3.5 Trends 5 – Data Mining

Many organizational leaders are increasingly interacting with various sources to become conversant with the concept of data mining that makes it easy to transform raw data into beneficial information. The process according to Ramageri (2010) requires operators to use specific software to identify patterns in large volumes of data. Leaders who practice data mining acquire more awareness about their buyers, thereby providing the chance to create more suitable marketing plans, minimize costs, and escalate sales (Ramageri 2010). More leaders encourage their employees to practice data mining as part of handling security management and information analysis. Many organizational leaders who use the innovation takes several factors into consideration to attain the most suitable results. The initial step involves data collection and feeding it into the data warehouse, to have a rich volume of information to examine and break down (Sumiran 2018). The next phase is storing and managing the information in the cloud or in-house servers where data management teams determine how to organize and use it (Sumiran 2018). Many leaders tend to utilize applications that sort the information depending on the users’ outcomes, and ultimately, the end-user presents the information in a format that is easy to share and understand (Sumiran 2018). However, many leaders who apply data mining to ease security management and information undergo considerable orientation on how the practice works, or interact with many sources to improve their skills with regard to data mining.

Leaders at GAL should take advantage of this trend that is increasingly becoming appealing to many team leaders and their security management and information analysis teams. The organizational leaders should spend more time familiarizing themselves with the concept of warehousing, which is an essential component of data mining. They must know that centralizing information into one program or database makes it easy to manage and ease storage and retrieval. The leaders at GAL may have to liaise with specialists and other stakeholders who may love to see an improvement in security management and information analysis to make necessary improvements and adjustments that everyone appreciate.

3.6 Trend 6 – Security Risks

Even as more firms increase their resources aimed at improving security management and information analysis, cases of security concerns have escalated and organizational leaders must be able to deal with the issues that are likely to affect their businesses in the most effective manner. Organizations must be on the watch out for possible security risks such as data theft through third-party vendors that are likely to occur as firms use cloud computing while trying to engage in security management and information analysis (Igried, Al Smadi & Igried 2019). Furthermore, companies while engaging in such practices should be concerned of security risks such as loss of vital data due to poor IT practices, as well as look out for poor security regulations that could comprise the organizational attempts to enhance security measures and information analysis (Jang-Jaccard & Nepal 2014). Other major security concerns that organizations consider while going about their operations, include but not limited to data heists, phishing schemes, and fraud, all which require substantial mitigation approaches to avert any severe effect (Joshi & Singh 2017).

The trend is important to the leadership of GAL because it shows how leaders must display the ability to provide proper solutions to such security risks. Leaders can only effectively address the issue when they take time to increase their knowledge on such matters, and when they show the interest to alleviate threats that could interfere with security management and information analysis.

3.7 Conclusions on Trend Effects

Concerning the challenges facing the author, the section has illustrated that leaders at GAL must consider several key factors to display leadership styles and qualities that make it easy to handle security management and information analysis. The section shows that it is easier to handle the two aspects more effectively when GAL leaders borrow from some of the growing trends such as applying desirable leadership styles and theories, being conversant with innovative approaches of protecting systems and networks and performing information analysis, such as data mining. Otherwise, failing to embrace leadership techniques that are becoming more applicable because of their positive effect may derail how the packaging company use its leaders to augment practices related to security management and information analysis.

4 Initial Research Questions

The past section elaborates how leaders at GAL must consider a number of issues if they want to improve how the company deals with security management and information analysis. The section, therefore, implies that engaging in these two fundamental practices is not easy and requires team leaders to work harder to attain their aspirations. Showing any signs of incapability or unawareness may derail the attempts improve how GAL protects its systems and uses data to make helpful decisions. The author believes that the company has the capacity and can benefit from the many opportunities available to it. The following are a set of questions that may be relevant in this case;

First research question: Which leadership styles are the most appropriate for improving security management and information analysis?

The research question requires organizational leaders to examine various leadership techniques and find out whether there are particular styles that increase their chances of handling security management and information analysis more effectively. It urges leaders to adopt those styles that receive much backing from other scholars, and to make changes that would allow them to apply these approaches without much impediment.

Second research question: Should leaders pay attention to specific roles that are likely to lead them towards the desired outcome when handling security management and information analysis, or should leaders act in a way that they feel is good for them?

The question raises awareness on the need to find out how leaders need to conduct themselves and what they must do when they want to improve their security management and information analysis practices. Leaders get the urge to find out from various sources what roles they can play to elevate how go about the practice, and gain the desire to appraise their capability to assume or fulfill the recommended roles.

Third research question: Does being conversant with technological ways of protecting organizational networks and systems present leaders with a better chance to handle security management and information analysis at the company?

The research question is important because it requires organizational leaders at GAL to consider whether they have the necessary technological knowledge to manage security and handle information analysis in the most suitable appropriate manner. It compels leaders to be at par with the latest technologies that impact their work and know what to do to safeguard the company’s sensitive data and systems. The question further challenges leaders to find out how other leaders are increasingly adopting new technology and modern media to elevate how they manage security and enhance information analysis.

Fourth research question: Do leaders increase their chances of achieving success in security management and information analysis when they apply the concepts of data mining?

Data mining is a fast developing process that continues to help many companies manage their security, make good use of their data, and leaders who pay adequate attention to this concept increase their probabilities of handling the tasks without any hardship. Coming up with appropriate answers to the question encourages leaders to find out additional information on how the idea works, and to build a team that focuses on data mining, specifically with the objective of improving how the company handles security management and information analysis.

Fifth research question: What is the impact of applying the most appropriate leadership theories on security management and information analysis?

The question encourages leaders to consider applying the teachings of the various available leadership theories. The question asks leaders to first go through all the questions and find out the ones that suit them, and are likely to help them achieve their security management and information analysis goals. Leaders learn that leadership entails many things, and it is easier to achieve the best results by working in accordance with a specific model or frameworks that are evidently effective.

Sixth research question: Why do leaders need to be aware of the security risks while handling security management and information analysis?

The research question seeks to sensitize leaders why they need to show the capacity to mitigate security risks when going about their security management and information analysis practices. It also aims to show them why they need to be watchful while going about their practice.

5 Conclusion

The study focuses on how GAL may improve its security management and information analysis practices by adoption more effective leadership techniques. Organizational leaders may borrow vital lessons from the trends in leadership, security management, and information analysis. The report illustrates how leaders need to pay particular attention to certain roles that would help them to handle security management and information analysis. The most desirable roles that may help to achieve the desired goals, include paying attention to compass setting, listening, analysis and strategy, capabilities and content, engagement, and measurement. Leaders at GAL improve their probability of embracing more effective ways of handling security management and information analysis if they apply the most desirable leadership styles that research proves to be effective some of which include transformational and transactional leadership. In addition, the study illustrates how GAL increases its capacity to handle security management and information analysis when leaders employ suitable leadership theories as it happens in many firms today. Many leaders today improve their leadership skills and competence by being conversant with technological applications that help to improve security management and information analysis. The awareness may help leaders at GAL to provide guidance on how to protect the company’s networks and systems. A trend that is becoming more appealing among organizational leaders is the use of data mining to systematically organize data and acquire helpful information from a large volume of dataset. The report encourages the leadership team at GAL to consider several research questions that may help them to know their position, including strengths and weaknesses.


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