Test 4

Posted: August 26th, 2021

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Test 4

Question 1: Independent t-test

Given the data below;

Table 1: Sample Data

Group 1 Group 2
32 34
43 57
35 54
36 43
48 45
39 56


To solve the above problem, the following is the hypothesis test for the case;

Null Hypothesis, H0: (μ1 – μ2 = 0)

Alternative Hypothesis, H1: (μ1 – μ2 ≠ 0)

The excel analysis is used to obtain the results of the analysis. The following are the results;

Table 2: t-Test: Two samples assuming unequal variances

Details Group 1 Group 2
Mean 38 48.166
Variance 33.333 82.166
Observations 7 6
Hypothesized Mean Difference 0  
df 8  
t Stat -2.3665  
P(T<=t) one-tail 0.02274  
t Critical one-tail 1.8595  
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.04549  
t Critical two-tail 2.3060  

From Table 1 above, the mean value for Group 1 is 38.333, while the mean value for Group 2 is 48.166. In this case, we consider the results of the two-tail because the aim is to assess inequality. Therefore, if t Stat < -t Critical two tail or the t Stat > t Critical two-tail, reject the null hypothesis. In the case shown under Table 1, t Stat is -2.3665 while t Critical two-tail is 2.306. Since t Stat (-2.3665) < -t Critical two-tail (-2.3060). Therefore, we reject the null hypothesis. Hence, the evidence of the difference in the means between Group 1 and Group 2 (38-48.166) is not statistically significant at the 0.05 significance level to claim that there is a difference between the two groups.

Question 2: Dependent t-Test

Given the data below;

Table 3: Sample Data

Pre Post 32 25 28 15 41 19 36 26 34 41


Hypothesis Test;

Null Hypothesis, H0: μ1 = μ2

Alternative Hypothesis, H1: μ1> μ2

Table 4 below shows the results of the analysis;

  Pre Post
Mean 34.75 25.25
Variance 28.9166 130.916
Observations 4 4
Pearson Correlation 0.10428
Hypothesized Mean Difference 0
df 3
t Stat 1.56709
P(T<=t) one-tail 0.10754
t Critical one-tail 2.3534
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.21508
t Critical two-tail 4.1824

The mean value for pre results is 34.75, and the post results are 25.25. To fail to reject the null hypothesis, the p-value should be less than 0.05 (P-(T=t) two-tail < 0.05. However, the p-value, in this case, is 0.21508 hence; reject the null hypothesis. Thus, it implies that the pre-test results are significantly different from the posttest results.

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