Technology Transfer Process and the Associated Funding Sources

Posted: August 26th, 2021

Technology Transfer Process and the Associated Funding Sources


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Technology Transfer Process and the Associated Funding Sources

            Technology is ideally the practical application of knowledge in the sense that either something new is done or the same old something is done but in a new way. With the use of technology, there are developments that act as enabling activities that favors a particular scope of action (United Space in Europe). New technologies emerge from scientific research that provides a ground for scientific exploration, thus bring about the latest tools of engagement. With significant research and development (R&D) that is beyond the initial invention, there happens the technological development as a step by step process that converts potential ideas into newer products (United Space in Europe).Therefore, this research paper seeks to analyze the systematic emergency of technologies from the research and development environment and its application to create products and services necessary for advancing the cybersecurity industry. Further, it discusses how the transfer of technological-based innovation helps create wealth and competitive advantages via active funding initiatives. 

Processes Involved in the Emergence of Technologies from R&D Environment

With the comprehension of the early stages of technology development, one needs to learn the two reasons that necessitated the role of technology-based innovation isinfluencing the Western economic growth (Branscomb & Auerswald, 2002). Specifically, the act of venturing into economics define the phases of project development processes. Nonetheless, the emergence of technologies is associated with the translation of invention to innovation. With the existence of five steps consisting of methods that promote the development of technology, one needs to consider that the first-two stagesentail basic research and prototype development. Indeed, such early phases start with the research base,which underlies the innovative ideas (Branscomb & Auerswald, 2002). Likewise, the demonstration parts help in proving the technicality nature of a product for having a unique commercial value.

Figure 1. The sequential model of development and funding (Branscomb & Auerswald, 2002)

Furthermore, the start of the third stage revolves around the invention and its initiation process of transition. The third phaseis a demonstration that seeks to identify the market for the product specifications. In this phase, there exist subsequent reductions in the production processes coupled with approximations of the product cost, thus bringing about the validation of business case to attract some levels of capital sufficiency. With the adequacy of the capital venture, therefore the whole process validates the initial production and marketing activities at the beginning of phase four (Branscomb & Auerswald, 2002). After the completion of stage four, which signifies the introduction of the product into the market, innovation now occurs. Stage five involves the anticipation of investors to see the commencement of returns on their investments, as illustrated in figure 1.

How Technological-Based Products and Services Meet the Needs of the Cyber Security Industry

            With the analysis of deep learning through artificial intelligence and machine learning, it is now easy to study and understand user behavior analytics in the cybersecurity industry. The process of deep learning inherently centers on entities and programs that the users apply throughout the cyber activities (Nelson, 2016). For example, the use of machine learning helps in detecting abnormal, advanced constant threats in usability. The system entails progressive malware detection software programs that facilitate speedy deciphering of harmful programs, thus alerting the programmer(Apruzzese et al., 2018). Besides, the application of cloud computing as a function of big data has led to the storage of a large amount of data across the cybersecurity industry, hence promoting certified secure services (Nelson, 2016). According to Apruzzese, Colajanni, Ferretti, and Guido, many government agencies, as well as private businesses, have improved the security of their data centers through the utilization of the IaaS services like Amazon and Firehost (2018). Hence, the GSA FedRAMP software program is an excellent example of a certified and more secure cloud computing services useful in storingdata for medium business enterprises.

Technology Transfer Processes and Initiatives and Funding Sources

Technology transfer consists of developing new or redefining an existing technology. Therefore, spreading this kind of information, knowledge, and expertise across a broader society setup. The intent of spreading technology is toquicken innovation, thus advancing the country’s economic competitiveness (Homeland Security, n.d.). Notably, the transfer process also encompasses raising the availability of tools and methods attached to the specific knowledge as well as expertise. Apart from that, the technology transfer process occurs with the aid of particular initiatives of government agencies, private-public partnerships, and private investments(Borland, Chenault, & Henry, 2015). Thus, the utilization of prize competitions and accomplishments like workshops are among the initiative tools that promote the spread process.

According to the Department of the Interior, this type of transfer varies from designed activities of disseminatingthe scientific and technical information to the associated knowledge existing among the U.S.Department of Interior, other Federal agencies, and non-Federal entities (U.S. Department of the Interior, n.d).  They categorically include published exchangeof the scientific and technical information, and protected and licensed intellectual property rights. In 2018, for example, the ESP finished 42 R& D studies that amounted to almost $50 million in BOEM-funded ocean research (Borland, Chenault, & Henry, 2015).The research funds come from corporate research, government agencies,and personal investments like angel investors intendingto maintain the conception of the idea and its initial prototype demonstration.

Technology Development Life Cycle

The technology life cycle systematically describes the profitable gain of a product after undertaking costs in the R&D stage and the economic return throughout its successful life cycle (Beck, 2013). Notably, the period has four phases, namely R&D, inception, maturity, and decline, as shown in figure 1.

Figure 2. The management view of the technology development life cycle (Beck, 2013)

The R&D stage involves private investment or funding to support the gap between the primary and applied research of inventions. The second stage (ascent) involves funding support from government grants to reduce the initial costs of product development (Branscomb & Auerswald, 2002). However, the maturity stage involves funding for marketing activities to make innovated product break-even. The fourth stage requires funding for licenses and protection of intellectual property rights (Branscomb & Auerswald, 2002).

Summary and Conclusions

Early-stage technology development (ESTD) is indeed the engine that bringsabout lasting but long-term growths in the economy. It is essential to focus on applied research inR&D since it is a phase that influences the necessary research to be turned into product innovations (Branscomb & Auerswald, 2002). Inventors need to use the relevant government R&D data to recognize thepercentage of the aggregated funding that is occasionally directed towards ESTD activities. The classification of R&D into the four process steps in the innovation framework has promoted the conversion of the invention into commercial innovation for participation’s experience(Branscomb & Auerswald, 2002). The turning of the invention into a conduit of industrial change has stretched to the point where the product development process is considered more of a web-like than linear (Branscomb & Auerswald, 2002). Consequently, the ability of a company to develop all the required technical elements necessary for delivering substantial advances has promptly contracted.



Apruzzese, G., Colajanni, M., Ferretti, L., & Guido, A. (2018). On the effectiveness of machine and deep learning for cybersecurity. 10th International Conference on Cyber Conflict.

Beck, F.D. (2013). Technology development life cycle processes. Sandia Report 2013-3933.

Borland, S., Chenault, M., & Henry, B. (2015). Technology transfer at USGS. USGS Science for Changing World. Retrieved 26 Mar. 2020 from,

Branscomb, M.L & Auerswald, E.P. (2002). Between invention and innovation: An analysis of funding for early-stage technology development. NIST GCR 02-841, 1-153. 

Homeland Security. (n.d.). Technology transfer mechanism. Science and Technology. Retrieved 27 Mar. 2020 from,

Nelson, N. (2016). How companies achieve a balance between technology-enabled innovation and cyber-security. Working Paper CISL# 2016-01, 1-121.

United Space in Europe. What is technology? Enabling & Support. Retrieved 26 Mar. 2020 from,

U.S. Department of the Interior. (n.d.) Technology transfer activities. Retrieved 26 Mar. 2020, from

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