Study Design Plan

Posted: January 5th, 2023

Homework Assignment 4: Study Design Plan

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Homework Assignment 4: Study Design Plan

Research Question: Does improving the learning environment’s quality and hiring more engaging teachers will improve the motivation to read among eight grade learners.

The study design in this case is non-experimental research whereby the researcher does not have any influence over the subjects or variables. The researcher cannot predict, change, manipulate, or alter the variables, and would have to rely on their observations, analysis, interactions, and recordings to find a result, prove a hypothesis, or reach a conclusion (Cook & Cook 2008). The researcher in this study would depend on what the respondents say regarding the research question, and may have to refer to other surveys and case studies to learn certain trends. Otherwise, the researcher may not have the capacity to identify the real cause-and-effect connection (Cook & Cook 2008). The researcher should expect to witness a higher level of external validity when using the study design, which means that it would be possible to generalize the research to a larger population. Consequently, the researchers must identify effective ways of overcoming some of the shortcoming associated with the technique. For example, being difficult to identify the cause-and-effect relationship, and lacking the capacity to control or predict the variables may have adverse impact on the study because the researcher may not be sure of the possible results (Cook & Cook 2008). Therefore, the researcher may acquire tips past researches and read the trends witnessed in those studies. However, the researcher may benefit from applying non-experimental research because when conducted effectively and the right manner, the implementers gain valuable information, especially when experimentation is not possible, desired, or feasible (Cook & Cook 2008). The approach is also beneficial because it can be applied to give tentative suggestions for current and future practices. Furthermore, the researcher has more time to focus on other important things because he or she does not have to commit mush time controlling threats of internal validity.

The correlational approach is more suitable when applying the non-experimental research. The method is necessary in this instance because it provides the chance to measure the connection between two variables without much control or influence from the researcher (Cook & Cook 2008). The technique aspires to identify whether either a positive correlation exists or whether both independent and dependent variables change in the same way (Cook & Cook 2008). The primary advantage with the approach is that it provides the chance to calculate the nature of connection between variables, while its limitation is that it can be misleading if the correlation between identified variables are strong.

Therefore, the researcher should pay considerable attention to the possible merits and demerits of the non-experimental research to adequately plan for the study. The paper mentions merits such as adequate time to engage in many practices because one does not have to look into the predictors, and are likely to give recommendations for future surveys. The process does not involve much use of statistical analysis and data, which makes the design easier and convenient. The surveyor only has to rely on descriptive forms of data analysis, which often do not engage much measurement and statistical evaluation. However, being unable to make suitable predictions on variables and possible outcomes may deny the researcher vital information about the entire process. It may also be difficult to create a suitable hypothesis that concurs with the research question. Paying much attention to the possible benefits and disadvantages of using the study design helps to make more preparations for the study.


Cook, B., & Cook, L. (2008). Nonexperimental quantitative research and its role in guiding

                  instruction. Intervention in School and Clinic 44 (2), 98-104.

                  doi: 10.1177/1053451208321565

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