Strategies of Empowering Transformational Leadership

Posted: January 4th, 2023

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Strategies of Empowering Transformational Leadership

Healthcare organizations can use several strategies to facilitate transformational leadership among leaders and managers. For instance, the organizations can create a learning culture to facilitate the development and emergence of transformational [A1] leaders. A learning culture encourages members to pursue self-development and personal improvement continuously. This[A2]  It creates an organizational atmosphere that helps the leaders and [A3] managers encourageensure continuous personal development, and inspire best[A4]  proper performance among nurses. AlsoFurthermore[A5] , the organization can provide training opportunities for building leadership skills (Giddens 120). These professional development initiatives would impart transformational leadership skills in nursing managers, thus helping[A6]  aiding then[A7]  them become in becoming transformational leaders. Moreover, the organization can require that nursing managers work in teams. This approach provides nursing [A8] managers, something that gives them with opportunities for mentoring, coaching, and inspiring their team memberspeers, hence helping them practice transformational leadershiprespective [A9] skills. These are  and serving as structural empowerment strategies that provide opportunities, resources, support, and information to facilitate the development and practicing of transformational leadership skills [A10] (Boamah, et al. 183). They require [A11] that hIn this regard, healthcare organizations should set aside sufficient resources to create these structures.

The transformational leadership qualities that [A12] are most important for nurse managers and leaders include being inspirational. An inspirational leader helps as to help nurses navigate the stresses of nursing their job practice and seek continuous improvement. In addition, the leaders should be intellectually stimulating to challenge the nurses to employ evidence-based approaches in their practice (Giddens 118). In this regard, the leadersthe former should be highly-skilledneed skills in evidence-based practice to mentor and coach nurses the latter accordingly. FurtherMoreover, the leaders shouldthey are expected to be engaging to create a good rapport proper rapport with nurses their subordinates (Boamah, et al. 180). Communicating frequently with [A13] the nurses frequently would help the leaders identify their talents, competencies, and concerns. That way, the leaders can create opportunities will be created for professional growth that are commensurate to the nurses’ needs. For instanceAs an example, the leaders can participate in nursing teams because theywith the aim of provide ample opportunities forentering direct interactions with them.      

Works Cited[A14] 

Boamah, Sheila A., Heather K. Spence Laschinger, Carol Wong, and Sean Clarke. “Effect of Transformational Leadership on Job Satisfaction and Patient Safety Outcomes.” Nursing Outlook, vol. 66, no. 2, 2018, pp. 180-189[A15] .

Giddens, Jean. “Transformational Leadership: What Every Nursing Dean Should Know.” Journal of Professional Nursing, vol. 34, no. 2, 2018, pp. 117-121.

 [A1]You need to proofread sentences in the vicinity as to ensure that you do not have tautology

 [A2]Try not to have orphaned ‘this’ (not followed by a noun)

 [A3]It is self-explanatory as you have been talking about leaders in here

 [A4]You know that ‘good’ / ‘bad’ and their derivative forms should be avoided in academic papers

 [A5]Do not start sentences with also as it is rather informal. Use this link for other transitions –

 [A6]You overuse this verb, although it can be replaced by many synonyms, such as this one

 [A7]Avoid typos

 [A8]Instead of repeating half of the sentence, you can just blend two in here

 [A9]Again, it is clear from the context. Proofread the paragraph to eliminate such tautological details, please

 [A10]Again, you have said nothing new in here – just maintain the fresh information and add it to the previous sentence

 [A11]What /who are ‘they’ in this case? When using pronouns, you need to ensure that the reader can easily track them back to respective nouns in the context

 [A12]Is this what you mean? ‘Inspiration’ is not a leadership as such, only one of its characteristics, probably

 [A13]Mind the position of words in a sentence. Mentioned the main parts of the sentence before the secondary ones. In this regard, adverbs of frequency should go in the end

 [A14]You need no bold type for this part. See MLA OWL Purdue for details and sample papers

 [A15]You have again failed to attach the relevant links, which means I needed to look the source up myself. It takes too much time, and you need to avoid it

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