
Posted: December 21st, 2022


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Table of Content

Thesis Statement……………………………………………………………………………….3


Overview of the Topic………………………………………………………………………….5

Point One – Omnipresence……………………………………………………………………..7

Point Two – Liberation of All Humans and Taking Part in Jesus’ Mission…………………….8

Point Three – Christian spirituality and God’s Relationship with His Creation………………..9

Point Four – Christian Spirituality and Grace…………………………………………………..10

Point Five – Christian Spirituality, Connection between Humanity and divinity, and God’s Existence in History…………………………………………………………………………….11

Point Six – Christian Spirituality and Totality of the Human Experience………………………12

Point Seven – Christian spirituality, Social Construct, and Love in Action…………………….13

Point Eight – Christian spirituality, Social Justice, and Secretive Devoutness………………….14

Point Nine – Inclusivity…………………………………………………………………………15



Thesis Statement

In the modern times, Christian spirituality has witnessed a substantial transformation from the conventional perception that regarded it as an exceptional feature to a more inclusive and engaging element. 

Research Paper: Final Submission Assignment


The term spirituality has become progressively rampant. Christian spirituality is a key concern for many believers who perceive it as a critical requirement that deserves special attention. Scholars come up with various definitions of this term with the objective of shedding light on its meaning. Schneiders describes Christian spirituality as the conscious reactions to God, both as an individual and group.[1] In other words, it refers to the life a Christian leads in the spirit. A critical factor to mention is that spirituality tend to vary from one religion to the other, and thus can be termed as being personal. The way Christians perceive spirituality may not be the same as how Indians, Buddhists, or Muslims view it. Each of these groups have their thoughts and feelings on creation, liberation of humans, God influence over the creation, and how spirituality serves as a social construct among other factors. In addition, the study contends that Christian spirituality is intricate and can be explored through various perceptions. The study helps to explore and comprehend some of these elements, while giving detailed description for each. It becomes apparent that Christian spirituality helps believers to have a common objective, which is be part of Jesus’ mission. Consequently, the paper examines how Christian spirituality takes effect in modern society. The question that forms the basis for the paper is finding out what spirituality entails in contemporary society. Responding to the research question may help to calm some of the debates that have ensued concerning whether the two forms vary or share certain features. The report contends that in the modern times, Christian spirituality has witnessed a substantial transformation from the conventional perception that regarded it as an exceptional feature to a more inclusive and engaging element. 

Overview of the Topic

Needless to point out, what distinguishes Christian spirituality is its underlying perceptions and beliefs. In other words, it implies to how believers acknowledge the reality of the Almighty, the essence of the material world and its earthly belongings, identity, human nature and how they relate. Adequate awareness on this matter requires one to understand that Christian spirituality is not confined to spiritual matter alone such as meditation. It also covers the pursuit of life impacted on by a sense of values, meaning, and possibly transcendence. Whereas people in various religions use the word, including those with no religion or such beliefs, its beginnings were Christian-related and implied to leading life under the guidance and impact of God’s Holy Spirit.[2] In the modern times, in an increasingly plural society, Christian spirituality borrows from particular content who beginnings are the Christian and Jewish scriptures. Specifically, Christian spirituality is related with the teachings of Jesus Christ or actions that imitate his values. Overall, Christian spiritualty appears to be a dynamic process through which people interpret and respond existence from cosmic and personal perspectives. Put differently, Christian spirituality refers to how an individual perceive their existence and relationship with the Almighty as well as with what surround them. In addition, the notion describes how humans accept the existence of the cosmos, which comprise of the heavenly bodies such as stars, moon, and sun. Based on these descriptions, it is evident that Christian spirituality does not have any definite description. Instead, one can view it from a dynamic perspective so long as the imagination falls within the accepted limits. Hence, it is essential to be open-minded when exploring the topic, especially when viewing it from a modern point of view.

The diverse way of looking at Christian spirituality is the reason why scholars come up with varying definitions that have variations and similarities. Bartolini et al. state that it entails the dynamic nature of human life lived on the conscious association with the Lord via the Spirit, as witnessed within a group of believers.[3] The lead in accordance with Christian spirituality is to act in line with God wants and desires, and to grow in a life of change that has discipleship as its objective. Hanson on the other hand, defines the term as entailing the acknowledgement of a sense or feeling that there is something more powerful than an individual, a feeling more attached to being human contrary to sensory experience.[4] Besides, Barton et al. argue that spirituality encompasses the extensive entirety of what people belong to or what is divine in nature.[5] To others, Christian spirituality describes the connection to a superior being and is affiliated to an existential view on the nature of reality, death, and life. The perception could lead some people to engage in regular rituals or practices such as meditation or prayer and indulgence with religious members of the community. Some feel that aligning to the beliefs and practices of Christian spirituality give them a sense of balance, wholeness, and peace among the spiritual, social, emotional, and physical facets of their lives. To some, the path to Christian spirituality traverses via suffering and struggles, and usually entails experiences that are painful and scary, which requires one to be patient and be able to persevere. Based on the descriptions various scholars give on the meaning of Christian spirituality, it emerges that no definite explanation stands, but they all give an impression of being attached to extraterrestrial forces.

Point One – Omnipresence

Christian spirituality is based on the notion that God is immanent in all relationships. The same relates to the concept of omnipresence, which is one of the three omnis of God, together omnipotence and omniscience. By being omnipresent, it means that God has the capability to be everywhere at the same time. In this sense, it could be argued that Christian spirituality implies that God is immanent in all relationships.[6] Consequently, those who believe in Christian spirituality are optimistic that God is present in all relationship. Consequently, believers who ascribe to Christian teachings would not castigate whatever bad things that happen to them or to others, especially in their relationship with others knowing that God is present and will intervene for them. Such individuals would seek the Lord’s help in all difficult situations and are assured that they are not alone. Besides, believers acknowledge the immanence of God, while appreciating that he is graspable, perceivable, and knowable.[7] Furthermore, the immanence of God is the reason why Christians would seek his intervention all the time they need help.

Closely related to the point on God’s omniscience is that he is not remote and does not exist far away from the world. Psalm 34:18 reinstate that God is close to people, which is a belief of Christian spirituality. The verse states that “God is close to the brokenhearted and helps the downhearted in spirit.” An additional feature to show that God is not remote is that Christians believe that he constantly communicate to his people via various approaches, including through dreams, thoughts, prayers, and visions among other forms.[8] In addition, Psalm 73:23-28 reinstate that God is near and not remote, and that he is ready to help those who call on him. The verse reads that God offers strength and allows troubled people to take refuge. The Bible verse suggests that people tend to get nearer to God because it is the reason why people were created. Furthermore, people get more attached to God because it allows their relationship with him and with others to be more effective and harmonious. Moreover, because those who believe in Christian spirituality believe that God is not remote, they get close to him because he can save them from sin and death. Thus, Christian spirituality emphasizes that believers should not hesitate from seeking God’s help because he is close and ready to intervene for his people.

Point Two – Liberation of All Humans and Taking Part in Jesus’ Mission

Another way of looking at Christian spirituality is looking at it from the perspective that it is about the liberation and relationships of all human beings. Christians believe that the relationships they make at various levels are guided by God and that his intention is for people to support and build each other regardless of prevailing circumstances. According to Christian teachings, God blesses those who form close relationships based on his teachings and directives. Christian spirituality advocates for relationships that are based on true love, sincerity, patience, and support.[9] Typically, believers would do everything within their limit to avert factors that could avert their desire to form robust relationships knowing that God would steer them through difficult times. In addition, those who believe in Christian spirituality are confident that God would liberate them from difficult times and enable them to triumph over challenges that threaten their freedom and well-being. Luke 4:18 reiterates God’s intention to liberate his people. Jesus in the verse declares his mission to overcome suppression. The reading states “He has sent me to declare freedom from the oppressed and enable the blind to see.” Therefore, liberation and relationships are all forms of Christian spirituality because they aim at creating more peaceful and conducive existence.

Besides, through the guidance of Christian spirituality, believers indulge explicitly and consciously in the mission of Jesus Christ. Christian through such guidance strive to create a society where every person feels welcomed to give their views and opinions as an autonomous person who has favor before the eyes of the Lord.[10] Those who believe in Christian spirituality are likely to take the initiative to proclaim the need for freedom through various approaches such as engaging people on one on one talks and evangelism, among other techniques that are likely to appeal to the audience. Their message in spreading the word is that God has the power to redeem every one of their sins so long as they repent. Besides, such individuals would proclaim that God has the power to set free all oppressed people and restore hope in them. Thus, believing in Christian spirituality could lead one to take practical steps in fulfilling Jesus’ mission.    

Point Three – Christian spirituality and God’s Relationship with His Creation

Christian spirituality is dependent on the argument that the relationship God has with his creation is energizing and nurturing. The relationship God has with his people is not aimed at causing destruction. Instead, it aims at offering hope that things would become better and the troubled would get an opportunity to improve on their weak areas.[11] God is dedicated to nurture his creation because He values them and committed to offer needed protection.

Christian spirituality implies that God not exercise authority over people, and instead let them contribute towards making choices that they think will impact on their lives and well-being. The freedom God allows his people has becomes increasingly influential in the modern society where people value being able to make individual choices without manipulation. Otherwise, practicing control over others could cause opposition and derail attempts to foster cooperation.

Point Four – Christian Spirituality and Grace

Modern thinkers attribute Christian spirituality as being emanating from grace, suggesting the presence and empowerment of God. Having grace based on the modern perception of Christian spirituality implies that God can give one the power to overcome depression or trying moments that could lead one to give up or feel dejected. The most effective way to nurture the grace as a component of Christian spirituality is to know the various ways to exercise this virtue in their everyday life.[12] One should begin with their self by being kind and of goodwill. It is also possible to enhance one’s grace by learning how to forgive, being apologetic, being mindful, trying to be compassionate at all times. The role grace play in the contemporary view of Christian spirituality deserves special attention to know what roles it plays.

The analysis suggests that grace is an integral aspect of Christian spirituality, which is the human encounters if the trinity. The new perception, similar to the traditional view emphasizes on the salvation of sinners, which is a critical requirement for Christians. Being saved according to Christian teachings develops inner peace and increases people’s confidence. Being saved according to the Christian narrative give believers the power and desire to persevere in a difficult situation, and allow them to quit harmful behaviors such as alcohol and substance abuse. Above all, salvation serves as the source of grace, which could be unmerited love and favor of God. It is vital, therefore, to know the influence of grace in the modern view of Christian spirituality because it is a paramount component of Christian spirituality.

Point Five – Christian Spirituality, Connection between Humanity and divinity, and God’s Existence in History

Christian spirituality accepts that a connection exists between divinity and humanity, which draws its origin from the traditional perspective of spirituality. The modern view, similar to the traditional perception, insinuates that people, being made in the image of the Lord, have the capability to act the Almighty, to think and create like him. The true value of divinity of Jesus Christ lies in the idea that that accomplishment is promissory and prophetic for all believers who are willing to abide by the teachings of God.[13] The description suggest that whereas Christian spirituality is gaining a new view, particularly in the modern society, it retains certain traditional aspects that are equally essential in guiding Christian values and practices. Thus, the connection is evident and new explorers of the subject should pay much focus on this area.

Christian spirituality is gaining new perceptions but still retains old aspects because if God exists in all things, then He was present in history. The Almighty has always been there because he is the originator of everything that exists on earth and the entire universe. Therefore, disregarding all aspects associated with of Christian spirituality could be avoiding valuable ideas that were generated by God and still impacts positively on modern societies.[14] A critical analysis of this statement suggests that God does not change and always stresses what He called for in the past. Christians learn to be steadfast in their decisions, and learn the values of adhering to their principles no matter the opposition that may come along.[15] Therefore, it is appropriate to consider some of the traditional forms of Christian spirituality that could impact on modern thinking and incorporate them as the area continues to witness change.

Point Six – Christian Spirituality and Totality of the Human Experience

The transformations that is happening in Christian spirituality shifts much attention to achieving completeness of human life contrary to traditional perceptions that stressed on constant prayers and spiritual exercises. Proponents in this area are diverting away from only emphasizing on the spiritual wellness of a person, and are paying more attention to other aspects, including social, mental, and physical requirements.[16] Totality of the human experience is based on the knowledge that all these features impact own overall health and well-being. In other words, the idea of completeness of human life implies that being unwell or failing in one area disrupts one in other aspects. The description suggests that Christian spirituality is steadily gaining a new vision and what was influential in the past may not be as influential now. Religious leaders among other stakeholders should be at the forefront in showing how Christians need to focus on the other aspects of completeness of human life other than dwelling on the spiritual aspect.

Another way in which Christian spirituality is gaining a new dimension is that other than paying much attention to the spiritual aspects enshrined in religious teachings, modern thinker argue that any experience can be spiritual because the Lord impacts each facet of human life. Nonetheless, an act or familiarity is more likely to be spiritual if it promotes help and encouragement. However, it could not be termed as spiritual if causes evident harm or disturbance. Consequently, it is wrong to merely criticize others because of their views or actions because they do not conform with own religious ideologies.[17] It is imperative to find time and understand what each of these aspects or ideologies present to avoid inappropriate acts that could results in outcomes that could not be termed as spiritual regardless of the fact that God influences all areas of life.

Point Seven – Christian spirituality, Social Construct, and Love in Action

Today, Christian spirituality recognizes contemplation in action, which reinstates that spirituality is social construct, which means that the idea has been formed and embraced by the people in a society. Contemplation in action means spending considerable time reflecting and looking back within oneself and finding out possible strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that individuals can use to improve their effectiveness and efficiency. The practice allows one to make constructive decisions that that may benefit an individual and others. Engaging in contemplation in action as advocated for in the modern Christian spirituality enable people to identify areas that deter them from achieving particular aspirations that could improve their adherence to Christian teachings and dogmas.[18] Therefore, it is essential to pay much attention to this developing notion of Christian spirituality that is likely to become more influential going forward. More sensitization is needed to inform learners and the larger Christian fraternity what love in action entails to acquire a more comprehensive approach to expressing compassion.

The contemporary view on Christian spirituality encourage that members of this faith should practice love in action, which encompasses various essential virtues. Love in action is being encouraging, forthright, helpful, motivating, being able to give constructive response, and assisting them feel optimistic about themselves. It is vital to mention that love is largely an action word in the Bible, not an emotion. According to Paul in 1 Corinthians, “Love is kind, love is patience, and does not keep records of mistakes.” The information gives a broader perception of love, contrary to what many people know about this virtue. Traditionally, love simply reflected a genuine and intense feeling of sincere affection. Nonetheless, this seems to be changing with the increasing transformations happening in contemporary societies.

Point Eight – Christian spirituality, Social Justice, and Secretive Devoutness

Christian spirituality is becoming more influential in many areas, including the field of social justice. Christian believers, particularly those who believe in the doctrine of spirituality are increasingly advocating for sameness in all areas – socially, politically, and economically. The area is championing for increased access to opportunities for everyone, especially those in the greatest need.[19] Christian believers find it right to campaign for enhanced provision of housing, employment, and healthcare that are some of the primary requirements that people need to survive. Thus, Christian spirituality appears to be taking a new dimension from what was widely accepted before modernity impacted on Christianity and its doctrines. Ethically, it is upright for Christians to contribute towards social justice became many communities and societies still experience discrepancies that still deter how some people access key amenities.

Besides, Christian spirituality goes beyond secretive devoutness, and rather calls on Christians to show their feelings and desires with practice. Those who ascribe to Christian teachings and ideologies should not hide their devotion and are not afraid to demonstrate their love and belief in God. They take a firm stand and are unshaken by those who contradict their views and opinions.[20] One who practices secretive devoutness can be termed as a hypocrite who pretends to be having moral views or standards, but their actions and behaviors do not meet their claim. Hypocrites embrace forms that deter their ability to abide by predetermined standards. Instead, Christian spirituality advocates for being proud of one’s position, and being able to demonstrate that through practical deeds regardless of emerging challenges. Standing up and defending one’s devoutness is a key aspect in Christian spirituality that is difficult to disregard.

Point Nine – Inclusivity

A key factor attributed to Christian spirituality is its inclusivity, with the acknowledgement of an inter-faith. Christian believers and proponents of spirituality have progressively embraced the idea of ecumenical spirituality, which is the principle and concept that Christians who belong to diverse Christian groups should work in unison to form closer ties among communities and Churches. Today, inter-faith meetings and congregations are held in different places, thus reaffirming the impact of Christian spirituality in fostering inclusivity.[21] More people who abide by the requirements of Christian spirituality appreciate that engaging in inter-faith meetings and respecting the views and ideologies of other denominations help to overcome traditions that cause unnecessary disagreements among religious groups.

Another aspect related to increased inclusivity, and which reflects how spirituality is breaking from traditional norms and confinements is that religious spirituality is regarded to be a subdivision of spirituality that is not restricted to religion. For example, a person can do the right things, including being kind, loving, and helpful as advocated for by Christian spirituality but they may not necessarily be religious. Such debates have resulted in the development of concepts such as spiritual but not affiliated and spiritual but not religious that are increasingly gaining prominence. Such phrases imply that individuals have the right to act in a way that comply with spirituality but does not have to rely on religion for guidance. Such people emphasize on their well-being and that of others as well as on the development of their body, mind, and spirit. The description further illustrates that Christian spirituality is gaining a new dimension different from the old view.


The study reveals that the definition of Christian spirituality has witnessed a substantial shift from the traditional perception that viewed it as a remote facet to a more inclusive and accommodative notion. People view spirituality differently depending on their religious groups and individual perceptions. The thoughts vary but also show certain similarities. Nonetheless, what stands out is that Christian spirituality is complex and can be viewed and described in many ways using a range of concepts. Today, Christian spirituality is deemed to impact on relationships, and to be form of encouragement that God is close to his people and ready to help them during difficult situations. Besides, Christian spirituality restores hope that the oppressed will be liberated and the sinful will be restored and get a new chance to restart their lives. Grace also appears to be a vital aspect of modern view of Christian spirituality that deserves special attention. The new perception of Christian spirituality insinuates that rather than focusing on the spiritual aspect alone as it happened traditionally, it is integral to focus on other areas that contribute towards individual well-being, including mental, social, and physical areas. After all, the paper shows, God controls all areas of human life. Christian spirituality is revolutionizing the meaning of love through the notion of love in action, which is more inclusive and elaborate. Modern thinkers stress on contemplation in action, which encourages self-assessment, thereby presenting an opportunity to identify one’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The paper illustrates how Christian spirituality is progressively calling for social justice, and how believers are openly showing their devotion rather than practicing secretive devoutness. The assessment indicates that Christian spirituality has changed significantly because believers now embrace inter-faith engagements that bring together worshippers from diverse backgrounds. Moreover, phrases such as ecumenical spirituality and spiritual but not affiliated have gained prominence over the years, which illustrate how much change has happened with regard to defining, understanding, and practicing Christian spirituality.


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[1] Schneiders, Sandra. “Spirituality in the Academy”. Theological Studies 50 (1989): 681.

[2] Bartolini, Nadia, Robert Chris, Sara MacKian, and Steve Pile. “The place of spirit.” The place of Spirit: Modernity and the geographies of spirituality 41, no. 3 (2017), 342

[3] Bartolini, Nadia, Robert Chris, Sara MacKian, and Steve Pile. “The place of spirit.” P. 342

[4]Hanson, Bradley. Modern Christian Spirituality: Methodological and Historical Essays (Georgia: Scholars Press, 2000), p. 53

[5] Barton, Ruth Haley, Diane J. Chandler, Siang-Yang Tan, Judy TenElshof, and James C. Wilhoit. “Spiritual formation in the church.” Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 7, no. 2 (2014): 301.

[6] Massaro S. Thomas. “A Spirituality of Social Justice and Peacemaking: Elements from within the Roman Catholic Tradition”. Canopy Forum on the Interactions of Law and Religion (2020), p. 6.

[7]Paul Victor, Chitra G., and Judith V. Treschuk. “Critical Literature Review on the Definition Clarity of the Concept of Faith, Religion, and Spirituality.” Journal of Holistic Nursing 38, no. 1 (2019), 111.  

[8] Hollinger, Franz, Haller Max, and Valle-Hollinger Adriana. “Christian Religion, Society and the State in the modern World”. Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research 20, no.2 (2008): 142.

[9]Milligan, M. “Apostolic Spirituality”. In The New Dictionary of Catholic Spirituality, ed. Michael Downey, 51-56 (Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 1993), p. 25

[10]Bucko, Ann and McEntee, Revee. The New Monasticism: A Manifesto for Contemplative Living (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Book, 2015), p. 72.

[11] Dockery, David S., et al. Shaping a Christian Worldview: The Foundations of Christian Higher Education (Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman, 2002), p. 31.

[12]Pirnazarov, Nurnazar. “Philosophical analysis of the issue of spirituality.” International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 29, no. 5 (2020): 1631.

[13]Sheldrake, Philip. Spirituality and History: Questions of Interpretation and Method (London: SPCK, 2001), 21

[14] Edwards, Denis. Human Experience of God (New York: Paulist Press, 2013), p. 60.

[15]Villegas, Diana L. “Spirituality and belief: Implications for study and practice of Christian spirituality.” HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies 74, no. 3 (2018), 5

[16]Kourie, C. and Ruthenberg, T. Contemporary Christian Spirituality: An “Encompassing Field”. Acta Theologica Supplementum 11, (2008), 9

[17]King, Ursula. “Spirituality, Society and Culture”. The Way Supplement 73 (1992): 19.

[18] Thompson, William. “Spirituality, Spiritual Development and Holiness”. Review for Religious 51, no. 5 (1992): 648

[19] Lamb, Matthew. “Christian Spirituality and Social Justice”. Horizons 10 no.1 (2014): 35.

[20] Natali, Patricia. “Integrating Christian Spirituality and Justice”. Review for Religious 67, no. 1 (2013): 458.

[21]Bacik, James. “Contemporary Spirituality”. In The New Dictionary of Catholic Spirituality, ed. Michael Downey, 215-230 (Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 1993), p. 89.

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