Solutions to Problems from Chapters 6, 9 and 10

Posted: August 25th, 2021

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Solutions to Problems from Chapters 6, 9 and 10

6.9 The Five Methods Used to Minimize Soil Loss from a Construction Site

Use of articulated concrete blocks. The concrete types of blocks enable the formation of interconnected grid units to minimize loss of soil along the waterways embankments and the drainage channels in the construction site.

Use of Turbidity Barriers. On a construction site, these barriers are used for erosion control and also for the prevention of contaminants’ migration in water. 

Use of Geotextiles. The geotextiles are usually applied in controlling soil losses and help improve soil layers for the building of pipelines, embankments, roads, and earth retentive structures.

Soil Nailing. This method provides a resisting force against steep slopes bordering construction sites. The process of installation usually involves fitting a series of steel bars and nailing the structure down into deep earth.

Use of French Drains. This method entails the use of underground pipes that direct surface and groundwater to an exit point. The underground pipes can also be perforated to allow surface water to seep into the soil, thus, preventing soil erosion at a construction site.

9.3 Gantt Chart for a Logger Survey Project conducted in 2015

Important data for the project

The resultant Gantt Chart

10.4 Calculation of the volume of fill between sections A and B with the building pad at an elevation of 110 ft.

For section B, the dotted line is present at an elevation of 95 ft.

The top width is the same for both sections, that is, 50 ft.

The bottom width is different for the two sections, therefore, we take the average of the two bottom widths.

b = {(150 – 50) + (167.5 – 37.5)}/ 2

    = 112.5 ft.

The average depth for the two sections

d = (10 + 15)/2

   = 12.5 ft.

Length to be filled = 150 ft.

Therefore, the volume of the fill = {(a+b)/2} * d * l

                                                     = {(50 + 112.5)/2} * 12.5 * 150

                                                     = 152343.75 ft3

10.5 Calculation of the volume of fill between section A and B with the building pad at an elevation of 105 ft.

Depth for section A = 105 – 100

                                 = 5 ft.

Depth for section B = 105 – 95

                                 = 10 ft.

Average depth, d = (10 + 5)/2

                             = 7.5 ft.

All other variable remaining constant as in problem 10.4 above,

Volume for the required fill = {(a+b)/2} * d * l

                                    = {(50 + 112.5)/2} * 7.5 * 150

                                              = 91,406.25 ft3

10.6 Finding the Elevation at Which the Building Pad in 10.4 Above Should Be Placed to Balance the Cut and Fill Volume

Cut and fill volumes are summed up separately since except for rock cuts, embankments are usually compacted to a density greater than that of the material excavated from its natural state. Also, earthwork must always be considered when balancing. To recap, to ensure that the cut and the fill volume is compact and balanced, an elevation of 70 feet (ft) should be used to position the building pad following dimensions of A and B as shown in figure 10.23.

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