SOCW 2061

Posted: January 4th, 2023

SOCW 2061

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SOCW 2061

9.1 Feminist Practice

Karen deals with a case of neglect where Tanya who has two children allows a babysitter to take care of her kids minors only [A1] for the babysitter nanny to leave soon after her boss goes [A2] out for a night party. Karen learns, from the security officers, [A3] that Tanya habitually goes leaves the [A4] children youngsters without any care, which prompts the officerhim to report the negligent mother to the Parkwood Regional Children and Family Social Services Agency (Unfried, 2010). Karen The woman meets Gayle, who accepts agrees to take care ofto look after [A5] the children as the case facing their mother continues. I would apply the teachings by Heinonen and Spearman, which urge interveners to first gain an adequate understanding of the matter before making a decision (Heinonen & Spearman, 2010). The best most appropriate [A6] choice in this situation would be to give Gayle custody of the children (Barry and Melanie) until the time comes when their mother will be ready to offer them appropriate parental care. Karen should first identify whether Gayle can take care of the children minors in a way that is not likely to expose them to inappropriate threats and discomfort. I would also assess other alternatives for dealing with the situation and evaluate their feasibility before settling on the final decision.

10.1 Compare and Contrast Aboriginal Approach

The aboriginal Aboriginal perception of social work varies based on the societal principles, requirements, and viewpoints regarding such activities. The AboriginalThis [A7] approach implies that what works best for one community might not give yield[A8]  the same outcome in another group (Hart, n.a.). A social worker must first carry out adequateconduct adequate research of the community to find out what works bestis the most suitable and [A9] know learn the norms and values that guide social work practices (Angel, 2017). Several other concepts develop a similar impression as the Aboriginal approach. An example is a[A10]  wholeness, which implies being in the entire state and notrather than separated divided into different components. Another method is growth, which creates a different meaning when referring to the Aboriginal aspect. Such variations make helps me know see that societies differ, and what one perceives to beas the right action might not generate the same feelings or perceptionsidea in other areas. 

11.1 Cultural Competence

Cultural competence represents the individual’s values, which help the person to engage appropriately in a culturally diverse environment appropriately. AlsoMoreover[A11] , cultural competence may refer to an ongoing practice by which systems or individuals react respectfully and appropriately to people of all classes, cultures, sexual orientations, ethnic backgrounds, races, religions, sexes, abilities, and other factors. A culturally competence competent [A12] person interacts with others and responds effectively in a way that values, affirms, and acknowledges the worth of communities, families, and individuals and as well as safeguards and preserves everyone’s dignity. I would term place myself as being in the cultural [A13] competence phase on the cultural competence continuum where I shift toward the end of the scale by acknowledging cultural variations and making efforts to advance how I welcome and interact with people of other characteristics or cultural background. I try to make my room and workplace more appealing with welcoming magazines, music, and pictures that reflect the cultures of those with whom I interact with every day. I also value working and learning in an environment where people from diverse cultures interact communicate freely without considering their differences. I would challenge myself by learning other languages and acquiring cultural practices to make it easier for me to interact with people from other cultures. I also plan to increase facilitate my interaction with people from other cultures to overcome the fear of engaging people with different characteristics.

The work of a cultural activist would suit the cultural blindness aspect in the cultural mentioned competence continuum. The activist is the most suitable social worker because, at this stage, people should acquire information that helps them incorporate and work with people from other cultures. A cultural activist would work and guide others with the belief that a race or [A14] religion makes no difference and that everyone is equal. AlsoMoreover, the [A15] activist would encourage people to treat everyone as being thethe same way regardless of their background.

11.2 Inclusivity

My interview with an older person equipped me with fundamental lessons regarding seniors’ life and challenges. I have always interacted with older adults in my community and elsewhere, and I have developed much interest in understanding the issues facing the population. I have learned from[A16]  the interview that people need to be close to their loved ones when they grow old to get receive[A17]  the necessary support and attention (Fung, 2013). My interaction with the older person this individual showed me that people at their advanced age mights encounter [A18] several challenges, making life quite difficult for many individuals. I learned that people at this ageThus, they face substantial seclusion from members of society who hardly assist them meet their needs (Fung, 2013). The other challenge older adults experienceexperienced by them [A19] based on the interviewee is that they cannot do most of the work because of their weak body. The information reminded me of the importance of being close to the senior members of society to help them. The interviewee told me their inabilitycomplained about the inability to perform works that requirerequiring much energy and movement to limit their income and render them dependent on others. The response taught me the value of always assisting the older people with food, shelter, clothing, and other essential thingsessentials. The respondentHe told shared with me that he tries was trying to cope with the challenges by living in a house for the elderly, where he receives received [A20] the care and medical attention. The interviewee said that he lives was living with other older people who received the same care, but showed expressed concern for many other senior members who lack adequatelacking adequate care and are[A21]  out there struggling for themselves. People should take it upon themselves to help the elderly to instill hope and confidence among them.

12.1 Social Work Values and Theoretical Approaches

Self-determination refers to the liberated will of a person to make decisions without the influence of others. Self-determinationThis aspect gives empowers [A22] people the power to choose the kind of leadership that they want and offers the chance to develop guidelines that regulate the general practice and behavior (Deci, 2004). Nonetheless, self-determination requires that the choices a person makes must benefit many people individuals and not only the individualrather than one (Deci, 2004). One of the values of self-determination is that[A23]  it allows people to enjoy their autonomy. People, where they value personal independence because theyand prefer to be in their shape and person while being feeling free from others’ regulations (Deci, 2004). AlsoFurthermore, self-determinationthis concept serves an essential function in psychological well-being and health. For example, self-determinationit permits people to feel see that they dominate their lives and choices. Self-determination also as well as increases the level of individual motivation, which may increase productivity. However, people should remember that they must not use their self-determination to inconvenience others. They should always; instead, they should seek others’ opinions of others before making any significant decisions that could affect others or deny them their rights and freedoms.


Angel, C. (2017). Newfoundland & labrador association of social workers. Retrieved from

Deci, E. (2004). The psychology of self-determination. New[A24]  York, NY: Free Press.

Fung, H. (2013). Aging in culture. The Gerontologist, 53(3), 369-377.

Hart, M. (n.a.). An aboriginal approach to social work practice. Chapter 12.

Heinonen, T., & Spearman, L. (2010). Social work practice: Problem solving and beyond. Toronto, ON: Nelson.

Unfried, B. (2010). An introduction to social work practice. A day (and Night) in the Life of a Social Worker. Toronto, ON: Nelson.

Dear Racheal,

Please focus on analysis, grammar, style, and format use.



 [A1]Try to abstain from using informal words, please

 [A2]Agree nouns and verbs

 [A3]Set off parenthetical phrases, please

 [A4]Is this what you mean? Please avoid typos and odd arguments

 [A5]You have to try to fix repetition – proofread paragraphs and restructure such phrases

 [A6]Avoid informal derivative forms from adjectives ‘good’ and ‘bad’ in academic writing

 [A7]No need to repeat the whole point here

 [A8]Aim at formality where possible

 [A9]See above for this one

 [A10]It is not countable (see

 [A11]Do not start with ‘also’, please

 [A12]Here, you would need an attribute

 [A13]So what would you term yourself then? You speak about your position rather than anything else in here

 [A14]articles need to be used with a countable noun in singular –

 [A15]Do not start with ‘also’

 [A16]It is clear in this context

 [A17]Avoid informal GET

 [A18]Please agree tense forms –

 [A19]See my earlier comments, please

 [A20]See above for the rules of tense agreement

 [A21]Avoid informality, please

 [A22]Focus on avoiding tautology – when you repeat the same idea again.


 [A24]In APA< you need no location info

Please revise the use of APA –

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