Role of the Type of Motivation on the relationship between Helping Behavior and Wellbeing

Posted: August 25th, 2021

Poster Assignment

Role of the Type of Motivation on the relationship between Helping Behavior and Wellbeing

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Poster Assignment

Role of the Type of Motivation on the Relationship between Helping Behavior and Well-Being

  1. Introduction and Background

The study undertakes to evaluate the role of the type of motivation in influencing the helping behavior and wellbeing. Raising personal awareness and the understanding of various forms of motivationshelp to improve wellbeing and behavior (Chater, Chatzisarantis, Hagger, Hardcastle, Mallett, and Pal, (2014). Intrinsic and extrinsic motivations are common variables, which should be regulated to realize outcomes (Klein, 2016). Based on this evaluation, it is addressed that both extrinsic and intrinsic motivation is correlated to happiness among individuals, which in turn would increase the helping behavior. The study is emphasized through an experimental method. A questionnaire will be used to collect information on both independent and dependent variables, which is then utilized in the evaluating of their relationship. Moreover, the ANOVA will be used to obtain the information and data in this research.

According to the study conducted by Ryan and Weinstein (2010), motivation raises individuals’ extra-role responsibility. Intrinsic motivations transform the attitudes of volunteers into being more responsible.

  1. Research Aim and Objectives

            The key purpose of this study is to examine the role of the type of motivation on the relationship between helping behavior and wellbeing. The following objectives will be considered by the researcher to meet the purpose of the research:

  1. To comprehend the conceptual understanding about types of motivation
  2. To explore the role of types of motivation on the relationship between helping behavior and wellbeing
  3. To recommend motivational strategies for improving the wellbeing and helping behavior
    1. Research Question

     The following research questions are considered by the researcher to meet the research purpose:

  1. What is the meaning and concept of types of motivation?
  2. What is the role of motivation types of motivation on the relationship between helping behavior and wellbeing?
  3. Which motivational strategies are used to improve wellbeing and helping behavior?
    1. Hypotheses

The following are the hypotheses that are set for the research:

  1. Engaging in a helping behavior increases the participant’s contentment, which in turn improves their wellbeing.
  2. The improvements in contentment and wellbeing are greater when the act is intrinsically motivated than when it is reward-based.

            Accordingly, the hypotheses will be tested by examining the behavior of both independent and dependent variables. In this research, the type of motivation will be considered as the independent variable, while wellbeing and helping behavior will be the dependent variable. The independent variables would be manipulated under both controlled and uncontrolled environments during the experiment to observe variation in behaviors and wellbeing of the species under study. The examination of the relationship between the independent and dependent variables will be done using the ANOVA method. Precisely, the primary dependent variable is the well-being of an individual, while the independent variable is motivation type factors.

  • Research Methodology

            In this study, the researcher uses a survey method through a structured questionnaire that will facilitate the collection of direct responses from the participants. The participants for the study will be randomly selected using a simple random probability-sampling tool. Kaler, Frazier, Oishi, and Steger (2006) suggest that questionnaires provide a detailed description of the population as planned.The study expects to use a sample of fifty (50) participants who will be subjected to a lab experiment in a controlled environment where they would be studied when they are subjected to extrinsic and intrinsic motivation factors such as reward and control respectively separately. Their behavior in each case will be examined and recorded using pen and paper as well as hidden video recording for further analysis. The following is a structure of the survey questionnaire that will be used in the research;

Table 1: Survey through the questionnaire

Gender Male Female
Age Under 20 years 15
21 – 29 years 20
Above 30 years 10
Questionnaire Sample
In your opinion, which kinds of motivation affect your behavior and wellbeing?
Extrinsic motivation  
Intrinsic motivation  
All of the above  
Do you agree that types of motivation could directly impact helping behavior?
Strongly agree  
Strongly disagree  
In your opinion, the types of motivation could affect well-being?
Yes No
  • Results

      In this section, the results obtained from the experiment will be presented.

Figure 1: Predicted Results of Motivation

The results presented are the predicted role ofthe type of motivation on helping behavior and wellbeing.

It shows both lowly motivated people and highly motivated and how this impacts on helping behavior and wellbeing. The trend in figure 1 confirms a positive relationship between highly motivated people and helping behavior. Similarly, extrinsic and intrinsic motivation suggests a positive contribution to helping behavior. Additionally, motivation is positively relatedtoWellbeing. ANOVA results from the table, likewise, confirm the close association between highly motivated group and the helping behavior.


Motivation increases a person’s wellbeing, and this trend happens when the individual concentrates efforts towards increased productivity. As indicated in the graph (see figure 1), intrinsic and extrinsic motivations boost as a person’s wellbeing. When both forms of motivation are high, a person is said to highly motivated. The primary characters of highly motivated peopleare seen in their high helping behavior as compared to lowly motivated ones. An ANOVA analysis confirms the positive association between helping groups and highly motivated people. As Chater, Chatzisarantis, Hagger, Hardcastle, Mallett, and Pal (2014) report, highly motivated people work hard to earn high, they can use their proceeds to help other people. Therefore, organizations should focus on intrinsic and extrinsic motivations as the starting points of stimulating their employees to work hard.

Limitations of the Study

            Since the study is focused on understanding human behavior, time is critical to know the trends and patterns in their behavior. However, a one week period limits the study to exhaustively conclude on the laboratory experiment to understand the way different types of motivation will affect or influence individual wellbeing and helping behavior. Further, the study is with financial support to expand on the sample variety that could assure reliable results on wellbeing and helping behavior.


Chater, A., Chatzisarantis, N. L., Hagger, M. S., Hardcastle, S. J., Mallett, C., & Pal, S. (2014). Autonomous and controlled motivational regulations for multiple health-related behaviors: between- and within-participants analyses. Health psychology and behavioral medicine, 2(1), 565–601. DOI:10.1080/21642850.2014.912945

Kaler, M., Frazier, P., Oishi, S., & Steger, M. F. (2006). The meaning in life questionnaire: Assessing the presence of and search for purpose in life. Journal of Counseling. Psychology, 53, 80–93.

Klein, N. (2016): Prosocial behavior increases perceptions of meaning in life. The Journal of Positive Psychology,7(15), 1-9. DOI: 10.1080/17439760.2016.1209541.

Ryan, R. M., & Frederick, C. M. (1997). On energy, personality, and health: Subjective vitality as a dynamic reflection of well-being. Journal of Personality, 65(3), 529–565. DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-6494.1997.tb00326.x.

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