
Posted: February 21st, 2020






The following dissertation focuses on the moderating responsibilities that institutional endowment assumes in respect to the relationship between natural resource endowment and organizational performance. In synopsis, institutional endowment is viewed as an imperative aspect on facilitating organizational performance. The conclusion for this is based on the implications arising from natural resource endowment especially on economic performance for different countries. In order to illustrate this connection, the manuscript concentrates on the new developments associated with facilitating the performance of an organization. As an outcome, the perspective of industrial organization (IO) economics has been introduced as a constituent significant for determining approaches in which organizational performance can be improved (n. a. 2). With this illustration, it is evident that the article aims at delivering a rational argument due to the efforts that it inculcates in order to draw a relationship between institutional endowment and the performance of a firm. Despite the overdue concentration on terminologies related to the theoretical claim, it is evident that organizational performance cannot solely be determined by economic-based approaches. Simply, the environment plays an important role in influencing the profitability or success of an organization (n. a. 7). Irrespective of the focus on institutional and natural resource endowment, the paper also utilizes specific economic dimensions that are mostly relevant to strategic organizational performance. The purpose of this development within the manuscript involves asserting the connection between the natural environment and business performance. One interesting aspect that the article exhibits comprises the Resource-Based View (RBV) premise. For most organizations, the resources as well as core abilities are viewed as important elements in determining their competitive edge. The integration of such economic concepts into the article illustrates the complex association between organizational performance and institutional endowment as exemplified entirely.

Work Cited

n. a. “Natural Resource Endowment and Firm Performance: The Moderating Role of Institutional Endowment.” Diss. n. p., n. d. Print.

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