
Posted: March 26th, 2020


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Give examples of how magic controls every aspect of Basongye life, involving sorcerers and witches

            Witches and sorcerers are greatly feared among the people because of their ability to cause evil and use magic. The use of magic tends to control people’s lives as it determines whether they live or die and whether they succeed or fail in their endeavors. It can be used to protect or destroy crops, cause human death, and produce rain. The people depend on this magic to get their desires. The belief is so strong to the extent that it extends to the grave whereby the witches can capture a person’s final breath and hold his soul and body. The people believe that the witches have the capacity to hold the corpse and manipulate it even after death. The fact that the people consider that the witches have power over someone even after he dies makes them live in fear of the witches.

            The extent of this power of magic is captured by the fact that some of the people would choose to sacrifice human life just so that they can become sorcerers. Magic is used for good as well since it can protect warriors from their enemies and children from diseases as well as foretelling the future. In addition, they make it possible for people to determine the cause of death. The approach is especially important in this culture, which believes that death is not natural but that humans are responsible for all the deaths that happen. Witches exist to cause mischief among humans, and they have the power to cause paralysis. Magic influences a person’s life from the time he is young to the time he becomes old.

Explain the rituals that mark the four stages of a Hindu’s life

            The first stage happens as a student to a young man aged between eight and twelve years and below the age of 24. The ritual involves placing a sacred cord over his shoulder. The man continues to study with his guru, and he may do so until his twenty-fourth year. Women in this stage are instructed in religious duties. The student becomes a householder when he marries. The man observes his caste duties and his responsibilities as a householder. He has to follow these duties in everything including marriage, raising children, and occupation. He entertains guests and welcomes holy men. The women complement the duties and responsibilities of the man in this stage.

             The man progresses to the next stage when he bears a son who can continue with the responsibilities of a householder. Some of the rituals involved in the stage include living in the forest in an effort to restrain him and to conquer his sensory powers. The man has to renounce the food from the village and his possessions. The man offers five significant sacrifices, and all meals have to be prepared according to the rituals. Women may choose to go to the forest with their husbands although this is not mandatory. The fourth stage is optional, and the objective of this stage is to release the soul from the body, which then unites with the Brahman realized in the third stage. The person becomes subservient to the soul using raja yoga. The person engages in meditation and liberation, which separates the soul from the body to realize Atman. The person achieves great success when he unites Brahman and Atman.


Warren M. (2012). World religions (6th ed.). New York, NY: Cengage Learning, Inc.

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