Public Health Program Proposal

Posted: January 5th, 2023


[BG2] Final Project: Public Health Program Proposal

Student’s Name

Institutional Affiliation


Final Project: Public Health Program Proposal

Statement of the Problem

[BG4] The problem of STD in Indiana continues to escalate despite the enacted measures, rate of infection[BG5] . By assessing the rate of infection in Indiana and explaining why effective mitigating measures should be taken, the research reiterates the importance of addressing the social determinants that put people at risk of contracting STIs. The public should be informed about effective ways of preventing possible infection through [BG6] proper communication techniques. The research encourages campaigners to determine whether the process heads [BG7] towards the right direction to deal with attribution whether it is possible to reduce the rate of STI infection in Indiana by informing people how infection happens, enhancing testing target populations, and enacting proper treatment techniques.

Epidemiological Patterns, Trends, and Populations Affected

Indiana is one of the U.S. states where cases of STDs are on the rise, which requires relevant stakeholders to embrace measures that would avert further infection and help infected individuals. Data from the Indiana Department of Health (2021) discloses that rate of STDs has continued to increase in the past five year with 2018 being the years when highest rate of infection was recorded. Approximately 34,920 people are infected with chlamydia, a figure that has expanded by more than 20% in the last seven years (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC][BG8] , 2021). More than 12,000 people have contracted gonorrhea, which has increased by more than 65% since 2014; cases of P&S syphilis have also expanded exponentially within the same period with at least 365 people living with the condition as of 2021 (CDC, 2021). At least 2 newborns are born with syphilis, although this is a 76% decrease since 2014. The residents of Indiana must protect themselves from HIV/AIDS because more than 632 people lived with the condition as of 2015 (CDC, 2021). It is vital to pay more attention to those at high risk, comprising of adolescents and young adults aged below the age of 27 years, bisexual and homosexuals, and expectant women (Indiana Department of Health, 2021). The high risk of contracting an STI requires active participation from all stakeholders to prevent an escalation of the problem.

An effective way to mitigate the problem is to consider the social determinants of health and social justice-related inequalities that influence the spread of this health problem in the community. As Ott and Santelli (2019) identify, lack of adequate education among some people as a crucial social determinant of health in Indiana that indicates whether an individual contracts STDs. Moreover, Ott and Santelli (2019) inform that the majority of those who contract STIs have not progressed to higher levels of education, which deprive them valuable information about how to prevent one’s self from exposure and ultimate infection. Furthermore, lack of adequate information denies some people valuable skills they can use to manage an infection after becoming sick. Other than lack of adequate knowledge and information, socioeconomic status is another social determinant that increases [BG9] the risk of some people to contract STIs. Some people, for example, may indulge into unprotected sex with the aim of generating income due to lack of a proper job, thus increasing their likelihood of being infected. Unfortunately, some people who engage in irresponsible sexual behaviors do not take adequate mitigation measures to protect themselves. [BG10] Racial inequality is a substantial social justice-connected disparity that influences how infected individuals access treatment.

The objective of the study is to propose a preventive program rather than a treatment approach that would prevent people from contracting STIs. The plan is to educate people and create awareness about the need to protect one’s self against STIs. The responsiveness will inform people about the need to talk openly to each other about STDs and how to prevent possible infections. The awareness will remind people to perform necessary tests with their partners before indulging in sexual activities (Shannon & Klausner, 2019). The education process will notify people about the need to seek medication upon realizing that one is infected with an STI.

Project Methods

The attempts to create awareness and recognizing and treating infected individuals requires those handling the situation to use appropriate project management initiatives that would facilitate the realization of the targeted aspirations. It is essential to focus on specific groups [BG11] to understand their problems and provide appropriate care before moving to other people who require such health services (Benjamin,[BG12] Kizer, Pane, Gimson, & Sofaer, 2019). However, when using sampling to avoid a situation when some people get more attention during intervention than others because this approach [BG13] could foster discrepancy. Interveners should analyze available data because this provides the chance to understand the kind of approach and information needed to mitigate the issue. Effective measurement mechanisms are needed to analyze the condition and assess data to realize more satisfactory results. Nonetheless, the attempts to employ any method would be prosperous if interveners identify and use suitable analytical measures and measurement techniques to stay away from possible errors that could affect proper progress.

Literature Review

Study Methods

Scholarly research reveals that STIs are a major concern that requires concrete planning to achieve the targeted goals. Ibragimov et al. (2019) complete a research using quantitative data, which provides valuable information about why some individuals and populations are at higher risk of contracting STDs than others. [BG14] Even though many states in the U.S. now employ effective measures to prevent farther escalation of STI cases in the country, but still some states have to deal with the escalating numbers. Ibragimov et al. (2019) think that relying on traditional techniques to address the matter may not yield the anticipated results, exposing many people to STDs. Meanwhile, Keller (2020) uses a mixed-method by gathering quantitative and qualitative data acknowledges the need to overcome hurdles that deter some people from accessing relevant information and care related to STDs. Scholars share the view that STDs require proper attention to deal with the health problem.

Risks in Different States

Examination of various secondary sources reveal that other states in the U.S. are equally trying to develop mechanisms to prevent more cases of STDs. Whereas Vermont records insignificant cases of STDs, Louisiana, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Alabama record higher levels of infections that most states in the U.S. (Ibragimov et al., 2019). Vermont manages to maintain low levels of STIs because it has invested in informing members of the public about the need to be cautious when indulging in sexual behaviors, especially with unknown partners. The government of Vermont through the Vermont Department of Health has initiated various programs with the hope of preventing possible infection, particularly among high-risk populations (Ibragimov et al., 2019). The Department runs a website where people learn about so many things and get the chance to interact with experts on health issues affecting their well-being. Even though the rate of STIs is considerably higher in South Carolina, the state government is committed to maintain rate of infection within certain limits and stakeholders in this region hope that it would be able to manage the trend in the near future (Ibragimov et al., 2019). South Carolina now emphasizes on telling people, young and old, the importance of staying away from acts that put one at higher risk of contracting STDs.

Baltimore, Maryland, [BG15] [BG16]  registers a considerably high rate of STD infection, but despite the soaring cases, the state government is taking proper measures to remedy the situation. City of Baltimore (2021) informs that Baltimore records the highest rate of STD in the United States. The city battles cases of STDs such as HIV/AIDS, gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis. City of Baltimore (2021) identifies factors such as lack of proper housing, stress and stigma, poverty, and substance use as some of the risk factors that increase the likelihood of contracting STDs in Maryland, particularly Baltimore.[BG17] 

Lack of protection contributes to the spread of the problem. The chances of contracting STDs in the state increase because of the [BG18] decreased use of protection among vulnerable individuals, encompassing young people and bisexual and gay men (City of Baltimore, 2021). Cuts to STI initiatives at the local and state levels, especially in the recent past have resulted in increased cases of infection in Baltimore and the larger Maryland. Cases of budget reduction, loss of staff, reduced testing and screening, and decreased patient monitoring and connection to care services. Nevertheless, the Baltimore City Health Department in conjunction with the state government has enacted various measures in an attempt to reduce farther infection (City of Baltimore, 2021). Both governments, for example, invest significantly in STD clinics that have become more dominant in the recent years. [BG19] 

The situation is not any better in California where cases of STDs continue to increase despite the enacted measures put in place to suppress additional escalation of cases. HIV, chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis are the primary concerns in the state where more than 100,000 people are infected with various STDs (San Francisco AIDS Foundation, 2019). Reports by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) continue to urge all stakeholders to embrace more effective intervention measures to put the situation under control; otherwise, more people will become infected and possibly lose their lives from serious cases (San Francisco AIDS Foundation, 2019). CDPH emphasizes that if left unattended to, STDs like gonorrhea and chlamydia can result in fatal long-term health complications such as cancer and infertility. Syphilis, on the other hand, increases one’s possibilities of developing damage to internal organs, neurological complications, and paralysis (San Francisco AIDS Foundation, 2019). However, state operators now acknowledge the importance of enhancing strategic coordination among health officers and the public health system and allocate more resources to testing and treatment of infected individuals (San Francisco AIDS Foundation, 2019). Interveners in California are confident that paying more attention to the health problem will help to reduces cases of infection.

Nevertheless, stakeholders in California have adopted additional measures to suppress farther STD infection rates in the state. For instance, those responsible for addressing STI cases in the state focus on the HIV/AIDS & STD Program that is committed to promoting the formation, execution, and coordination of initiatives to reduce the transmission of the HIV virus and other STDs (San Francisco AIDS Foundation, 2019). The plan seeks to offer comprehensive services for people living positively, and to encourage community awareness of the disease to enhance understanding and promote quick and effective response (San Francisco AIDS Foundation, 2019). The HIV/AIDS Program provides medical case referrals and management to promote service delivery. The program, for example, provides housing support to infected people, and help those suffering from mental complications. The initiative plays active roles in registering infected individuals to ensure that they get necessary support, and facilitates access to intervention services (San Francisco AIDS Foundation, 2019). Besides, the state promotes the STD program that offers services for various STDs, including chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis (San Francisco AIDS Foundation, 2019). The STD program emphasizes [BG20] partner identification and collaboration, diagnosis, treatment, and screening.

Organizational Efforts to Curb the Problem

The facilities offer services to infected and affected individuals, which play vital functions in easing further spread. The city in collaboration with the state has also developed various community risk reduction programs such as the Baltimore City Needle Exchange Program that seeks to reduce transmission of STDs through sharing of needles, especially among drug users. In addition, interveners in this place have established the HIV Planning Group & Commission that monitors STD trends in the city while comparing with state and nationwide trends (City of Baltimore, 2021). Interveners hope that the adopted measures will help to suppress undesirable escalations in infection rate.

[BG21] The review illustrates the need to embrace remedies that would help infected individuals get necessary assistance. It shows how states now acknowledge the need to address STDs as an urgent issue that requires effective mitigation to prevent more cases. The literature illustrates how states embrace different approaches and policies with the hope that such measures would protect both infected and affected people. All other states should prioritize STDs as a concern that requires effective attention and investment.


The study shows the need to [BG22] develop proper mechanisms for addressing and educating the public [BG23] about the importance of taking extra measures when planning to have sex such as taking necessary tests and using protection. The awareness process would be prosperous through the expansion of treatment centers and programs where affected people get the opportunity to have direct conversation with educators and specialists. Awareness should also increase at the community level and in learning facilities to reach out to as many people as possible. The education and awareness process should address as many issues as possible regarding STDs and cover each topic without hiding anything from the audience to equip them will every information they need to know. Nevertheless, Shannon and Klausner (2019) assert that the campaigns may have a significant impact on target populations when teams work collaboratively without secluding key partners. Working closely with other partners makes it possible to gain a wide range of valuable information and concepts on how to address the matter, and offers the chance to reach out to a broader audience base. Engaging different parties makes it easier to reach out to specific populations and handle their cases on individual basis.

The public campaign would be more effective when responsible teams use effective technical and professional communication techniques. Embracing proper communication methods makes it possible to deliver the message to the targeted audience without any hindrance. Reddy and Gupta (2020) recommend the need to pay attention to the problem at hand rather dwelling on matters touching on individuals. Communicators need to be direct and straight to the point when addressing the public instead of beating about the bush and emphasizing on talks that may not solve the problem at hand. Educators need to give other the opportunity to give their views and contribute towards the awareness process because it is possible to acquire useful tips on how to handle the initiative by allowing others to express their opinions. An essential factor to consider when communicating with stakeholders is to eradicate or overcome barriers that could affect verbal communication. Thus, by employing different communication techniques, educators can enhance appropriateness of the messages issued to enhance public awareness.

It is essential to adopt effective evaluation techniques to assess whether the public awareness program is heading towards the right path, or whether more needs to happen to alleviate the situation. The team needs apply strategic evaluation, which involves gathering certain information about how appropriate the strategic plan works (Fynn, Hardeman, Milton, & Jones, 2020). Strategic evaluation aims at determining the efficacy and appropriateness of the implemented techniques in achieving the intervening team’s aspirations and embracing remedies whenever required (Fynn et al., 2020). Therefore, an appropriate evaluation technique is to assess the rate of turnout for those who come for tests, medication, and education. The practice would be a successful when a lot of people respond positively to the exercise and play active roles in making the exercise successful. The practice would also be a success when many people turn up for medication because this means that the level of threat will have dropped.

The teams leading the campaign process should pay considerable attention to attribution so that the practice’s objectives do not get mixed up with other issues happening at the same time the program takes place. A suitable way to ensure that other factors don not disrupt the achievement of the targeted goals is to have a plan that allows for the completion of a particular task before transiting to another activity. An effective plan is suitable in this instance because this presents the chance to avoid disruptions by other happening taking place at the same time during the campaign process.


The study identifies STDs as a serious health concern in Indiana that requires considerable attention from all stakeholders to effectively suppress farther infection. The study identifies STDs such as HIV/AIDS, syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia as some of the STIs that require considerable attention from interveners. An effective approach to deal with the issue is to initiate a public awareness process that informs members of the public about the need to be cautious when indulging in sexual affairs, especially with unknown partners. Communicators should address the matter as directly as possible to transmit the message clearly and without taking much time. Educators should ensure that they eradicate or avoid factors that could affect their expression of ideas and distract how others listen. The proposal urges those in charge of creating public awareness to use effective evaluation techniques to assess whether the initiative helps to reduce rate of infection. The report also emphasizes on the significance of addressing attribution to avoid other disturbances that could affect effective progress of the intervention process. 



Benjamin, G., Kizer, K., Pane, G., Gimson, W., & Sofaer, S. (2019, November). The STD epidemic in America: The frontline struggle. Washington, D.C.: National Academy of Public Administration. Retrieved from [BG25]

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). [BG26] (2021). Indiana – State health profile. Retrieved from

City of Baltimore. (2021). Baltimore city health department. Retrieved from

Fynn, J., Hardeman, W., Milton, K., & Jones, A. (2020). A scoping review of evaluation frameworks and their applicability to real-world physical activity and dietary change programme evaluation. BMC Public Health, 20(1000),

Ibragimov, U., Beane, S., Friedman, S. R., Komro, K., Adimora, A. A., Edwards, J. K., … Cooper, H. L. F. [BG27] (2019). States with higher minimum wages have lower STI rates among women: Results of an ecological study of 66 US metropolitan areas, 2003-2015. PLoS ONE, 14(10): e0223579.

Indiana Department of Health. (2021). STD data. Retrieved from

Keller, L. (2020). Reducing STI cases: Young people deserve better sexual health information and services. Guttmacher Policy Review, 2,

Ott, M., & Santelli, J. (2019). Sexually transmitted infections, public health, and ethics. Retrieved from

Reddy, V., & Gupta, A. (2020). Importance of effective communication during COVID-19 infodemic. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, 9(8), 3793-3796. doi:10.4103/jfmpc.jfmpc_719_20

San Francisco AIDS Foundation. (2019). STD rates in California reach the highest levels in 30 years. Retrieved from

Shannon, C., & Klausner, J. (2019). The growing epidemic of sexually transmitted infections in adolescents: A neglected population. Current Opinion in [BG28] Pediatrics, 30(1), 137-143. doi:10.1097/MOP.0000000000000578

Dear Sharon,

With minor referencing, and paragraphing, minor style, formatting, grammar, and careless mistakes, and a 5% fine for repetitive issues, your share is 70%.



 [BG1]Only few first words of the paper title are enough for the running head. No need to indicate the full title.

 [BG2]Leave only 4-5 lines here in APA 6.

 [BG3]Do not leave that many lines

 [BG4]You were not asked to write a purpose statement.

 [BG5]Avoid repetitions.

 [BG6]Eliminate repetitions in close succession.

 [BG7]Ensure subject-verb agreement.

 [BG8]Cite all facts.

 [BG9]Ensure subject-verb agreement.

 [BG10]Please mind that such starting transitions as Moreover, Furthermore, For instance, For example, In addition, Additionally, Besides… in a paragraph’s last sentence clearly show that this sentence is NOT an observation. Observations should not start with these words.

 [BG11]Avoid redundancy.

 [BG12]A Work by Three to Five Authors: List all the authors in the signal phrase or in parentheses the first time you cite the source. Use the word “and” between the authors’ names within the text and use the ampersand in parentheses.

In subsequent citations, only use the first author’s last name followed by “et al.” in the signal phrase or in parentheses.

 [BG13]Please note that a demonstrative pronoun should always be followed by a noun to avoid vague noun-pronoun reference.

 [BG14]What authors? You did not cite any in this sentence.

 [BG15]Use professional language to express your ideas.

 [BG16]Avoid colloquialisms in academic writing.

 [BG17]Make sure your paragraphs are not longer than 5-7 sentences (academic standards) unless otherwise specified.

 [BG18]I had to add a topic sentence and adjust the rest to form a new paragraph.


 [BG20]Ensure proper word collocations by using correct prepositions or omitting them:

 [BG21]organize chapters logically without jumping from one sub-topic to the other.

 [BG22]Opt for strong verbs to phrasal verbs (verb + preposition), which are very common in spoken or more casual uses of English.

 [BG23]Avoid redundancy by expressing your ideas concisely.

 [BG24]Use the page break.

 [BG25]APA 6 uses this phrase to introduce URL for online sources except for permalinks and URLs with an embedded doi number.

 [BG26]Introduce the full title of the organization before indicating the abbreviation.

 [BG27]More Than Seven Authors

List by last names and initials; commas separate author names. After the sixth author’s name, use an ellipsis in place of the author names. Then provide the final author name. There should be no more than seven names.

 [BG28]the preposition is also a part of the journal title. It should also be italicized.

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