
Posted: August 25th, 2021


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Progressive education has its roots in Europe, whereby Maria Montessori pioneered it. Through her efforts, several progressive schools were established across Europe, albeit on an experimental basis around 1774 (Beasley, 2019). However, the continued growth and expansion of the schooling system continued to be realized until when the ideas of progressive education spread wings to other new territories such as the United States. Nonetheless, progressive education emerged as a counter-measure to the conventional education systems established traditionally. In particular, the proponents of progressive education were convinced that the already established rules regarding education were highly formal and extremely restrictive. According to its proponents, progressive education prioritizes experience which is deemed by the educators to be the best approach to learning. The philosophy underpinning progressive education is anchored on the need for children to be taught how to think as opposed to the memorization of facts. It is for this reason that progressive education is centered on learning by doing whereby learners actively participate in various activities to operationalize their knowledge. 

Current Issue in Education

By utilizing the approaches of Montessori education and homeschooling, the issue of progressive education will be examined concerning aspects such as teachers and the teaching standards, high-stakes assessments, curriculum/instruction, methodology, and technology. 

Teachers and Standards 

Teachers and standards play an essential role in the holistic approach to learning. It is important to note that the teachers usually play a crucial role in aligning their teaching instructions with the expected education standards for meaningful engagement with students. Arguably, the established education standards in this regard mostly play the role of holding teachers accountable for what goes on in classrooms. Moreover, it should be acknowledged that the alignment of the learning process with the expected standards has played a significant role in the attainment of higher learning levels. Moreover, it has also helped guide teachers and keep them on track concerning the issuance of teaching instructions to the learners.

Considering that progressive education reiterates on the critical role played by teachers, it should be noted that across the board, teachers are usually expected to teach learners how they can think empirically and apply the learned concepts (Jolly, & Matthews, 2017). Arguably, this is a significant shift from the memorization of education concepts and ideas embraced by the traditional approaches. It is for this reason that teachers and standards play a crucial role in the successful implementation of progressive education. For instance, the process of learning by doing is usually spearheaded by the teacher when using hands-on projects that allow students to engage in activities promoting a holistic learning experience actively. Moreover, teachers can adopt the use of real-world approaches in their teaching process, thus allowing students to evaluate and perceive the taught learning materials differently from a practical point of view.

 However, it should be acknowledged that standards usually play an important role in ensuring that all the expected tenets in the teaching process have adhered. In the context of progressive education, standards have widely been adopted to streamline the issuance of instructions as well as ensure that teachers focus on the outlined teaching targets. Moreover, such established standards have also helped map out the expectations for a student earning, thus providing a framework supposed to be adhered to by teachers. In this regard, teachers are expected to adhere to such prescribed standards and ensure that all demands, as stipulated by the standards are met. A standard-based approach to learning can also be utilized by teachers to track down the performance of students and make the necessary plan based on the students’ specific needs. 

Montessori education approach. It perceives classroom education and teachers differently. Whereas it acknowledges an essential role of teachers and standards in the approach to progressive education, the adopted learning process is based on comprehension rather than memorization. It is for this reason that the Montessori Method usually advocates for the teachers to act as guides for students as they learn life skills and other school subjects at their own pace and directions. Moreover, a minimum of one teacher certified to conduct the Montessori Method is assigned to each classroom. To ensure that the expected education standards are attained, students in Montessori classrooms are usually grouped in different ages. However, one outstanding aspect is that they choose how they are supposed to learn, whereas the teacher will be responsible for guiding and observing them ensure adherence to the expected standards. Unlike other approaches, the Montessori Method of education does not promote learning by grade level. Instead, it is an accommodative approach that can allow some students to learn faster and others to take their ample time. In the entire approach, the teacher is usually focused on ensuring the mastery of a given set of skills by each student. This explains why the student is expected to proceed to the next level upon mastering a given task without necessarily having to wait for others to catch up. 

Moreover, a teacher will be responsible for observing each student and determining whether they need autonomy or guidance. In this regard, emphasis on close observation by teachers is aimed at helping teachers establish whether the respective students are within the confines of their development. Based on the obtained feedback, the teacher will determine appropriate activities that can help guide the students, trigger concentration, and focus. Arguably, in the Montessori Method, teachers usually act as dynamic links between the learning materials and students. However, this is generally accomplished within the confines of the laid down standards aimed at the holistic promotion of learning among students. Teachers are further expected to be an embodiment of Montessori principles and be good role models for students. 

Quality of Evidence and Assumptions. Credible information has been provided affirming Montessori as an education method characterized by collaborative play, hands-on learning, and self-directed activity. Therefore, this has made it a consistent approach to progressive education given the clearly defined roles expected to be played by teachers. It can also be observed for the case of Dr. Maria Montessori, who proposed the Montessori Method to education, especially considering that she furthered her studies in fields such as psychology and philosophy before lecturing at the University of Rome in the Pedagogic School. Dr. Maria Montessori has also published an extensive work on pedagogy. However, there are underlying assumptions regarding the holistic approach to the learning process (Beasley, 2019). For instance, it is assumed that the primary role of educators is to teach children how to think. In this essence, the Montessori approach to education is expected to promote the art of learning by doing. 

Homeschooling Education Approach. It can be conducted by a tutor, a parent, or an online teacher. Therefore, if parents are dissatisfied with how their children are being taught at school, they can implement homeschooling in the entire approach of embracing progressive education. For instance, when a parent is dissatisfied with the credibility of academic instructions being issued, homeschooling is an option that can be explored to address such gaps. In such a scenario, a parent or a tutor will have to play an active role in the learning process of a student by directly taking charge (Martin, 2018). Unlike other conventional approaches to schooling, a parent can have greater control over the learning needs and process through homeschooling. In particular, adoption of homeschooling in such a case will help a parent or the designated tutor have control over what a student is taught, thus crafting relevant approaches to cater for the abilities of a student adequately.

On an additional note, homeschooling can be appropriate in instances where parents are not impressed with the secular nature of schools their children are attending. In such a case, homeschooling can be adopted to incorporate religious education in the learning process of such children. It can also be utilized as a part of the parenting style aimed at instilling the ability to think and learn by doing among the students. One notable thing about homeschooling is that it can be twisted to reflect progressive education concerning the instructions that will be issued by the tutor or a parent in the entire learning process. It is also an appropriate platform for a student to learn by doing as per the philosophy of progressive education. Through homeschooling, a student will also have a suitable opportunity to learn by experiencing various real-world situations. Arguably, it is a conducive approach to progressive education given that it helps promote trust between a student and their world. Homeschooling can also appropriately help a student develop their language and motor skills, thus bolstering their confidence. A student also has gained independence due to the provided nurturing and engaging environment as per the tenets of progressive education. 

Quality of Evidence and Assumption. Blumenfeld (1997) has presented a detailed guide that can be adhered to by parents when homeschooling their children. The author is a seasoned publisher who has written many books on education. Therefore, this has helped affirm the quality of the guidelines he has outlined in line with progressive education that parents should follow when homeschooling their children (Beasley, 2019). However, the primary assumption regarding the homeschooling approach to education is that parents or tutors will have enough time to sit down with children and understand their learning needs. As such, this is a significant assumption that has been made throughout the texts focusing on the homeschooling approach to education and how it fits within progressive education. Nonetheless, the established authority by Blumenfeld (1997) in the publication of books on education is a notable aspect that has helped ground homeschooling within the confines of progressive education, thus providing a clear outline that can be adopted by parents when they want to homeschool their children. 

High-stakes Assessments 

High-stakes assessments are usually adopted in scenarios where the expected results can trigger significant consequences. In the conventional learning approaches, the administered tests are traditionally used as the basis for a major decision on whether a student can progress to another level or not. However, for the case of progressive education, teachers are usually tasked with the responsibility of crafting relevant instruments and assessment strategies to evaluate the progress of students. One of the high-stakes assessment approach adopted in progressive education in the determination of understanding among the students. In particular, a teacher can establish this through observation. There are instances where tests may also be an appropriate assessment tool. In such a case, a student can be assessed on the ability to think as opposed to memorization of education concepts. In progressive education, educators usually use the collected information regarding assessment when making instructional decisions aimed at addressing the learning needs of the students. For instance, a teacher can use the obtained feedback to refine and modify the teaching instructions to ensure that they are more focused on invigorating the ability of students to do things on their own and also learn from the real-world scenarios.

 It is, for this reason, that aspect such as the acquisition of knowledge skills, subsequent successive performance and interdependency is the overall assessment measures adopted in progressive education. At the end of an instructional phase in progressive education, there is a greater emphasis on skill base and knowledge attained by students such that they can independently think on their own. Furthermore, unlike other conventional education systems, progressive education does not impose penalties or punishment as part of its assessment criteria. It is for this reason that students excelling in their education will be promoted at an individual level, whereas the non-achievers will be given a conducive environment to re-adjust themselves and improve on their week areas. 

Montessori education approach. It should be noted that this approach is non-competitive when it comes to the assessment of students. Therefore, in the bid to promote progressive education, Montessori education usually encourage creative thinking and exploration among students. Therefore, students are not subjected to a punitive grading system that can categorize them as either top-achievers or under-achievers. In this learning approach, assessment is purely anchored on observation of students as they engage in various routine activities. Therefore, this implies that the teacher will focus on observing how students are learning and subsequent emotional and social development in multiple engagements. Besides this, control of error frameworks has also been built to help students monitor the accuracy of their processes. Therefore, this implies that students will always be in a position to discover themselves and make necessary adjustments as per the teacher’s feedback. 

Quality of Evidence and Assumptions. The Montessori education approach concerning assessments has emphasized on the non-competitive nature of evaluations. Montessori Australia has expansively outlined the Montessori approach to assessment, whereby it has been asserted that the undertaken assessments usually focus on encouraging creative thinking and exploration (Beasley, 2019). On a different note, it has been assumed that by focusing on creative thinking and the ability of students to explore, teachers can assess the progress of students concerning the mastery of concepts and skills across different disciplines. 

Homeschooling Education Approach. A parent or tutor can text a student to evaluate their academic progress during homeschooling. Given that homeschooling is an unusual approach in progressive education, it is essential to note that assessments are used to build the relationship between a tutor and the student. In particular, at the beginning of a homeschooling approach, goals can be set by a student and the tutor. Therefore, assessments will be done to evaluate whether such goals have been attained and the followingcritical areas that a student can explore to improve their knowledge and holistic, progressive education. Given that progressive education does not allow results or scores to define the progress of a learning process, this is a similar approach that is usually embraced in the homeschooling approach to education. It is for this reason that the significant interests of homeschooling are the development of personal interests and abilities among the students. 

Quality of Evidence and Assumptions. Enough evidence has been provided to demonstrate the evaluation and assessment measures undertaken by tutors and parents regarding the homeschooling approach to education. As expected, it has been made clear that this approach to education usually deploys a non-competitive approach to assessment (Beasley, 2019). In the outlined argument, it is emphasized that the undertaken assessment framework primarily aims to bolster the relationship between the tutor and the students as well as improving their interests. However, various assumptions have been made concerning the assessments undertaken in the homeschooling approach to education. For instance, it has been assumed that the created relationship bond between a student and the tutor is the basis of facilitating most of the intended learning processes. 


In progressive education, the adopted curriculum is purely anchored on the interests of the students. Even though educators usually have the desired objectives and themes for learning, it is important to note that the course of study is usually designed in a collaborative effort between the teachers and students. Besides this, scheduling of the learning sessions is further anchored on problems that can allow students to independently explore different issues practically and theoretically (Lillard, 2018). However, all this is undertaken while upholding the essence of involving students in inquiry, problem-solving, and the holistic learning process. Based on the curriculum, it is important to note that progressive education primarily champions a learning process based on experience. Therefore, it is for this reason that students usually learn through a raft of experience-based activities deemed appropriate for them. In this regard, students are allowed to portray the learned information in each unit. Given the experience-based learning championed by progressive education, teachers tasked with this responsibility usually adopt a wide range of assessment techniques such as group presentations aimed at allowing students to work out solutions and seek appropriate alternatives independently. Arguably, the designed curriculum is also defined by the learning needs of each group. Therefore, the curriculum adopted by a teacher this year cannot be the same as the one that was used in the previous year. It is for this reason that progressive teachers usually involve students when formulating the curriculum of study. Similar approaches are also adopted when formulating standards and the outcomes expected at the end of each lesson. 

Montessori education approach. Its approach to education usually integrates several concepts. Therefore, such methods are typically adopted in the learning curriculum to facilitate the learning process of children from birth to adulthood. As a critical proponent of progressive education, it should be acknowledged that the Montessori education approach usually embraces a learning framework incorporating holistic outcomes that can be tailored to the interests and development needs of each student. It is for this reason that its curriculum usually over critical areas such as culture, language, sensorial, mathematics, and practical life. In this case, the undertaken practical life activities in the context of learning usually allowed students to have hands-on experience learning processes on how to care for the environment and themselves. By participating in such activities, the students are encouraged to develop their confidence, independence and the ability to take on new challenges. Therefore, it is clear that the focus areas in Montessori education epitomize the spirit of progressive education. For instance, the presentation of diverse concepts in the adopted curriculum mostly plays a crucial role in providing students with repeated opportunities for them to put into practice the learned skills. In the bid to foster progressive education, it is essential to note that Montessori education usually promotes discipline interconnectedness in its holistic approach to curriculum. 

Quality of Evidence and Assumptions. Convincing evidence has been outlined by The Montessori School, demonstrating its multi-disciplinary approach to curriculum development. Based on the presented argument, it has been emphasized that the Montessori curriculum mostly covers five broad areas for learning (Beasley, 2019). Whereas practical life focuses on equipping students with skills on how to care for the environment and themselves, sensorial materials are provided by progressive teachers to help students express their sensory experiences, thus boosting the holistic intellectual sense development. This implies that in the course of the learning experience, students perfect their ability to compare and observe with precision. However, assumptions have been made that the learning areas of sensorial, practical life, culture, language, and mathematics are the fundamental tenets for the curriculum of Montessori progressive education. Another assumption has been made regarding the results of the undertaken learning processes. Based on the outlined learning areas, it is assumed that the main focus is to boost the intellectual development of students for future encounters in life. 

Homeschooling Education Approach. Tutors and families can have multiple choices when it comes to developing the curriculum of homeschooling. However, caution is usually undertaken to prevent incidents of boredom among students by incorporating diverse activities in the adopted curriculum aimed at promoting progressive education for the student. For instance, it can be appropriate for the tutor to adopt multiple options such as art projects, pencil exercises, paper exercises, discussions, and even computer-based lessons (Jolly & Matthews, 2018). Arguably, an outstanding aspect regarding the homeschooling education approach is that it usually incorporates multiple curriculum activities that have to be undertaken by a student. Such inclusion is purposely aimed at ensuring that a student always has activities to undertake as part of the adopted homeschooling. However, the approved curriculum is supposed to accommodate different interests, activity levels, learning preferences, personality types and the levels of development characterizing each student. Nonetheless, the adopted curriculum is expected to help students boost their kinesthetic, auditory, and visual learning in the bid to boost progressive education. 

Quality of Evidence and Assumptions. Different curriculum types that can be adopted for a homeschooling education approach can be adopted. Based on the illustrated evidence, it has been asserted that when developing a curriculum for such scenarios, a multi-faceted approach centered on the inclusion of many activities on the curriculum is usually adopted. In this essence, this has been attributed to the desire to avoid boredom among the students (Beasley, 2019). In this case, the inclusion of many activities helps ensure that a student always has a business to undertake at part of the holistic homeschooling progressive education. On the other hand, it has also been assumed that students will be disciplined to stick to the adopted homeschooling curriculum. Given the boredom that can arise as a result of doing the same activity routinely, it has been assumed that this is likely not to be the case, especially with the inclusion of many businesses on the homeschooling curriculum. 


The proponents of progressive education assert that knowledge usually evolves continuously. Therefore, students should be allowed to go about their learning process freely. On an additional note, it should be noted that the progressive approach to education usually embraces group activities. Through such group activities, students are allowed to enhance their knowledge. In this way,  by participating in group activities as outlined by progressive educators, students can grow both socially and personally. It is for this reason that consultation, participation, conference, and planning are some of the critical teaching procedures utilized to maximize the learning process among the students. Furthermore, students are given platforms to experience the situation of aesthetic, social, emotional, and practical nature in progressive education, essentially establishing a part of the holistic approach to the learning process that is usually adopted by progressive educators. 

Montessori education approach. It is usually defined by the provision of a prepared environment for learning purposes that is pleasing and tidy in appearance. In this essence, such a situationoften acts as a motivator for students to learn freely and concentrate for a significant period without being interrupted. In Montessori education, students are allowed to work with scientifically prepared materials, thus having a rare opportunity of developing their cognitive abilities as well as the exploration of the surrounding world. In the long run, such deployed methodologies usually boost progressive education through the adopted integrated curriculum. 

Quality of Evidence and Assumptions. Convincing evidence regarding the Montessori Method has been outlined, giving details on the critical methodologies that are usually adopted by progressive educators (Beasley, 2019). For instance, the provided learning materials by the Montessori Method aim at promoting the development of cognitive abilities among the students. However, it has been assumed that by interacting with the scientifically designed materials, students are presented with a rare opportunity of interacting with their surrounding world. 

Homeschooling Education Approach. There are different progressive approaches to homeschooling. On this basis, children are supposed to be given enough time for them to learn how they can appropriately manage the allocated time. Its methodology is centered on allowing students to learn at their own pace and also select the desired learning materials. For instance, they can undertake activities such as food preparation and spooning. However, it should be noted that the primary approach of all these activities conducted under the homeschooling education approach is aimed at developing cognitive skills among the students for them to think on their own. 

Quality of Evidence and Assumptions. Various methodologies for undertaking to homeschool have been outlined, thus outlining specifics that have to be adhered to by learners for progressive learning to take place. Therefore, homeschooling students can take part in subjects such as art and music to enhance the growth of their cognitive skills (Beasley, 2019). However, assumptions have been made that the tutors will continuously be monitoring the progress of the students as they are subjected to various homeschooling methodologies. 


Technology plays a vital role in progressive education. In particular, this has explicitly been aimed at improving students’ learning outcomes by directly and indirectly facilitating the learning process. It is for this reason that in a progressive learning classroom, technological solutions such as audio/visual teaching aids, classroom response systems, tablets, learning management systems, and digital textbooks are usually adopted to facilitate the holistic learning experience. Therefore, this has helped open up how students can collaborate and communicate when going about their studies. 

Montessori education approach. Technology plays a crucial role in Montessori education for the enhancement of progressive learning. It is for this reason that progressive educators usually rely on computers to conduct research as well as creating pictures necessary for student learning. Hence, it explains why the Bring Your Device (BYOD) policy has been adopted in Montessori educational institutions to promote progressive learning among students. 

Quality of Evidence and Assumptions. The essence of education in Montessori education approach and the subsequent role played in progressive education has been emphasized by Dr. Maria Montessori (Beasley, 2019). However, it has assumed that technology will help create an interface between students and progressive educators, thus holistically facilitating the entire learning process. 

Homeschooling Education Approach. Technology has been leveraged in the homeschooling education approach for the enhancement of progressive learning among students. Through multiple technological solutions, homeschoolers have been able to connect and interact with their peers. For instance, it is through technology that live curriculum consultants for facilitating homeschooling have been made possible. Therefore, through a platform such as Facebook and other forums, students can seek encouragement from the created friendship to enhance their progressive learning experiences. 

Quality of Evidence and Assumptions. Provided evidence suggests that, whereas various factions have adopted the homeschooling approach to progressive education, technology has helped create an interface for the formation of friendship (Alburaidi & Ambusaidi, 2019). Moreover, it is assumed that students undertaking progressive homeschooling usually have the technical know-how to operate various technological solutions seamlessly. 

The connection between Aspects and Approaches

The aspects of curriculum and methodology usually impact each other within the Montessori educational approach. In this case, whereas the curriculum focuses on the key learning areas such as culture, language, mathematics, sensorial and practical life, its methodology is defined by various self-directed activities as well as the hands-on experience. Through such methodological approaches, the study areas for Montessori education can be progressively covered by teachers. 

On the other hand, high-stakes assessment and methodology are the key aspects that usually impact each other within the homeschooling education approach. Whereas homeschooling does not involve standardized tests in its assessment, it is also imperative to note that its methodology usually consists of participating in community classes as well as pursuing hobbies. The bottom line is that it is aimed at the cognitive development of the students going by its assessment and methodology. 

Pro and Cons of These Approaches

Montessori education approach. The main pros of this approach are its emphasis on independent learning. Moreover, it also enhances social interaction. 

Homeschooling Education Approach. Whereas it providesgreater educational freedom, a tutor can also have a direct role in the daily learning of the students. On the other hand, its demerit is that students will have less time for themselves each day. Moreover, dedicating more time to it can imply fewer working hours or even a loss of income. 

The solution, Potential Criticisms & Future of Education

Progressive education is based on the hands-on education approach, where the students learn by doing. Therefore, in its entire strategy, students will learn by engaging in active activities aiming at the utilization of the gained knowledge. Consequently, it has helped address significant problems in education by focusing on the acquisition of experience at the expense of comprehending the taught facts. 

Even though progressive education focuses on the individual student progress, there are cases where low-achievers may be disadvantaged by their low progression compared to other peers. Nonetheless, the implementation of progressive education has played a significant role in boosting cognitive development among students. In the future, its comprehensive application will imply that students will focus on how they think and interact with the environment in the holistic approach to the learning process. 


Progressive education stratetegies are characterized by a hands-on approach to learning. However, Montessori and homeschooling approach to education has articulated differently concerning aspects such as teachers and standards, high-stakes assessments, curriculum/instruction, methodology, and technology. In this essence, Montessori education usually aims at matching the available activities with the natural interests of students as well as supporting cognitive development among students. For the case of homeschooling, the learning process can be undertaken at any play other than the conventional school setup.


Alburaidi, A., & Ambusaidi, A. (2019). The Impact of Using Activities Based on the Montessori Approach in Science in the Academic Achievement of Fourth Grade Students. International Journal of Instruction, 12(2), 695-708.

Beasley, R. (2019). Progressive Education and Modernist Literature: Black Mountain College, 1933–1940. Modernist Cultures, 14(3), 291-315.

Jolly, J. L., & Matthews, M. S. (2017). Homeschooling: An Alternative Approach for Gifted and Talented Learners?. In Fundamentals of Gifted Education (pp. 467-476). Routledge.

Jolly, J. L., & Matthews, M. S. (2018). The shifting landscape of the homeschooling continuum. Educational Review, 1-12.

Lillard, A. S. (2018). Rethinking education: Montessori’s approach. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 27(6), 395-400.

Martin, J. R. (2018). The school was Our Life: Remembering Progressive Education. Indiana University Press.

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