Privacy Issues in an Organization

Posted: September 9th, 2013

Privacy Issues in an Organization







            Privacy in any organization is a key issue. With the advancement of technology, the importance of maintenance of privacy in the company data has increased. Technology has new benefits and risks since it has made it easy for accessibility of data especially where tight security measures are not in place. Data can be shared across networks making it easier for third parties to access the data and information in an unauthorized manner if they possess the skills to do so. In our organization, privacy of data concerning the running of the organization and clients is the top priority. Great measures are being implemented to ensure that this data does not fall into unauthorized hands, a situation that may result in the harm of the relation with clients.

Confidentiality and information management

            One of the most sensitive aspects in the organization is the information of the organization’s operations; hence, it has to be guarded to ensure that it does not face any threat from competitors. Confidentiality is important as business ethics requires operations kept confidential hence the company takes measures to ensure that this is achieved. One of these measures is that the organization includes a clause in the contract of every employee binding them to confidentiality, hence protecting any information that employees may acquire in the course of the organizational operations. Employees are prohibited from disclosing any transactional operation details or any information that the clients may have told them.

Another measure that the company takes in order to protect its operational information is including, in the work contracts, a clause prohibiting the employees from opening a business of a similar nature to that of the organization in the same location. This is because they may use the information they may have gathered while working in the organization to attract the organizations clients, hence making the organization lose business.

Ethical considerations in maintaining confidentiality

            While maintaining confidentiality, the organization does not put its interests ahead of the employees’ interests. It takes measures that uphold integrity and consider the interests of the employees. For instance, the organization does not prohibit employees from seeking employment from competing firms as long as the employee does not disclose any information putting the organization in a compromising position. The organization also does not bug or spy on employees to ensure that they are being confidential hence respecting the employee’s privacy, as well.

Privacy regulations within the organization

            The hierarchy of positions and the amount of information passed from one level to the other is guarded to ensure that not every person has access to all the organization’s data. This ensures that there is traceability of data where it becomes easy for problem solving if a problem concerning information privacy arises. The organization is also divided into departments with each department specializing in a certain field that contributes to the overall success of the organization. This ensures that at no point is an individual empowered to have expertise in all the areas that make the organization a complete success. The confidentiality code in the organization ensures that the employees do not disclose the information they may have obtained in the course of the business even to their fellow employees.

Intellectual property concerns

            It is human nature to want growth in one’s life. Hence, the organization’s intellectual property is constantly under threat of employee transfer in search of opportunities that are more promising. Employee skills and knowledge, being one of the assets of the organization, is guarded against poaching by competition, where the organization offers excellent remuneration and working conditions for the employees. There are constant training sessions and sponsoring of employees for advanced, professional courses, which aids in growing the intellectual capacity of the employees.

Concerns on organizational and customer data protection

Organizational and transaction data is stored in databases, where tight security measures such as use of pass codes and passwords is undertaken. Only authorized individuals are able to access the private databases containing this information. It is difficult to protect data contained in the internet, hence the company employs personnel specialized in that field to ensure that organization data remains confidential. With advancement in technology, hacking techniques also advance hence the organization keeps on sponsoring its employees in electronic data field for further learning in data protection to ensure that the safety of data is always at the highest level.

Legal concerns as appropriate—Sarbanes–Oxley Act (SOX)

            The Sarbanes-Oxley Act regulates organizations’ accounting representations to ensure that there is no misrepresentation of information leading to misleading their clients (Articsoft, 2012). There are set punishments for not adhering to the laws. Our organization ensures that it complies with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act hence avoiding legal problems that can ruin the credibility of the organization. The organization also complies with the Privacy Act ensuring that employees do not disclose the contents of transactions with others as this Act prohibits disclosure of details of a record without the consent of the individual involved in the transaction (Justice Department, 2003).


Articsoft. (2012). Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) and the Impact on IT Security. Retrieved from: Retrieved on: August 2012.

Justice Department. (September 2003). The Privacy Act of 1974. 5 U.S.C 552a. Retrieved from: Retrieved on: August 2012.



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