Organizational Capacity Development

Posted: January 5th, 2023

Organizational Capacity Development

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Capacity development is the system improvised within any organization to improve the employees’ attitudes, beliefs and motivation to improve their output. The process of capacity development involves seminars, long –term professional seminars and even hands-on skills programs. While designing any particular organization’s capacity development, it is necessary to factor in the thoughtful employee selection. This is vital since it determines its cost to educate and train the employee, affecting overall business performance. Training and the development of capacity personnel within each organization are designed to improve employee motivation by practicing the employee’s modern trends and personal development concerning each pockets’ incentives. Through capacity development, one can appreciate the need to have better resource management practices in daily activities within the company. Companies apply the SWOT analysis method to determine the company’s various skills by identifying strengths, weaknesses, threats, and multiple opportunities in the market especially during the process of recruitment of employees.

Organizational Capacity Development

Capacity development has a significant impact on organizational revenue, competitiveness in the market, and general performance. This is because capacity building in any organization is designed to improve the employee’s knowledge, skills, values, attitudes, motivation, and capabilities, enabling them to perform best. Employee training and development encompasses the various processes that the company or organization frequently engages in to continuously improve employee performance (Yao and Chang, 2017). These processes involve group seminars, long-term professional development programs in addition to the hands-on skills training of the employees. Therefore, a capacity development program consists of selecting employees and is designed to improve the employees’ positive attitude, improve the job skills, knowledge at whatever level within the organization, improve the employees’ morale, and help them identify organizational goals.

Importance of Thoughtful Employees’ Selection

In any organization, human resource forms the basis and backbone of the company and, therefore, determines its success. Before any company signs in any employees, the applicants, who include the potential employees, undergo vetting to determine the best candidate fitting in that position being advertised. This is because the employee chose forms an asset to the organization that will fuel the company to realize its goals and objectives. The company’s general performance depends on the subordinates’ coordination with a company with the right employees performing better and vice versa (Drigas and Papoutsi, 2019). Therefore, to avoid time lost in regular screening out of the undesirable and less serving employees, it is essential to perform an elaborate and efficient employee selection before indoor rather than after (Sareen, 2018). Proper employee selection helps save on the business’s overall expense as it is costly to recruit and hire employees regularly. For instance, hiring a less fitting employee translates to higher employee choice, general oversight, and supervisory time before expensive. This slows down the company operation and success compared to if the company had hired a more qualified applicant. The legal obligation often is contradicting hence pushing the company to conduct a proper employee selection during the recruitment exercise. Yao and Chang (2017) affirm that, in the United States, for instance, the legal laws demand non-discriminatory choices of individuals belonging to certain protected groups and provide an obligation of hiring workers with various questionable backgrounds disregards proper safeguards. On the other hand, the court shifts the blame and charge the employer in the case of e

Players with criminal records abuse the freedom of access to customer’s homes to commit crimes. Lawyers often give freedom to hire workers with similar backgrounds without proper safeguards or even negligent hiring. Negligent hiring, therefore, highlights the thorough evaluation of the job’s human requirements. Thus, while designing capacity development within an organization, thoughtful employees’ selection is always vital.

Training and Development of the Capacity Personnel

Training and development of capacity personnel remain a fundamental aspect in developing precise and higher quality in creating and transmitting an organization’s goods and services. This is the only principle that best defines the empowerment accorded to the employees by the organization. The organization benefit by utilizing the full potential of the employees after the means of development has been sustainable through various mechanisms such as homegrown, short or long –term generated and managed only by those who directly benefit from the business’s capacity development. Therefore, since the capacity is the means to plan and achieve, capacity development encompasses training to achieve the goals (Kutlay and Safakli, 2019).

Training in capacity development is to transform the employees’ mindsets and attitudes, resulting in the transformation generated and sustained within the organization over time. Training involves taking through the employees on utilizing the latest technology that best suits the organization’s goals but embedded in personnel development with the accompaniment of incentives to use the new skills acquired. This translates to trainees training of the others within the organization on the use of technology. The employee’s personal development facilitates the improvement of organizational performance. Hence the company is achieving the desired objectives and goals. Therefore, the overall training technique ensures transfers of knowledge and expertise independence, thus the organization’s personnel development. However, for the company to safeguard personnel capacity development, specific policies, practices, and systems are instituted. These policies may include contract rules that are biding to the employees and codes of conduct governing the selection of individuals promoted to attend any training on behalf of the company (Kutlay and Safakli, 2019). The practice accorded to the employees should even nurture leadership qualities to deliver more due to the impact of inspiration. Drigas and Papoutsi (2019) argue that the practice might include using experience to institute specific knowledge to the employees or institute the importance of accountability among the employees. The activity on the responsibility can extend to the employees where they are encouraged to offer the obligation of paying in order to acquire particular quality service from the company hence each party being accountable of each other and significantly the success of the organization since the employees are also accountable of their services (Kutlay, and Safakli, 2019).

Resource Management

For proper resource management, there is a need for understanding the value of capacity development right from employee recruitment, thorough training and delivery of the services or goods to the consumer (Sareen, 2018). For instance, quality personnel recruitment helps manage the resources as one will be able to hire the right number of employees and save the cost of continually hiring employees and training. Thorough training of employees translates to the achievement of the company goals and increasing employees’ motivation to deliver according to the company’s set standards. A modern method of training certain parts of staff who will eventually teach other employees leads to economic resource utilization as it eliminates the constant hiring of new individuals (Sareen, 2018). Also, through training, specific skills are instilled in the company, and its personal development within the organization is assured. Accountability between the employees, employers, and consumers ensures the business’s smooth running among all the parties involved.

SWOT Analysis

Since the recruitment process involves both the internal and external environment, the recruiters utilize the factor in evaluating the potential employees. The internal environment comprises the company’s strengths and weaknesses, while the external environment entails the company’s opportunities and threats, hence the term SWOT analysis. As defined in the SWOT analysis, Strengths entails the activities that make an organization outstanding from its competitors (Yao and Chang, (2017). Therefore, during recruitment, the company is looking for qualified individuals to evade losing the market grasp to the competitors. Weakness points out to the areas where the company is less performing hence very vulnerable to the competitors. The company is thus looking for an individual who can demonstrate problem-solving skills within this area. Opportunities are the factors that may make an organization explore and emerge victorious (David et al., 2019). When used in the recruitment, the company looks keenly to recruiting a strategist to utilize the opportunity or a reasonable risk tasker employee for that position. Threats include the activities that may adversely affect the business operations. During recruitment, the company is looking forward to recruiting a strategist who is likely to evade the threats and ensure that the business remains unaffected (David et al., 2019).

 Table 1.0 SWOT analysis table

A Completed SWOT Analysis

Adapted from what is the Key to Effective SWOT Analysis.

Ultimately, the capacity development is designed to improve the employees’ skills, knowledge, attitude and increase their motivation to deliver more. While concentrating on the company’s capacity development, it is necessary to factor in the importance of thoughtful employees’ section. This is because employees form the basis of the company and are the liability of the company. The company’s overall performance is also defined by the employee recruited, and the recruitment process will determine the company’s expense to train the employee. Training and development of capacity personnel incorporate the transformation of the employees’ attitudes, beliefs, and morale to their benefit. The employees are trained on the upcoming trends and improve their personnel development in response to incentives. Preparing on accountability among the employees, the leaders and the customers ensure the business’s smooth running. The ability to effectively and efficiently manage the resources is also nurtured through the understanding of capacity development. Through SWOT analysis, any organization can get insight into the various skills that the company is looking for during recruitment, such as market strategists, risk-takers and qualified individuals.


David, F. R., Creek, S. A., & David, F. R. (2019). What Is the Key to Effective SWOT Analysis, Including AQCD Factors. SAM Advanced Management Journal, vol. 84, no. 1, pp. 25.

Drigas, A., & Papoutsi, C. (2019). Emotional Intelligence as an Important Asset for HR in Organizations: Leaders and Employees. International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 58-66.

Kutlay, K., & Safakli, O. V. (2019). The Impact of Training and Development Programs on the Banking Personnel. Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, vol. 65, no. 8, pp.292-305.

Sareen, D. (2018). Relationship between strategic human resource management and job satisfaction. International Journal of Current Research in Life Sciences, vol. 7, no. 3, pp.1229-1233.

Yao, F. K., & Chang, S. (2017). Do individual employees’ learning goal orientation and civic virtue matter? A micro‐foundations perspective on firm absorptive capacity. Strategic Management Journal, vol. 38, no. 10, pp. 2041-2060.

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