Posted: August 7th, 2013
Old and New Generation
The generational groupings around the world and especially in the United States have vast differences in terms of values, morals and perception about social issues. Generations have become a method of inference to various age groupings of individuals who exhibit identical ideals, behavior and were born in specified periods. The differences exhibited by the various generations in terms of living are claimed to have begun in childhood. This is because differences were initiated by issues such as family makeup and areas of living (Carlson, 3).
Evidently, moral values and ethical conduct are among the major differences of generations especially in the contemporary society. This is evidenced by the disparities in terms of conduct between old generations and new generations. This is attributable to changes in cultural norms, values and morals all of which is attributable to globalization and modernization. Family structures in the new generation of the modern society are different in entirety when compared to family structures of older generations. This is an express indication of the disparities and evolution of family values, all of which are attributable to globalization (CQ Researcher, 18).
Differences between the two generations are also evidenced in terms of access to education. Older generations had minimal access to education as the laws and policies were inadequate to ensure large-scale education to both tertiary and secondary education. Additionally this has contributed significantly to disparities in terms of levels of education between these two generational groupings. Initially the older generations had the ability to leave schooling and attend to employment to sustain their families given the high levels of poverty. In essence, it was a fight for survival for the older generations as they were tasked with either attending school or catering for their families and ensuring survival (Tym, 14).
The later generations have been able to access education due to increased legislation and policing of education to ensure large-scale access and attendance to educational institutions. Latter generations are able to access education, as it is mandatory to access education. Subsequently the levels of education are also determinants to access to employment and eligibility for the same. This is evidenced by workplace conflicts attributable to age differences and educational qualifications. In the contemporary organizations, younger generations of employees have taken over employment positions, which were predominantly assumed by older generations.
This also results in conflicts as the older generations view younger people as the cause of loss of employment. Additionally the older generations have been inadequate in terms of keeping up with the changes in the workplace such as the trend in technology, which have taken up majority of the organizational functions. Majority of the older generation individuals have basic education as some dropped out of school and sought employment to ensure survival and sustenance of their families (Tym, 17).
The numbers of individuals employed with respect to the two generations are different. This is because there has been a gradual increase in terms of individuals accessing education as well as individuals using that knowledge to seek employment. On the other hand, it is also evident that the older generations recorded among the highest rates of employment. This is evidenced by the rate of dropout of educational institutions to seek employment. In contemporary societies, the rates of unemployment among the younger generations are on the increase due to several aspects. There is a rapid increase in the population size in the modern society coupled by the increased access to tertiary education (CQ Researcher, 21).
Other differences between generations include the marriage, childbearing, and family setups and functionalities. Modern couples of the younger generation have varied aspirations in terms of their lifestyles and the needed incomes to achieve such aspirations. Additionally the lack of attainment such aspirations such as education levels, incomes and lifestyles lead to despair, inadequacy and bitterness. This bitterness due to inability to attain such goals and aspirations leads social conditions such as alcoholism, crime with an aim to attain such aspirations, high levels of divorce, accidents and suicide.
This, in contrast to the older generations, is different in terms of the aspirations, which were in existent as well as the consequences of failure to achieve such aspirations. Older generations had the ability to achieve their goals due to the low costs of living, and different social fundamentals. Marriages in the modern society by the younger generations are executed hastily because of the pressures of the society to achieve perfection in terms of a family or social status accrued from a marriage.
Furthermore, there is a need by modern marriages to seek attention from their peers, as well as approval in terms of social status as married individuals. This is also influenced by other factors such as employment rates and rates of advancement in careers and life. This has an effect on issues such as the birth rates as a higher rate marriage results in new births. Hence, this is an explanation for the unprecedented high numbers of births and gradual increase in the population in the country as well as around the world.
The different transition generations from the old to the new generations have experienced changes in terms of societal landscapes and settings as the world evolves with changes in technology, globalization and modernization. For instance, the employment and business world has evolved over the years due to numerous issues. The older generations were accustomed to working in farms and manual work in almost all aspects before the advent of technology. This is in contrast with the modern world whereby the young or new generations are accustomed to execution of tasks, even simple tasks, with technology-based products.
Another perspective is the varied morals and ethical conduct of the older generation from the current young generation in the society. The societal trends in terms of conduct have been greatly influenced by the globalization and modernization leading to adoption and mimicking of cultures and moral values, which are foreign. Essentially the definition of morals and ethics has evolved over the years resulting in a divide in terms of the consideration of these virtues between the old and young generations of the populace. In addition, the young people have been able to bend and alter the definition of what is considered as morally and ethically appropriate.
The population lacks a consensus in terms of the modern definition of ethics, morals and the related standards of such. Majority of the modern people consider themselves and morally upright individuals leading to a controversy as top what amounts to moral and ethical standards. Differences of these two generations are evidenced by the levels of openness to participatory teachings. Younger and old generations exhibit different sexual behavior and morals especially when it comes to sexual issues. Sexuality is one of the most controversial topics of the modern day given that it has gained widespread discussions in the public domain. This is an indication that sexuality as a topic is a divisive issue given that people have different views based on the presence of age or generational differences (Carlson, 9).
Older generations have been in the past considered as ethically and morally upright that they have been able to retain their conservatism. This is attributable to various issues such as changes in lifestyles, modernization and globalization. Issues such as extramarital affairs have become a common issue with the young generation. Affairs have increased in terms of acceptability among the younger generation given to changes in moral views on sexuality. Additionally, other issues such as homosexuality have gained large-scale acceptability and issues such as sexual fantasies. The new generation is different in terms of the issues identified are different in perception, in comparison to the older generation (Carlson, 13).
Sexuality to the younger generation is an open issue in comparison to the older generation. This is attributable to changes in social stratifications and ideals. People are open in the modern world due to new perceptions, increased access to education and knowledge. Global interactions by the younger generations have aided in an increase in openness about issues, which were essentially considered as private, by the older generations.
Technology is one of the main drivers of the differences between these two generations. The older generation has been accustomed to operation and conduct of life without the use of technology and related products. Essentially technology has played a significant role in the enhancement of communication in the modern age for the young generation. This has enhanced a higher level of openness for the younger generation as they are able to communicate with anonymity about issues, which were initially considered private and sensitive.
Summary of Sources:
Carlson, Elwood. “Population Bulleting: 20th Century U.S Generations” Population Review Bureau, Vol. 64, No. 1 (2009). Pp.1-15. Print.
“Population Bulleting: 20th Century U.S Generations” Population Review Bureau by Elwood Carlson is a journal that evaluates the differences between the various age groupings of the younger and older generations in the United States of America. Carlson provides succinct and clarified issues that relate to the changes in terms of society and the effects of such changes on the two generations, young and old. The author focuses on several issues, which he views as of considerable concern and give definition to either generational grouping. The issues he identifies according to him are evident in the United States and are among those, which have undergone significant changes.
He divides the age groupings in terms of the period within which people were born. These groupings are identified as, “The New Worlders” who comprised of individuals born in the period 1871 through 1889. Majority lived in farms, as farming was the main activity, “The Lucky Few” who comprised of individuals born in the period of 1929 to 1945. “The Baby Boomers” who were individuals born from the year 1946 through 1964, “Generation X” which comprised of individuals born from 1965 to 1982 and the “The New Boomers” which comprises of individuals born from 1983 through 2001. He also evaluates the various public sectors, which have evolved in terms of composition and preferred fields of employment between the old and new generations. Additionally he also evaluates various societal aspects such as marriages and social statuses of the two generations.
This article is essential as it provides the audience with succinct changes in the various perspectives. Additionally the author provides chronological changes in the report about the differences between the young and old generations of the 20th century American society.
CQ Researcher. “Aging Baby Boomers: Will the ‘Youth Generation’ redefine old Age” CQ Researcher, Vol.17. No. 37. (2007). Pp. 865-888.
This research has been performed by the organization CQ Research. This research evaluates an age group defined as the baby boomers that are considered as part of the transitioning age group into the new generations. This age group comprises of a majority of individuals holding senior positions in modern organizations. They are duly responsible for development of traditional organizations and transitioning the organizations into the modern world. Additionally they are considered as an age group, which “refuses to age”, and thus they have a desire to associate themselves with the younger generation.
This report indicates that a majority of the baby boomers are leaving positions in modern organizations, which they consider as stressful due to competitiveness in the workplace, demands in terms of educational qualifications and increase in numbers of younger generation individuals in the workplace, in contemporary organizations.
This report is worthwhile to read as it provides the audience with the changes in the workplace and society in terms of values and politics. It also indicates of the possible trends in changing such aspects in the modern society.
Tym, Carmen, McMillion, Robin, Barone, Sandra & Webster, Jeff. “First-Generation College Students: A Literature Review” Research and Analytical Services, November 12 2004. Pp. 1-22. Print.
This research by Carmen Tym, Robin McMillion, Sandra Barone and Jeff Webster evaluates the generational differences as evidenced by access to higher education. The authors highlight that parents who did not attend college or access any form of tertiary education were likely to have children who harbor little interest in accessing any form of higher education. However, those with the need to access tertiary education were likely to be less prepared for higher education as well as preparation in terms of financial capabilities for paying for the education.
Moreover, the authors also evaluate the generations, which have the ability and interest in accessing higher education in the younger generation of the population. The article is essential as it indicates the presence of unique difficulties on a part of the population in terms of accessing higher education and seeking financial support for the education.
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