Nurse Turnover

Posted: December 21st, 2022

Nurse Turnover

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Nurse Turnover

Turnover is a major concern in health facilities that could decrease the quality of care and patient safety. Nurses conduct their duties in a fast-paced setting, offering medical attention, keeping up with emerging operational approaches, and engaging family members (Dewanto & Wardhani, 2018). Such intensified practices could impact stress levels, a situation that leaves many health centers with numerous cases of ceasing duty. The issue reduces the value of care because it minimizes the productivity and effectiveness of offering protection and may intensify operational costs (Dewanto & Wardhani, 2018). Furthermore, withdrawal from service is a challenge because it affects well-being. The mortality rate is likely to increase in facilities where more employees are withdrawing their support because clients may not get timely help. The problem requires effective mitigation to avert possible adverse implications.

Professional Practice in this Context

A professional activity that would help rectify the matter is introducing effective motivation approaches to encourage workers to be more committed to their duties. Having a workforce that receives enough incentive has various merits. Encouragement is associated with low staff departure and decreases absenteeism cases (Breed, Downing & Ally, 2020). In addition, introducing effective inspiration techniques improves relations between the management and employees and increases individual performance (Breed et al., 2020). More fundamentally, focusing on inspiring practitioners promotes customer service and advances the quality of care.

Role of Nursing Leaders and Nursing Managers

Nursing leaders and managers have a role in dealing with the identified problem. They need to recognize suitable motivational approaches and find ways of implementing them. Heads, while making proposals, should be guided by three key principles – relatedness, competence, and autonomy. Breed et al. (2020), describe relatedness as the magnitude to which nurses feel they are cared for and attached to others. Nurse forerunners’ obligation in mitigating the concern is quite different from what directors would do to combat a similar problematic situation. Autonomy entails allowing practitioners to make decisions that suit them, while competence involves using appropriate skills to handle individual duties. Principals identify specific tactics for ensuring that caregivers engage in their responsibilities while providing close watch to ensure everyone is contented with their position (Breed et al., 2020). Accordingly, administrators should know that they have a role in creating an appealing working environment.  

Other Aspects Managers and Leaders would need to Initiate

In addition to emphasizing motivation, managers and leaders can minimize the rate at which services providers quit their work by taking other powerful measures. A possible alternative in this instance is to focus on moral practice. They need to rely on effective ethical theories that guide nursing. Being principled would encourage the staff to maintain their position and become more interested in what they do. Some of the behavioral frameworks applicable in this case include utilitarianism, virtue ethics, and deontology (Biagetti, Gedutis & Ma, 2020). Morality is essential in any workplace where directors aim at averting inappropriate outcomes. 

Leadership Style that would Address the Issue

The most suitable leadership style that would help achieve the targeted goals is transformative. The technique seeks to foster change in social systems and individuals. The approach creates positive and valuable transformation in the subjects with the ultimate aspiration of converting them into leaders (Iqbal, Fatima & Naveed, 2019). Besides, the procedure is preferable to other designs because it encourages tolerance, trust in team affiliates, openness, and talent development (Iqbal et al., 2019). Applying the managerial method would help diminish the matter because it advocates for teamwork and collaboration. Consequently, the governing body should consider applying this model to alleviate turnover. 


Biagetti, M., Gedutis, A., & Ma, L. (2020). Ethical theories in research evaluation: An exploratory approach. Scholarly Assessment Reports, 2(1), 1-9.

Breed, M., Downing, C., & Ally, H. (2020). Factors influencing motivation of nurse leaders in a private hospital group in Gauteng, South Africa: A quantitative study. Curationis, 43(1), doi: 10.4102/curationis.v43i1.2011

Dewanto, A., & Wardhani, V. (2018). Nurse turnover and perceived causes and consequences: a preliminary study at private hospitals in Indonesia. BMC Nursing, 17(52),

Iqbal, K., Fatima, T., & Naveed, M. (2019). The impact of transformational leadership on nurses’ organizational commitment: A multiple mediation model. European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education, 10, 262-275.

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