NURS4344 Face to Face Nurse Leader Interview

Posted: January 4th, 2023

NURS4344 Face to Face Nurse Leader Interview

Clinical Practice Experience Form

Leader Name:  Organization:
Interviewer Name:Date:
  Yoder-Wise Textbook Chapter 1 Leading, Managing, and Following The role of the nurse leader/manager is multifaceted and complex.  Ask the leader to provide examples of how they do each of the following in their job (Yoder-Wise textbook, pp. 3-18): Leading Managing Following What does the leader consider to be the most essential part of their job?    Patricia Davidson is a Registered Nurse and Nurse Educator and currently serves as the Dean, School of Nursing at Johns Hopkins University. As a leader, the nurse employs various approaches to relate with her followers. The nurse leader applies leading as an approach by influencing others and directing them towards achieving a common goal. The leader applies the followership approach by placing a spotlight on the employees and the roles they play in the leadership processes. Davidson serves as a manager by coming up with directives on how to perform tasks. The Nurse Educator feels that that the leading approach is the most essential part of their job as it gives her an opportunity to direct followers towards achieving the set goals and objectives.
  Yoder-Wise Textbook Chapter 3 Legal and Ethical Issues Ask the leader to share an ethical dilemma or an ethical challenge they have had to deal with in their job (see pg 32-60 in Yoder-Wise).  The leader shared that she had dealt with an ethical incident when a nurse was tempted to accept bribes and favors to offer special care to a patient. Both the patient and the nurse were practicing what Northouse (2018) describes as ‘preconventional morality’, wherein a person determines the morality of an action by its direct outcomes. Both parties involved in the deal knew that they would get some benefit by either giving or accepting the bribes. I talked to the practitioner and reminded her to bear in mind the ethical theories that guide how people should relate with each other. 
  Yoder-Wise Textbook Chapters 21 Selecting, Developing, and Evaluating Staff Ask the leader to describe their processes for selecting (interviewing/hiring process) and developing staff.  What aspect of this process do they find most challenging and why?  The nurse leader follows a particular process to hire workers. She begins with identifying the need to fill a particular position then plans for the recruitment for the job. The leader proceeds to publicize the position through advertisements before reviewing the applications. The leader then interviews shortlisted applicants, while considering their qualifications, before settling on the most appropriate candidate. She feels that reviewing the applications presents a considerable challenge, especially when all the applicants have almost similar competencies.
Yoder-Wise Textbook Chapter 19 Building Teams Through Communication and Partnerships How does the leader view and promote interdisciplinary/interprofessional teamwork in their work setting?      The leader promotes interprofessional teamwork in her work setting by encouraging employees to form diversified groups in which they share some of the challenges or tasks they perform at their respective work stations. The leader encourages the employees to form teams by sharing the idea that they are likely to come up with effective solutions to some of the issues they face while working as a team (Yoder-Wise, 2014). It also becomes easier for employees to perform many duties when they work as a team.      
Yoder-Wise Textbook Chapter 25 Managing Personal/Personnel Problems Ask the leader to describe how they deal with employees exhibiting TWO of the following personal/personnel problems: Absenteeism Uncooperative Employees Immature Employees Clinical Incompetence Emotional Problems Chemical Dependency Horizontal Violence/IncivilityThe leader deals with employees who exhibit absenteeism and emotional problems in significant ways. She tries to understand why the employee failed to report at work and talks to them and urges them to desist from the practice if they can avoid it. The leader employs the concept of emotional intelligence to deal with employees whose emotions fluctuate rapidly in the work environment. The concept enables the leader to understand how their emotions influence their decisions and behaviors (Yoder-Wise, 2014), which makes it easier to employ the right mitigation approaches. The leader shared she prefers not to place strict guidelines and restrictions on employees who show signs of emotional problems.
  Yoder-Wise Textbook Chapter 1 Leading, Managing, and Following Use Gardner’s Tasks of Leading/Managing Applied to Practice, Management, and Executive Postings (Table 1-1 on pg. 7 and pg. 6-12 of the Yoder-Wise textbook) to assess the leader’s effectiveness in their job.  Address their effectiveness in any FIVE out of the ten following behaviors: Envisioning goals Affirming values Motivating Managing Achieving workable unity Developing trust Explaining Serving as symbol Representing the group Renewing    The leader appears to be effective in her job because of the strategies she employs to enhance the areas that are important for the improvement of overall performance. She employs various motivational approaches such as encouraging good performers and applies motivational theories. The leader strives to be an effective manager by offering guidance on what needs to be done. She tries to achieve workable unity by advocating teamwork and urging everyone to respect others regardless of their backgrounds and differences (Yoder-Wise, 2014). The nurse leader develops trust by being honest with everyone and always doing what she says. Finally, Davidson serves as a symbol of success and good leadership by always acting in the right manner and doing what others would appreciate.

Revised LH:lh 04/19


Northouse, P. (2018). Leadership theory and practice. SAGE Publications, Inc. ISBN-13: 978-


Yoder-Wise, P. (2014). Leading and managing in nursing.  Mosby. ISBN-13: 978-0323185776

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