Posted: August 26th, 2021


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Table of Contents

Introduction. 3

Site Investigation. 4

Site Description. 4

Site History and Environment Information. 5

Environmental permits and registers. 7

Landfill and other waste sites. 7

Current land use. 7

Railway stations and tunnels. 7

Walk-over survey. 8

Explanatory Works. 8

The feasibility conducted during the walkover survey established the following; 8

Window sample borehole. 8

Trial tipping. 8

Groundwater monitoring. 8

Geotechnical laboratory testing. 8

Contamination analysis. 9

Ground Conditions. 9

Importance of Knowledge on Ground Conditions. 10

Sustainability Report 11

Pre-Construction. 11

Project definition. 11

Potential issues of the project. 12

Planning. 12

Post-Construction. 13

Building Information Modelling (BIM) Design. 14

Challenges of BIM design. 15

Professional and Ethical Behaviour 15

Conclusion. 15

Reference List 17

Appendices. 18

Appendix 1: Site Location Map. 18

Appendix 2: Cost Analysis Breakdown. 19

New Train Station Project on Jericho Lane


Adequate feasibility studies, planning of a proposed project, designing, and construction require updated, reliable, and relevant information on a potential site’s ground condition. Site investigation refers to the overall process and procedures of collecting data, appraisal of the information, assessment, and reporting. The data should be acquired proficiently, on a timely basis, appropriate and adequate in every phase of project design and development. Consequently, adequate site investigation minimizes the project’s risk and liability while maximizing the potential for safe and economical design, thus ensuring the project scope is completed on time within the budgeted amount.

           However, improper site investigations usually lead to wrong design choices, incorrect dimensions, inappropriate foundation solutions, easements, and encroachment to the neighboring properties. Equally, inadequate site investigation can lead to enormous economic costs due to speculative execution on the ground construction and damaging of neighboring structures and buildings. Therefore, the approach adopted in a specific site investigation, the techniques applied, and its extent depend on site-specific circumstances, judgment, and experience. As such, consideration is given on the building of a new train station on Jericho Lane near Otterspool in Liverpool. Regarding site investigation, it was conducted to determine the ground conditions. Therefore, the previous borehole data was obtained to determine the water table level and the overall ground environment and any contamination.

Site Investigation

Site Description

The proposed site is located in Jericho Lane near Otterspool in Liverpool, approximately 646 meters long, as shown on the site location map in appendix 1. Jericho Lane is located at 53.369587 latitude and -2.937627 longitudes (Head et al., 2020). The proposed site is located on Otterspool with a gently rising ground at the gradient of about 1:100 towards the north and west parts. The information obtained from the Ordnance Survey mapping shows the level of +8.985m OD towards Riverside and Aigburth Road in the west-side of the site (Head et al., 2020). Hence, the proposal is to construct a new railway station on Jericho Lane, and railway running from Riverside Dr towards Aigburth Road.

Site History and Environment Information

To ascertain the surrounding land usage, site history, and the overall land use was determined through a historical map of the site and environmental database search commissioned from Groundsure. The gradual development of the site is indicated in the historical map, and analyzing the maps also indicates site development and various usages over the years (Pan et al., 2018). Table 1 below shows a summary of the site development as provided by Groundsure historical source maps.

Table 1: Historical Development of the surrounding environment and site

Map Date Site Significant Development
1779 Snuff Mill snuff mill was erected in the year 1779 at Otterspool along with the workmen’s cottages. However, Otterspool House was brought down in 1931, and the site is currently occupied by park café.
1812 Otterspool house John Moss constructed Otterspool’s house by turning the snuff mill to an oil mill. He further built river embankments along to allow barges to access the factory directly
1864 Otterspool station The train station was opened in 1864, and in 1865, it was absorbed in Cheshire Lines Committee. However, it closed in 1951 due to low passenger numbers.
1931 Demolition of Otterspool house The house was demolished, and the park café currently occupies the site.
1929-1932 Otterspool surrounding The current surrounding housing and road network is planned, and construction commenced in their present configuration
1949 Otterspool landfill Construction of Otterspool landfill
1950 Otterspool Riverside Promenade Alderman, Chairman of Highway Planning Committee, commissioned the construction and the work commenced on 7th July 1950
1973- present No significant site The continuation ofthe development of the roads networks, electricity lines, current buildings, and parks

Further, the GroundSure report outlines information about the local activities practiced within the area, including geological/hydrological conditions, land use, and pollution. Below is the summary of contaminative land uses, environmental issues, and geological aspects covered by the desk study conducted in the site and surrounding environments;

Environmental permits and registers.Records from the National Incidents Recording Systems show that there are no inert wastes and materials, oils, and fuels within the area. Also, there isno significant impact on environmental pollution.

Landfill and other waste sites.There are several landfills in the area within a vicinity of 500 meters that include Otterspool Household Waste Recycling Centre located on the Jericho lane and Otterspool landfills (Head et al., 2020).

Current land use. The records from contaminative industrial sites show that within 250 meters from theproposed area, there are neither electricity substations nor major petrol sites apart from BP petrol stations. The area is characterized by residential buildings, parks, and tarmac roads (Head et al., 2020). The records also indicate that the area is not prone to geographical calamities such as floods and earthquakes. More so, the area has Bedrock or solid geology, London Clay Formation characterized by clay, silt, and sand soil. The soil has low to moderate permeability landslips but below 500m Radon faults. Therefore, the site will not be affected by Rodon, landslides, or mudslides.

Railway stations and tunnels.There was a railway station in Otterspool station, Liverpool, located between Aigburth stations and St Michaels, but the railway station was closed in 1951 due to the low number of passengers (Head et al., 2020). The train station was opened in 1864.

Walk-over survey.The research team conducted a walkover survey with the fieldwork to analyze the site’s suitability and viability. From the survey, it can be established that the site is tidy, serene with no particular features raising the alarm on the site or surrounding environment. More so, from the visual access, there was neither fuel oil spillage nor containers and tankers that are irregularly disposed ofin the area. Thus, there was no notable environmental pollution such as chemical containers, asbestos, and any immediate land use that would bring any significant contamination risk in the future.

Explanatory Works

The feasibility conducted during the walkover survey established the following;

Window sample borehole.Three boreholes [WS1, WS2, and WS3] were constructed at an interval of 55 meters apart on the Jericho lane to provide information concerning the groundwater conditions and near-surface geology. The three boreholes would also facilitate standpipe installation and site sampling. The boreholes were drilled on a maximum of 5.7m deep and were all terminated when they reached the natural soil of London Clay Formation. ID standpipes of 35mm length were, therefore, installed in the two boreholes [WS1 and WS3] to the depth of 5.7 meters. 

Trial tipping.One trial pit TP1 was dug in the site to analyze party foundations as requested by civil engineers.  The pit was completed using hand digging, and breakers were applied on necessity.

Groundwater monitoring.The 35mm standpipes installed in the boreholes [WS1 and WS3] were monitored continuously to establish the level of at-rest groundwater.

Geotechnical laboratory testing.The Atterberg Limit determination and moisture content of the site was conducted using geotechnical laboratory testing. The testing also involved PH analysis and soluble sulfate test conducted in an external exploration by Aqualogy Environment Ltd.

Contamination analysis.Sample soil was taken from the site and delivered for specialist laboratory testing by Aqualogy Environment Ltd. The results of the soil tests showed a strong correlation with the civil engineer’s insights. The testing involved the overall soil suite indicated as SS sample and waste acceptance criteria labeled as WAC sample. However, the laboratory testing results and engineering logs for the explanatory boreholes did not indicate any traces of contamination.

Ground Conditions

The scale map on the British Geological Survey of the area under review indicates the site is on the London Clay Formation, which is a steely grey, has variable sand content, and a thickness of approximately 50m.  The analysis conducted indicated that the ground from which all the boreholes (W1, W2, and W3) are made, and the tipping, had soft topsoil followed by clay and gravel. London clay formation was found beneath the boreholes made ground that comprised of mottled grey and weathered clay. Equally, the shear strength testing established that the strength of the soil increased with depth. The strength profile from the boreholes indicates a high level of plasticity clay coupled with high volume change.  There was no groundwater present in the three boreholes, and the 35mm ID standpipe installed in borehole W1,and W3 was dry after installation. Subsequently, the water in the trial pit TP1 was from a nearby drainage system and not natural sources as it was anticipated. As well, there were no olfactory signs observed in the strata that would indicate gross contamination.

Importance of Knowledge on Ground Conditions

Soil condition is essential in engineering as it determines the building design and process. Notably, building foundations should be reliable based on stable soil. Often, unstable soil ground resultsin cracking of the building, sinking, and ultimately falling off the whole structure. Thus, the stability and strength of the ground are determined by soil properties and texture. As such, clay textures offer more solid construction grounds than sand soil as it has a better structure (Lai et al., 2018). Besides, a mixture of soil particle and pore sizes is ideal for engineering as the soil will be stable in all-weather cycles during rain and sun. More so, expanding cracks roads and buildings as well as smectite clay soil often leads to the sinking of the soil as it shrinks and expands during weather variations. Therefore, good soil should have the ability to withstand capture precipitation in times of erosion and runoff besides having balanced chemistry to limit building material corrosions.

Consequently, during the ground condition assessment, soil maps were analyzed to determine the steepness of the surface, biological, physical, and chemical properties of the soil and effects of natural calamities such as floods, earthquakes, and runoffs (Lai et al., 2018). The underground water level was also determined though none was found. After analyzing the ground conditions, the civil engineers found it essential to incorporate corrective measures in railway station construction such as management practices in drainage, compacting, reshaping, and stabilizing the land surfaces to divert water flows during rainy seasons. Also, the ground conditions for sites proximate to proposed building and excavations, as well as historical land use, were therefore reviewed to mitigate despoiled, degraded, unstable, derelict, and contaminated land.

Sustainability Report


Pre-construction is the project that entails planning and engineering services offered by the construction company before commencing it. The preliminary services involve project definition, potential issues identification, scheduling and planning, scope, project cost estimation, and job analysis. Figure 1 below is a summary of the structure of project pre-construction;

Text Box: Project Pre-construction

Figure 1: Project pre-construction components

The pre-construction will help the company determine the feasibility of the project in terms of cost, time, and budget. From a perspective, the stage offers the construction team a clear job outline of the overall construction project (Brüske and Thöns, 2019). As such, the analysis will assist the contractors in familiarizing themselves with the project concerningits location, type of project, and costs involved before undertaking it. Thus, the stage gives the contractor a room to streamline issues, including terminating the whole project, given that the results from the assessment fail to meet desired specifications.

Project definition.The project shall entail construction of a new train station project on Jericho Lane in Otterspool, Liverpool. The anticipated period for the project runs for three years, commencing on 1st September 2020 to 1stSeptember 2023. The construction will be on two phases, each taking eighteen months to complete, the first phase will involve constructing the railway lines on the Jericho lane, which is approximately 646 meters long. The second phase will be the construction of a modern railway station full of sophisticated technology. The client is Alpha Civil Contractors and Engineering Company that is a private company incorporated in the UK in 2003. The chief designer of the project is Dr. Karl Nathaniel, who also serves as the company’s principal civil engineer. The company is located in Liverpool, London. The project details can be accessed on the company’s website and from its physical offices.

Potential issues of the project.There are no significant issues that are foreseen from the project as the company has taken all the necessary measures to mitigate safety and health hazards. The site’s safety hazards include management of the adjacent land uses, ground conditions on the use of heavy machinery and cranes, the stability of existing buildings, and restrictions on waste collection and disposal. Also, there is limited access to information about previous structural modifications in the surrounding environment. This information is necessary since the project will entail the movement of heavy machines that may affect the strength of the grounds. However, the company has taken an insurance policy to transfer risk from most safety hazards such as the risk of fire, ground shrinkage, and artistry injuries. The project’s health hazards mainly relate to ground conditions such as asbestos, contaminated land, and the existence of hazardous materials. Therefore, the company has identified the risks,and they will be mitigated by avoiding the hazards as the project commences.

Planning.The company will have one chief engineer, six site civil engineers, and twenty-five permanent workers. Besides, several casual and semi-skilled workers will be employed on a need basis. The employees will be provided with insurance cover according to the company’s safety goals. More so, there will be open communication and liaison teamsbetween the contractors and general staff to ensure the smooth running of the project. To enhancethe site’s security, the company will implement measures such as restrictions on smoking, fire precautions, and site hoarding requirements (Brüske and Thöns, 2019). Besides, there will be arrangements for site transport to enhance movement to and from the site while unauthorized persons and vehicles will be controlled out of the site. Equally, workers are supposed to be in protective gear at all times. Also, the workers will be informed of the emergency procedures and how to escape in case of an emergency. Lastly, there will be restrictions on confined places; thus, accessibility into such areas will only be done by authorized persons as they may require the operation of specialized machinery.

Cost of the project.The estimated cost of the whole project is £55,398,474, as shown in appendix 2 on the cost analysis breakdown.


Post project construction is the last stage of the project after its completion. In this case, it will involve handing over the project to the relevant authorities. Notably, the stage will entail project commissioning, handing over-processing, and closure. Project inspection of the train station and railway lines will be conducted to check if everything was done precisely per the requirements. Once the inspection team is satisfied that everything is on standard, the company will train the Merseyrail Train Operating Company before handing it over to ensure a smooth transition (Mosallam and Nasr, 2017). The training shall entail the operation of the train system and the maintenance of the newly built station. After the training is over, the operating company can take over the train station and be under a warrant to either be express, implied, or statutory warranty. Under the warranty period, the Merseyrail Train Operating Company will have adequate time to examine and test the systems, materials, and equipment in the overall project. Finally, the last step of a construction project is closure, where the project teams will cross-check the contractual agreement to ensure the project is free of any legal burden. Thus, the team will carry out a post-project review by in-depth project analysis to ensure all details are captured to avoid future liability on the company.

Building Information Modelling (BIM) Design

BIM refers to an intelligent three dimensional (3D) model-based technique that offers professionals in architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) the tools and insight for effective planning, designing, and construction of infrastructure and buildings. The fundamental purpose of BIM is ensuring appropriate information is generated using the most suitable format in the appropriate time to make better decisions in designing, constructing, and operating the built assets. It is incorporated in civil engineering. In this case, information can be generated instantly to produce drawings for manufacturing purposes, such as modular construction and prefabrication technology (Fadeyi, 2017). In collaboration with AEC in various ways, BIM facilitates the designing and construction of buildings and infrastructure using electronic information for the efficient and effective completion of a project.The BIM software is also used to detect conflicts at an early stage, making it easy to address and resolve them promptly in the planning process. Equally, it is aneffective collaborative method that ensures the three parameters of a project are adhered to, namely; quality, time, and cost. More so, sharing a 3D model with the concerned parties communicates the final result clearly and comprehensibly as they can see, understand, and relate with the model. Thus, the BIM model will be a crucial tool in promoting and adoption of the current project, especially in underpinning the project integration to illustrate relevant tasks, processes, and any information required in its execution.

Challenges of BIM design

The software faces various challenges. For instance, it is a costly technology investment. TheBIM software is also not compatible with all construction professionals since it requires training and knowledge for operation (Fadeyi, 2017). Notably, the technology has not been extensively tested; thus, it may bring legal issues in the future. Besides, the technology is relatively new in the construction field with few experts. Therefore, additional resources should be used to train AEC professions on its usage.

Professional and Ethical Behaviour

Like most professional bodies, civil engineers are governed by a code of ethics. They should exercise professional and ethical behavior in their work and contribute to society through their knowledge and virtue of their honor. The engineers should respect nature, value traditional technology, and conduct civil engineering work on a broad perspective per their expertise regardless of the organizational affiliation (Lohne et al., 2017). Besides, express opinions based on experience and unbiased conscience, disclosing all relevant information on sustainable global development, and an impartial attitude to the general public. Finally, an engineer should treat everyone fairly, performing work in compliance with existing statutory provisions besides having an in-depth understanding of civil engineering structures and facilities.


A construction project requires the process of preparation, designing, constructing, financing, and operating the physical project by site investigation and checking the ground conditions to determine the viability of a project. Proper communication of all parties involved in the construction process, such as chief engineers, contractors, designers, and laborers, is crucial for completing the project on time and within the budget. Additionally, civil engineers can use software such as BIM to virtually design a model using a digital platform to model 3D structures, infrastructures, and buildings. More so, in undertaking a construction project, pre-construction and post-construction processes are necessary as they facilitate the smooth operation of the construction. Both processes are essential to the contractors and the client as they form the project’s necessary foundation. Therefore, civil engineers should conduct their construction work adequately, upholding the set professional and ethical behavior.

Reference List

Brüske, H., and Thöns, S., 2019. Value of pre‐construction proof loading information for structural design. Wind Energy, 22(12), pp.1716-1732.

Fadeyi, M.O., 2017. The role of building information modeling (BIM) in delivering sustainable building value. International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment, 6(2), pp.711-722.

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Lohne, J., Svalestuen, F., Knotted, V., Ireland, F.O., and Lædre, O., 2017. Ethical behavior in the design phase of AEC projects. International Journal of Managing Projects in Mosallam, A.S., and Nasr, A., 2017. Structural performance of RC shear walls with post-construction openings strengthened with FRP composite laminates. Composites Part B: Engineering, 115, pp.488-504.Business.

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Appendix 1: Site Location Map

Figure 2: Site Location Map

Appendix 2: Cost Analysis Breakdown

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