Mental Health Maintenance Plan

Posted: January 4th, 2023

Mental Health Maintenance Plan

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Mental health is an integral part of health, and the poor physical health of people with mental illness is a multifaceted and global challenge. People with mental illness are vulnerable to physical diseases and reduced access to adequate healthcare. This paper asses a population of people in society living with mental disorders and outlines a health maintenance plan that could be adopted to ensure their health security.

Mental Health Maintenance Plan


            As indicated by the constitution of the World Health Organization, health is not just the absence of disease but also a condition of complete physical, mental, and social prosperity. Mental health is an integral part of health, and the poor physical health of people with mental illness is a multifaceted and global challenge. People with mental illness are vulnerable to physical diseases and reduced access to adequate healthcare (Fleet, 2014). As a result, physical health disparities are reported across the entire spectrum of mental illness in both developed and developing countries. The high rate of physical comorbidity, which often has poor clinical management, drastically reduces life expectancy for people with mental illness and also increases the personal, social, and economic burden of mental illness across the population (Pegram and Goddard, 2018). This research explores mental illness and outlines the health maintenance plans for clients in all developmental stages of life within the primary care practice.


            Mental health and disorder can be depicted in a variety of ways. Personal qualities, for example, the capacity to deal with one’s contemplation, feelings, conduct, and cooperation, are critical in assessing the mental wellness of an individual. Likewise, social, cultural, financial, political, and natural factors, like, national policies, social standards, working conditions, and network social help are fundamental in understanding the psychological health of individuals in society (Thomas, 2013). In many regions, financial emergency is a noteworthy factor that adds to the slicing of assets intended for mental health support, prompting the rise of new vulnerable groups. mental disorders in many social orders leads to marginalization, impoverishment, and violence within households.

            Contingent upon the neighborhood setting, certain groups of people in the community can be put at an essentially higher danger of encountering mental health problems. The vulnerable groups may include those living in poverty, people with chronic health conditions, infants, and children exposed to maltreatment and neglect (Canady, 2015). Hazardous factors, for example, low financial status, drug abuse, and stress are regular among individuals with mental health problems.. An effective health maintenance plan is required to accommodate and take care of the vulnerable in society.

            People with mental illness experience excessively higher paces of incapacity and mortality.  For example, individuals with significant depression and schizophrenia have between 40% to 60% more possibility of death compared to the general public. This is an aftereffect of higher odds of suicide or physical medical issues such as malignant growths, cardiovascular illness, diabetes, HIV/AIDs, and different contamination that are regularly unattended (Pegram and Goddard, 2018). Adequate care for people with mental illness in society is necessary to reduce deaths.

            Many do not access their monetary and social rights, with limitations on their rights to work and learn, just as regenerative rights and the privilege to the most noteworthy feasible standard of health. Some live in unhygienic and inhuman environments, physical and sexual maltreatment, disregard, and unsafe and corrupting treatment in health institutions (Brown, 2019). Thusly, individuals with mental disorders live in helpless conditions and might be prohibited and minimized from society, which comprises a noteworthy hindrance to the accomplishment of national and global advancement objectives.

            Health systems have not yet responded to the burden of mental illness, resulting in wider gaps between the need for treatment and its provision across the world. Approximately 80% of people living with severe mental illness have no access to treatment in developing countries, corresponding to 45 % in developed nations (Canady, 2015). Additionally, the small percentage of those receiving care are subjected to poor services. The formulation of a mental health plan that addresses the challenges in the health system is vital for its success.

Structure of the Mental Health Plan

            The essential goals of the plan are to advance mental prosperity, forestall mental scatters, give care, upgrade recuperation, advance human rights and lessen mortality, dreariness, and inability for individuals living with mental clutters. The structure has the vision to obtain a world in which mental health is valued, protected, and protected (Fleet, 2014). Additionally, the arrangement fuse measures to prevent mental disorders and guarantee that people with these challenges can practice the full scope of human rights and to get to top notch socially fitting well-being and social consideration in an opportune manner to advance recuperation and accomplish the most elevated conceivable degree of health and take part completely in the public activities, liberated from segregation and stigmatization.

The mental health plan is based on several principles. The program targets widespread health inclusion through which people with mental clutters can get to fundamental healthcare and social administrations that empower them to recover and quality health standards. Furthermore, psychological wellness methodologies, activities, and intervention for treatment and counteraction must be proof based and conform to the Convention on the Human Rights of Persons with Disabilities and other global and territorial human rights (Hengartner et al., 2019). Besides, the plan should enhance the empowerment of persons with mental disorders through a multisector approach with a comprehensive and coordinated response for mental health. Major aspects of the plan are discussed further.

Strengthening effective Leadership and Governance for Mental Health

Governments have the lead responsibility to put in place appropriate institutional, legal, financial, and service agreements to ensure effective organization of health systems. This approach also involves enhancing relationships with nongovernmental organizations and civil society, especially among the organizations of people with mental disorders and their families (Thomas, 2013). The critical factors for developing effective policies and plans addressing mental health are strong leadership and commitment by governments and involved stakeholders.

Stronger and more effective responses would be obtained when mental health inventions are firmly integrated within the national health policy and plan. Mental health laws should be formulated to codify the fundamental principles, values, and objectives of policy for mental health (Hengartner et al., 2019). Additionally, the incorporation and mainstreaming of psychological health progressively express the role of other health projects and organizations that ought to stay vital to administration endeavors of governments to improve treatment services and advance mental wellness.

Provide Comprehensive, Integrated and Responsive Mental Health and Social Care Services in Community-Based Settings

A comprehensive, integrated, and responsive community based mental health and social care services are essential in improving access to care and service quality. The integration of mental health care and treatment into general hospitals and primary care, continuity of care between different providers and levels of the health system, effective collaboration between formal and informal care providers, and the promotion of self-care, for instance, through the use of electronic and mobile health technologies can be embraced to better the system (Fleet, 2014). The integration of the systems is essential to enhance the provision of quality services that deal with mental health in society.

Implementation of Strategies for Promotion and Prevention in Mental Health

The mental health maintenance plan requires the government to implement different strategies that foster the development of mental health. For instance, initial stages of life present a significant chance to advance mental health and forestall mental disorders, as up to half of mental issues in grown-ups start before the age of 14 years (Canady, 2015). Youngsters and youths with mental challenges ought to be furnished with early mediation through proof based psycho-social and other non-pharmacological intercessions in the community.

Strengthening Information Systems, Evidence, and Research for Mental Health

Information, evidence, and research are important in formulating appropriate health policies, planning, and evaluation. Acquiring new information through research empowers approaches and activities to be founded on proof and best practice, and the accessibility of opportune and significant data that concern mental health. Crucial information and indicators required for the mental health system include the extent of the problem, coverage of policies and legislation, and the health outcome data (Brown, 2019). Reliable information systems and research procedures are essential in planning for mental health maintenance.


Mental wellness is similarly a fundamental part of human health and requires sufficient exertion to advance mental well-being, forestall mental scatters, give care, upgrade recuperation, advance human rights and lessen the mortality, bleakness, and inability for individuals living with mental problems. In this research, mental health is assessed and an appropriate health maintenance plan formulated for clients in all developmental stages of life within the primary care practice.


Brown, R. (2019). Legislators Advance Mental Health Plan, Debate Privatization. Mental Health Weekly29(7), 8–8. doi: 10.1002/mhw.31782

Canady, V. A. (2015). SAMHSA Releases 5-point Plan to Improve Mental Health. Mental Health Weekly25(8), 7–7. doi: 10.1002/mhw.30087

Fleet, M. (2014). Assertive Community Treatment with People Experiencing Serious Mental Illness. Mental Health Nursing, 335–348. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4039-9756-2_23

Hengartner, M. P., Read, J., & Moncrieff, J. (2019). Protecting Physical Health in People with Mental Illness. The Lancet Psychiatry6(11), 890. doi: 10.1016/s2215-0366(19)30398-0

Pegram, A., & Goddard, K. (2018). Physical Health for People with Mental Health Illness: Meeting the Challenge. British Journal of Mental Health Nursing7(2), 81–84. doi: 10.12968/bjmh.2018.7.2.81

Thomas, S. P. (2013). World Health Assembly Adopts Comprehensive Mental Health Action Plan for 2013–2020. Issues in Mental Health Nursing34(10), 723–724. doi: 10.3109/01612840.2013.831260

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