Posted: September 3rd, 2013

University of Wollongong. S.l.: General Books, 2011. Print. Is the source I used for the information, I have included it in the work cited page



Learner Name: YOU NAME HERE


Course Title: Principles of Business Excellence

Section : 1

Article Title:         Gómez, J. G., Costa, M. M., & Lorente, R. M. (May 24, 2011). A critical evaluation of the EFQM model. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 28, 5, 484-502


Date of Submission:

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III. SUMMARY (100-200 words)


The EFQM excellence model is a management framework aimed at increasing the competitiveness of an organization. Founded in 1988 by the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) it suggests that quality control should be at the heart of the production process right from the start to the end (Gomez et al., 2011). The model is reviewed and refined regularly to ensure it remains relevant.


The history of quality management can be traced back to the Japanese during the economy-rebuilding period of the 1950’s. They emphasized on prevention rather than inspection, customer satisfaction, continuous improvement and leadership training. These principles formed the Total Quality Management (TQM) system. Concisely TQM emphasized on “Quality of Management” rather than “Management of Quality” The EFQM model was an improvement of the TQM principles. Its success is because it provides a clearer structure, definition of terms and methodology (EFQM, 2000).


The model is based on a dynamic and non-prescriptive structure composed of nine criteria. These criteria are further grouped into ‘enablers’ and ‘results’. The ‘enabler’ is involved with organizational processes, whereas the ‘results’ criteria is concerned with out put and achievements. ‘Enablers’ criteria cause ‘results’ while feedback from ‘results’ enhances ‘enablers’.




  1. EFQM excellence model is a management framework aimed at increasing the competitiveness of an organization.

2. It is successful because it provides a clearer structure, definition of terms and methodology. This ensures that companies have a definite set of rules to follow to in order to improve their results.

3.  The model is based on a dynamic and non-prescriptive structure composed of nine criteria. They are further grouped into ‘enablers’ and ‘results’

4. It is applied in an organization as a tool for self-assessment, as a tool for benchmarking, and as a tool for identifying gaps in the management structure and providing solutions

5.  It is a customer-oriented philosophy that can influence the culture and perceptions of the organization.

6. Its emphasis is on excellence performance neglecting the quality assurance factor in the production process







One of the companies in UAE that has been awarded the certificate for excellence based on the European Foundation for Quality Management, EFQM, is Abela & Co. LLC. It was awarded the Dubai Quality Award based on the EFQM model during the 2010 appreciation awards. The company was formed in 1967 in Dubai and it has grown over the years to establish itself as a market leader in the Food Service Management. It operates in the food and hospitality industry offering unmatched products and services, backed by efficient system processes and resources


Its success in the food industry is entrenched in its history. It was the first company, in the food service management category, to be awarded with the HACCP system certification. This was an acknowledgement by the Dubai municipality of it undying passion for food safety and hygiene. In addition to other accolades, it also bagged the Dubai Quality Award for the service industry. Its success can be pegged on its investment on people, vast experience in the hospitality industry, excellent safety policy, skilled and competent work force and continuous employee-training program.


The company’s vision is to be the company of choice whereas its mission statement is to be best in the food service management industry. It aims to achieve this through fostering lasting and strong partnerships with its customers and suppliers. It also aspires to be accountable to its shareholders while still commanding great respect among its peers. The values that define its corporate identity are integrity, customer oriented service, prudent financial responsibility, creativity and innovation, and corporate social responsibility.




The relevant concepts of the EFQM model can assist organizations in the UAE in a number ways. They can achieve balanced results, improved value addition for customers, an opportunity to have visionary leadership, manage by process and succeed through employee empowerment. Moreover, the can benefit from creativity nurturing and innovation, partnerships building and engaging in sustainable production processes.


The model takes a holistic approach to assist organizations optimize their management strategies. This is achieved through assisting companies to understand their current position by indicating their strengths and gaps in performance. As a practical tool, it can be applied in diverse ways. These applications are in the fields of organizational self-assessment, as a tool for benchmarking with other established firms, and as a tool for identifying gaps in the management structure and providing solutions (EFQM, 2000). In addition, it acts as a basis for standardizing and restructuring the organization’s decision support system. Self-assessment involves regular evaluation of the processes and activities of accompany to check whether they are in line with the EFQM model. This assists in identifying weak points or strong points that could be used in the improvement plans.




The lessons learnt on the EFQM model are that it is a dynamic and flexible model. It can be made to suit any business structure or change in business. In addition, it is also used to get ISO 9000 certification for quality assurance (Gomez et al., 2011). Its customer-oriented philosophy can influence the culture and perceptions of the organization towards change. On the other hand, it is expensive to implement hence limiting its adoption to only moneyed organizations. Also given that, it attempts to change the company’s culture; it is bound to face a lot of internal resistance during its implementation phase.


The model recognizes the need to have diverse strategies aimed towards achieving sustainable excellence in all areas of performance. It is based on the principle that excellent performance outputs; in regards to customers, employees and society, are attained through leadership guided policy and strategy. This is accomplished through investments in employees, partnerships and resources, and processes.


Despite its numerous accolades it is viewed by some as an excellence model, that deletes quality from its core principles. Its emphasis is on excellence performance neglecting the quality assurance factor in the production process. Some researchers like Dale argue that the model further reinforces the erroneous perception that TQM is a fad and that most businesses are not interested in quality.












Works Cited

European Foundation for Quality Management., & KalDer. (2000). The EFQM excellence model in action. Brussels, Belgium: EFQM


Gómez, J. G., Costa, M. M., & Lorente, R. M. (May 24, 2011). A critical evaluation of the EFQM model. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 28, 5, 484-502.

University of Wollongong. S.l.: General Books, 2011. Print.

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