Literature Review: Peacebuilding in Crisis

Posted: August 25th, 2021

Literature Review

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Literature Review: Peacebuilding in Crisis

Peacebuilding initiatives and methodologies are formulated, appraised, and embracedin an attempt to provide the best waysofsolving the rampant conflicts around the globe. Political analysts, researchers, and organizational agencies have been in the frontline of discovering and shedding light on the best tactics of peacebuilding in crisis. In particular, the international relations textbooks on the Westphalian Peace of 1648, for example, Peacebuilding in Crisis, have discussed some of the most robust methods of solving conflicts and maintaining peace.

Peacebuilding in Crisis is a global textbook which is written based on research works that are accredited in providing the best ways to solve conflicts. In particular, the conclusion of wrangles which had dominated over thirty years in the cities of Münster and Osnabrück form the bedrock of this book’s theme. The topic of conflict resolution has clearly been handled by historical peacebuilding packages through the famous article “The Oblivion and Amnesty.”The theme of interaction and interrelationship between the international actors and local shareholders which interlinks with critical operations of international peacebuilding initiatives has also been reflected in this book. The research question on conflict resolving methodologies seems to have been comprehensively been completed by the authors of this book. This is evidenced through the achieved peaceful coexistence between the two confronting religion denominations, the “Kurfürsten and the Kaiser”. Besides, wars in Central Europe diminished significantly. It is, therefore, genuine to conclude that this book’s authors hypothesized ideas which effectively promoted peace.

The impact of peacebuilding methodologies formulated in this book was largely felt despite some critics that weaken the reliability of conclusions drawn from it. The authors of this volume conceptualized the process of resolving battles as a normative and an empirical phenomenon.This hypothesis yielded meaningful results even though it raises some questions and concerns.Ideas expressed in this book are considered ethical and logical since they contributedto solving conflicts in Central Europe. Nonetheless, their assumption that norm of international politics counts less yet it is globally recognized as apillarof promoting peace is one concept which is erroneous. This feebleness raises the questions of the impact of “peace responsibility effort” in peacebuilding, and it makes their findings, to some degree,unsound. Despite such weakness, the book’s concepts still count significantly in solving conflicts.

In an attempt to support the original research, the authors quote other supportive researchers work such as Richmond research on “post-liberal peace” and Mac Ginty on “hybrid peace”. This methodology helped them to develop more vibrant techniques which are justifiable. Nevertheless, some of these studies used to some extent seemed conflicting. For instance, the inclusion of Newman work that was amongst the highly criticized liberal peace paradigm makes the book’s result more questionable, and this makes its conclusions considered as faulty findings. Despite this, there occurred a clear coinciding incidence of the international organization efforts with normative and foundations of this book. This strengthens its initiatives and more support in solving of conflicts.

In a nutshell, Peacebuilding in Crisisis a historical volume which contributed towards solving wrangles and maintaining the Westphalian Peace.The quotation of the authors and supportive researches helps it achieve influential findings. Its concepts which are revealed in its different themes and articles are considered meaningful attempts towards solving disputes despite their assumption.Though largely sound, a few concepts make some insights flawed. 

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