Laddering Assignment

Posted: September 10th, 2013

Laddering Assignment


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Laddering Assignment

The features, benefits and valued end state greatly affect a consumer’s decision in purchasing a product (Hoyer, 21). In order to understand these determinants in the decision making process, the laddering strategy of interviewing will be used to establish the relationships between features, benefits/consequences and the valued end states arising from the consumer’s decision regarding a particular product.

Interviewer: What influenced you into purchasing this particular beverage?

Consumer:   Well, much of the motivation or influence in purchasing Pepsi was due to the thirst that I felt at that particular point and I needed a drink that would quench the feeling.

Interviewer:  Were there any other options to choose or consider from apart from this specific drink?

Consumer:    Well, there was a variety of Coca Cola beverages to choose.

Interviewer:  Regardless of many alternatives, what made you settle for Pepsi drink?

Consumer:    A friend of mine had told me to try the drink. Therefore, this influenced me to drink Pepsi so that I could satisfy my utility after taking it irrespective of other varieties.

Interviewer:  You said that you settled for the Pepsi drink, what made you decide to buy the beverage?

Consumer:     Well, much of my decision resulted from peer influence. However, many people have other tastes, which force them into considering a change in their tastes and preferences.

Interviewer:   Will you purchase the same product again?

Consumer:     Yes, I will continue purchasing Pepsi.

Interviewer:   Why do you say that?

Consumer:     Because Pepsi contains numerous health benefits compared to other drinks in the market. Moreover, the drink is full of flavor as compared to other drinks that I consumed.

The brand played a role in the purchase of the product. Foremost, the consumer researched about the brand of the product from his peers. Brands play a decisive role in customer decision (Brassington, 73). Alternately, other factors such as the desired valued state of health and thirst played a role in determining the customer’s decision. Brand loyalty is achieved when the particular product relays satisfaction and achieves the customer’s needs (Winer, 104). The laddering technique showed effectiveness. I was able to realize the decision making process from the consumer. The consumer’s decision-making commenced with the need to purchase a soft drink from Pepsi Company by the consumer. The customer started looking for information regarding the product from peers. The next, information arising from evaluation of the alternatives was presented. The best alternative was selected after an irrefutable analysis hence influencing the product choice. Conclusively, the consumer found it worth the value he had purchased from the shop after buying the product.

The implications on the marketing strategies employed arise from the consumer’s decision in purchasing the product (Elliott, 65). Since the consumer bought the drink due to thirst, the firm should create an advertisement campaign that influences people in buying the drink to quench thirst. Another implication would be for the firm to advertise on purchasing the drink to promote health benefits and healthy lifestyles for the people. This is because the consumer asserted that he bought the drink since it has health benefits compared to other drinks. Another implication would be for the firm to campaign on the product’s price, which is less costly and manageable. This is because the consumer affirms that the product is suitable for the cash value at which it is priced.




Appendix I

The diagram represents the process carried out in the decision making process of the consumer in chronological order.

Works Cited

Brassington, Frances. Principles of Marketing. Harlow, England: FT/Prentice Hall, 2003. Print.

Elliott, Richard H. Strategic Brand Management. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. Print.

Hoyer, Wayne D. Consumer Behavior. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2001. Print.

Winer, Russell S. Marketing Management. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2004. Print.

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