Posted: September 3rd, 2013
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Practices For New Model |
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Values, Ethics And Moral Ideals |
Philosophy Theory And Science |
Enhancing shared learning and scholarship |
Disseminating Caring Science |
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New Model Practices
The Watson Caring Science Institute introduced a new healing procedure to be used by nurses. This particular procedure involves transpersonal caring relationships (Watson, 2012). These relationships are the pillars of the new procedure. The procedure concerns the use of inner life. This life relates with another beyond the physical dimension. Healing occurs through an individual’s care for a soul in this inner life connection. The nurses have to be intentionally caring during the therapy process.
There are particular practices that the new procedure advocates for. These practices focus on the transpersonal relationship that exists between the nurses and their patients. The practices are the pillars of this therapeutic method. The first practice is for the nurses to embrace a sincere care for their patients. They are not only to love themselves but also their patients. The second practice is for the nurses to instill an aspect of hope in their patience. They are to honor the lives of other individuals to the point of uplifting their spirits. The nurses are also to instill sensitivity into their work. They are to be sensitive to the needs of their patience. The nurses are to develop a healthy relationship with their patients. This implies that they are to build foundations of trust and care that are geared towards helping the patients (Watson, 2012).
The nurses should also accept their negative and positive feelings that arise in regards to the situations of their patients. They are to accept these feelings as part of a healthy therapy process. Another practice is for the nurses to use creativity in making their decisions. They should choose innovative science methods that are aimed at solving the problems that arise during the healing process. The lessons that the nurses use to aid their patients should address the needs of the patients. They should also be customized to fit the comprehension patterns of their patients (Watson, 2008).
The nurses should also create an environment that is conducive for the healing process. This should be done with regards to both the physical and spiritual dimensions of the patient and the nurse. The connection between the physical and spiritual aspects can be made through sincere concern for the patient. The nurse should also help with the needs of the patients. These needs extend beyond the physical to the emotional and spiritual. Finally, the nurse should be ready and open to experience miracles. The healing of the patients is considered a miracle (Watson 2008).
Values, Ethics and Morals
Transpersonal caring has a number of values, ethics and morals that governs it. One of these values is that authenticity of individuals. Individuals must be looked at as unique beings that are evolving to greatness. This is the attitude that the nurse should approach the patients with. The moment of healing must also be looked at as having a degree of uniqueness. The nurses should also carry out intentional concern and caring consciousness. This implies that they should make a deliberate decision to show care towards their patients. This will enable the nurse to diagnose clearly the patient’s ailment during entry into the patient’s life space (Watson, 2012).
Another ethic is that of clinical caritas consciousness. The nurses are meant to enter and stay within the life space of the patient. The moral implication here is that the nurse is not to be guided by selfish motives. The entry into the patient’s life space should be motivated by the desire of the nurse to help the patient regain totality if life. The value of self-knowledge is also upheld. Through an individual’s uniqueness, others are able to learn about themselves. The nurse is able to achieve self-knowledge through the knowledge of the patient. The therapy is pegged on the value of unity of life. This unity enables the patient and nurse to connect in the spiritual realm (Watson, 2012).
Philosophy Theory and Science
Transpersonal caring is a theory in itself. It stipulates that healing can occur when two individuals are connected in the physical and spiritual realms. The theory emphasizes on the importance of care and concern in this connection. In relational ontology, the nurse is to understand the entire being of the patient. This will help in the healing process. The intersubjectivity theory aids in understanding the healing process. Intersubjectivity refers to the reliance of the healing process to the connection of two individuals. The healing process cannot occur in the absence of this connection (Watson, 2012).
Enhancing Learning and Scholarship
Effective learning of the theory will occur through application of the therapy. This application should be seen in the lives of the patients, educators and nurses. The application will act as motivation for those who are in the process of learning the therapy. Those practicing the theory must also honor the values of those learning it. This will help with the personal integration of the theory into the lives of the learners.
Disseminating Caring Science
The dissemination of the therapy in the community’s nursing program is dependent on the mentorship strategies put into place. The mentorship will aid with the transitioning from the nurse’s old system to this new one. Appropriate training should be given to the nurses to aid with the acquisition of caring-healing skills. An introductory seminar should also be held for introducing the concept to the community. This introduction will help with gaining the trust of the members of the community. The members of the community are the main beneficiaries of the therapy. The values, theories and ethics of the therapy should be explained well to the nurses to maintain the integrity of the therapy.
Watson Caring Science Institute. (2012). International Caritas Consortium. Retrieved from
Watson, J. (2008). Nursing: The philosophy and science of caring. Boulder, Colo: University Press of Colorado.
Watson, J., & Watson, J. (2012). Human caring science: A theory of nursing. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
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