Posted: September 10th, 2013
Introduction into English Literature
Introduction into English Literature
Literature is a fascinating subject. Through it, readers are transported from their ordinary lives to a different world. By reading books, poems and even plays there are different scenarios that make readers understand better the message that a writer intended to pass across. Literal works over the years have provided a great source of education and entertainment to people. It is therefore essential that the readers get a better understanding on how to evaluate the books they read. In the book ‘Journey into Literature’ by R. Wayne Clugston, the author teaches readers how different authors use different stylistic devices to capture readers’ attention. The author explores most of the literal works and the impact they have on readers.
The chapters in ‘Journey into Literature,’ try to explain how a reader would respond to literal works. In the first chapter, it talks of why readers enjoy reading a certain book. It explores the literary pleasures that a reader gets and makes them hooked on to a certain piece of literature. The chapter tries to explain the pleasure that a reader gets when transported into the world of the book. The second chapter looks at the different scope and range of experiences that are derived from reading. It tries to explain how a reader connects their personal experiences to what they read in the literal works. This in turn results to how they respond to literature. It talks of how a reader may decide to analyze a certain piece of writing. It helps readers learn about exploring different writing styles. It teaches readers on how they are critique literature objectively.
The third chapter talks of short stories. The writer took an in depth look at how important these stories are and how readers can connect to what is written. It showed which points are most important when analyzing and coming up with a conclusion on what a writer intended to say in a story. Chapter 16 looks at how best to analyze different literary works from short stories to screen plays. This makes the book fascinating. The writer explored different angles that readers need to explore when looking at different literal works. He took a thorough approach to help fresh readers understand better what literature entails. It helps explain the importance of literature to society, not only for educational purposes, but also for entertainment.
This book is very resourceful to a reader as it looks at different aspects that a reader explores when analyzing a book. It focuses on both the importance of reading a book and the fun part. It helps readers get a better look at what they hope to achieve when analyzing a book. The author explored all the reasons why readers enjoy reading literal works. It explains both the educative part and the entertainment part of analyses. The writer ensured that the reader’s feelings when analyzing a book or play were considered. The book ‘Journey into Literature is a great source as it also gives examples of books extracts plays and poems. This makes the reader understand better what the writer is teaching through the book.
One analytical approach to analyzing a writer’s work is the reader-response approach. It looks at different angles of an essay using the readers input. This approach tends to look at the response that a reader had on particular writing. It shows how a reader connects to what message a writer intended to pass on to the public. It helps readers come up with questions that show the connection they had with what they were reading. The opinion of the reader counts the most in this type of critique. It covers all the angles ensuring that the literal work is analyzed in terms of gender, theologically and psychologically. This approach is good as it incorporates a reader’s response. The readers identify with the writer’s personal daily experiences. This makes them able to analyze literal works better as they have personal experience. The book is good, and it helps readers have a better understanding of what they read. The author has used good examples that help readers better understand the book (Clugston, 2010).
Clugston, W. (2010). Journey into Literature. Discovery series. Ashford university press.
Bennett, A., & Royle, N. (2000). An introduction to literature, criticism and theory. London: Prentice Hall Europe.
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