Institutionalization, Deinstitutionalization, Treatment and Innovations

Posted: August 13th, 2013




Institutionalization, Deinstitutionalization, Treatment and Innovations

The administration, management, and policies made in relation to mental health are designed to improve human service and mental health programs. This is supposed to foster the viability of administration, both as a field of knowledge and a professional career. Explicit mental health policies, administration, and management are powerful and essential tools for mental health relations in any health ministry. The information acquired from relevant literature includes improvements in service quality delivery, community care, accessibility, and various mental health indicators.

As I endeavored to study Levin, Lubotsky, Hennessy, and Petrila’s book “mental health services”, I was able to understand that mental health administration and management is derived from complex bodies of general, welfare, and health social policies. The field of mental health care is influenced by numerous ideologies, standards, and policies that may not be related to mental health. If maximizing positive effects when formulating mental health policies is anything to go by, then it is fundamental to take into account physical and social environment that people thrive. It is also necessary to ensure collaboration between relative sectors in order to facilitate health, education programs, employment and welfare policies, policies addressing the old and young, city planning, and housing.

From another viewpoint, the information provided by David Mechanic’s book, “Mental health and social policy” should be considered relevant especially when dealing with various systems of health including decentralized ones (Mechanic, 2008, 45-46). It is an accepted notion that national policies, management programs, and administration plans are necessary for giving the much-needed priority to mental health, and efficient resource organization. In this regard, Diane Plans and programs are capable of being developed in the municipal, district, and provincial levels, with a view of responding to particular circumstances. However, it is crucial to understand that lacking a national plan runs the risk of duplicating or fragmenting locally developed plans.

Good policies should be dependent from mental health information, mental health systems, and the population’s mental health needs. What the population needs for example can be determined through studying incidences and prevalence. Additionally, the current system designed to deliver mental health care needs to be well documented and understood. Knowing who is responsible for delivering mental health care, with what resources, and to who should be regarded an important consideration for developing a feasible and reasonable policy on mental health. In relation to this, the process of implementing and formulating a mental policy entails a political aspect. In this case, roles of the ministry of health involve listening to stakeholders and developing relevant proposals that compliment different views from international and national experience.

The development and implementation of mental health policies, management, and administration in any region or country is a complicated process (World Health Organization, Funk, Saraceno, and Minoletti, 2003, 32). There is need to consider many factors as well as taking into account the various needs of the stakeholders. My knowledge from David Mechanic’s book, “Mental health and social policy” maintains that specific mental health development and implementation circumstances may vary from one region to another. For each region therefore, it is important to conduct an investigation over relevant factors involved. A policy should outline principles, values, and visions. Management and administration of this policy should identify prioritized strategies.

Indeed, a lot has been learnt regarding mental health administration, management, and policy development in recent years. Together with mental health policies, programs and plans, ministries of health have had relevant influence over the populations with mental health issues in many regions. Some of these results have been community care; an engagement of both carers and people with mental health issues, improved quality and organization of service delivery, and improvement in accessibility.

Furthermore, from a political school of thought, it is vital that every government develop a mental health policy designed at a professional level. It is recommended that the policy in question be the national government’s responsibility. In this case, the ministry of health is in charge in numerous countries. The main advantage of this revolves around implementing a policy through a single sector, hence favoring coherence and consistency. In certain countries however, the ministry of health is not responsible for endorsing a mental health policy, rather, it is the respective division or mental health section. In this regard, the policy in question lacks as much influence on delivered services (World Health Organization, Funk, Saraceno, and Minoletti, 2003, 78).

In general, mental health management, administration, and policies focus on related objectives, principles, objectives, and values. A plan is referred to as a detailed scheme that facilitates the implementation of the policy. Through policy and planning, a country can be able to direct mental health onto a well designed and well thought through trajectory. Additionally, it can as well establish mechanisms designed to realize the set goals. Management and administration encourages formalizing the policy into clear operational and strategic components. However, my readings from the four sources lead me to arriving at the premise that mental health policies need to be complimented by targeted programs.


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