Inpatient Health Care Organizations

Posted: August 26th, 2021

Inpatient Health Care Organizations


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Inpatient and Ambulatory Health Care Organizations

A hospital is a health care institution, which provides medical care daily. Its primary purpose is to offer routine or physical care, emergency or casualty care, specialty, labor, major and minor surgery, and maternity services. Hospitals vary in size, so as specialists, medical care offers (Beans, 2016;Wolper, 2011).On the other hand, the dialysis clinic is an ancillary or ambulatory healthcare facility that is different from the hospital like services offered. The primary purpose of the dialysis clinic is to do dialysis on patients suffering from kidney ailments. Also, the services involve safely dispensing and prescribing appropriate drugs for both inpatient and outpatients(Beans, 2016). Thus, their services are highly effective when they incorporate technicians and pharmacists in the offering.

Additionally, quality management of health care is a prerequisite for better and quality services, improved efficiency in treatments offered in the facilities, and enhancedpatient satisfaction. The healthcare systems comprise large and scaled entities, outpatient and inpatient facilities, hospitals, and clinics(Wolper, 2011). The primary focus of quality healthcare management is on the patients’ needs, continuous service monitoring and improvements, and ensuring patient satisfaction though an offering of quality services (Kamra et al., 2016). Therefore, the health facility’s leadership becomes critical for ensuring the quality of a health care service. This includes being proactive in dispensing managerial roles, including timely recruitment and staff training periodically, to ensure they are updated with the most current skills(Wolper, 2011). Besides, it is the management’s responsibility to motivate its staff (Kamra et al., 2016). Hence, strategies such as patient satisfaction, offering quality services, and employment of the latest technology can enhance quality improvement in health care facilities.


Beans, B. E. (2016). Experts foresee a significant shift from inpatient to ambulatory care: pharmacy and Therapeutics, 41(4), 231.

Kamra, V., Singh, H., & Kumar De, K. (2016). Factors affecting patient satisfaction: an exploratory study for quality management in the healthcare sector. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 27(9-10), 1013-1027.

Wolper, L. (2011). Health care administration: managing organized delivery systems. Sudbury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

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