Human Resource

Posted: September 4th, 2013





Human Resource

Human Resource Management refers to that part of an organization’s activities designed to attract, train, develop and maintain an effective workforce. The main role of the human resource department in a company is to satisfy the company’s administrative requirements and the people employed by that company. This department is also responsible for strategic planning and expansions in ways that enhance the image and value of the company. Finally, the human resource department interviews, recruits and tests employees. It is also in charge of orientation, performance management, skills training and productivity enhancement.

The department is responsible for organizational development of the company. For the success of any company, a structure is established to enhance forwarding of reports. Responsibility is significant in any business body to guarantee operations are run flawlessly. This is because there is clear distinction of which responsibility belongs to who in the hierarchy. The human resources department offers advice to the executive team of the company to instill the company’s main objectives and customs. The department also goes ahead to prepare whatever the company needs to realize and maintain those objectives.

Policy Formulation is another of the HR department. Despite a company’s size, strategies and guidelines have to be put in place to make sure order exists in the work environment. These strategies and guidelines guarantee that every employee comprehends that which the company depicts of them. Correspondingly, these strategies and guidelines help the managers in charge of hiring to appraise the performance and progress of their employees. Every department in the company has roles that are defined by these strategies.

The human resources department also covers five important roles. The executive role is ensuring that organizational policies are developed in line with legal requirements and producing information booklets on training. The audit role entails monitoring organizational activities to make sure that the implementation of HR policies such as healthy and safety, staff appraisal, etc is carried out properly in all other departments. The facilitator role depicts the help that HR offers to other departments to achieve the goals and objectives of the policies of the company. This will involve training being delivered for issues that arise in the areas relating to people management.

For example, team leaders could be given training to help them respond to and deal with complicated relationships between team members that may involve HR issues such as grievances and equal opportunities. The consultancy role of the HR departments involves advising managers on how to handle managing issues in a professional manner. The managers are guided on how to manage people effectively and fairly. The service role of the department is to act as an information provider to raise awareness and inform departments and functional areas on policy changes. This is important in times of change when the organization needs to make sure it is p to date with what is happening.

The employment role of the human resources department involves identifying sources of supply – public and private agencies, search organizations and specialized agencies. It also involves the selection process, which is the design of forms. It interviews and tests new and existing employees, it looks into referrals for preemployment physicals, maintenance of turnover statistics and records. In the induction and orientation process, the department designs staff orientation programs; it coordinates line orientation programs and processes employee benefits.

In hiring employees, the department follows certain procedures. First, the head of human resources must report to the manager in charge of HR about any vacancy in any department in the company. The manager will then acquire what the job entails to prepare a slip that describes the job, which is to be published either publicly or internally. After people send in their applications, only those whose names shall be short-listed will be expected to attend the preliminary interviews. After these preliminary interviews, the few candidates who make it through will meet the manager in charge of hiring for another interview. All this while, the human resources manager follows this procedure carefully to ensure that the right candidate has been picked for the company.

After recruitment and selection of candidates has been done, the new employees are then inducted in to the company. The induction process is whereby these new employees are acquainted with the company’s directorial milieu. This is done because these employees have to know the other staff members and to provide them with indispensable strategies with reference to the company and its organizational structure and procedures

Employee compensation benefits are handled by the human resources department. These benefits include remunerations, extra payments, paid holidays, recompense, and life and medical insurances. The Department has the responsibility to establish the employees’ compensation schemes that will play an important role in retaining the company’s top employees given by the attractive packages. After hiring employees, the human resources department has someone who is responsible for compensation. His or her work entails making known to the other employees about their compensation benefits. The employees are required to provide the right information before they can sign the procedural papers to allow for processing to commence.

Human resources departments in small businesses do not have as many responsibilities as those in larger businesses. When it comes to recruiting new employees for small businesses, the HR department should consider the size of the business and the number of employees that the business will be able to handle. In light of this information, the department will advertise for an opening in the business and hold interviews to find the perfect candidate. Those that select from outside are very specific about the number of applications required. This makes the recruitment process easier for them.

Most small businesses opt to pick employees from within their company to fill the wanted positions in the business. This is because it is more convenient since their employees already know how the business operates. This measure will also save the department money required for training. It is also good way of promoting existing employees, which will in turn motivate them to work harder. It is a good method of ensuring that the company retains its best employees.

Working environments are increasingly displaying reports of all sorts of discrimination. This is morally wrong and unethical. The most reported of these cases is sexual harassment. Many companies are dealing with these problems to provide safe and convenient working environments for their employees. The human resources departments in these companies are the places that most complaints are taken. This is because most employees feel they can trust these departments and their cries will be heard. These departments are constantly striving to work with external agencies to fight all kinds of abuses and discrimination in the work places.

The human resources department is responsible for training new employees. This requires special strategies and specialized facilitators who handle the training programs in the company. These strategies are developed according to the requirements of legislation and with the improvement of productivity and delivery. The trainees are expected to provide information about what they know and then this is assessed. After this assessment, objectives are set and the training conducted. The department ensures that the trainings are evaluated with regard to the return on investment and that employees in the organization are trained on a regular basis to provide them with fresh information and updates.

Once the employees have been inducted, it is feared that the skills they posses may perhaps not be satisfactory to accomplish the required tasks. The human resources department recognizes the need for training when the anticipated level of proficiency is higher than the existing level of proficiency. This is why the department acknowledges that employees need training and therefore it designs programs for training and implements these programs effectively. This is done to provide the desired knowledge and skill that the company expects of all its employees.

Every company makes every effort to ensure that there is always a competent labor force in the work place. This is because the requirements of companies are frequently evolving. These companies have human resources departments that are in charge of ensuring that the labor force is regularly trained by providing training programs. These trainings are sometimes carried out within the company premises or outside depending on what is required to make the training a success. Some of these training programs involve providing tuition and reimbursing the employees to acquire training or education from different colleges of their choice.


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