Posted: January 5th, 2023
Health, Cultural, and Safety Assessment
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Health, Cultural, and Safety Assessment
The paper uses a cultural assessment tool and a safety assessment tool to gain a visual overview of a community, including the conditions and trends in the region that could influence the health and well-being of the population. A cultural assessment tool offers a systematic approach to identify the values, beliefs, behaviors, and meanings of people in the community while taking into account their physical and social environments, life encounters, and history. A safety assessment tool, on the other hand, help find areas in which the community is at risk, and how the risks relate to the physical, mental, and social well-being of then people in the community. The study uses both tools to assess the situation in Florida and give concrete description of the community.
Community Health Assessment
The name of the county under assessment is Marion County, ZIP code 34471, Ocala. The county ranks 52nd out of the sixty seven counties in Florida for overall health status based on a report released by a joint study by key stakeholders.The county ranks 59th in life span, 51st in economic and social factors, and 18th in clinical services (Florida Health, 2019). The years of potential life lost before age 75 per 100,000 population stands at 7,746.4 as of 2019, an increase from 7,619.6 in 2014-2016 and 7,233.4 in 2011-2013 (Florida Health, 2019). Overall, Marion ranks 50th among the 67 counties as of 2021, which is a drop from 2020 when it was ranked 49th overall in Florida (Florida Health, 2019). The county had only insignificant cases of adults reporting poor or fair health but the rate shot to 19.7% as at the beginning of 2019 (County Health Rankings, 2021). Information by County Health Rankings (2021) inform that the mean number of physically unhealthy days reported in past thirty days in the county is 4.8, while then mean number of mentally unhealthy days reported within the same period is 5.3 among adults.
Several other information provide valuable insight into the health situation in Marion County. The rate of low birthweight below 2,500 grams has maintained within the 7% category, but 2019 witnessed a surge to 8.8% (Florida Health, 2019). In terms of health factors ranking compared to other counties in Florida, Marion ranks 38 out of 67, a drop from its 33st position in 2020. Marion ranks 58th in health behaviors compared to other counties in the state (County Health Rankings, 2021). Currently about 22% of adults are smokers, and the rate of obese adults age 20 and above is 32% (Hiers, 2013). Approximately 28% of adult age 20 and above are physically inactive, and about 26% indulge in binge drinking. The number of deaths from accidents drunk driving in the county is 16.4% (County Health Rankings, 2021). However, stakeholders continue to enact more measures to avert more problems.
County Health Rankings provides other valuable information about the health status of Marion County, FL. The rate of STI infection per 100,000 population in the county is 702.7 compared to Florida’s 758, while the number of births per 1,000 female population ages 15-19 was 14.8 for the duration 2017-2019 (Florida Health, 2019). In terms of clinical ranking, Marion ranks 38 out of 67 (County Health Rankings, 2021). The percentage of population below age 65 without health cover in the state is 16.9%. Regarding ratio of health worker to patient per 100,000 people, the county scores as follows; ratio of population to primary care physicians (19.2%), ratio of population to dentists (37.2%), and ratio of population to mental health providers is 49% (County Health Rankings, 2021). Concerning the percentage of female Medicare enrollees ages 65-74 that got a yearly mammography screening currently stands at 40%, while 39% of fee-for-service Medicare enrollees have had a yearly flu vaccination as of 2021 (County Health Rankings, 2021). The comprehensive health assessment of the county offers valuable information about the health status of people in the county.
Cultural Assessment
Biophysical Considerations
The dominant age group in Ocala falls between 20-29 years, which constitutes about 73% of the entire population. A significant portion of the population relates ageing with wisdom and depreciation in health stability. The community regard those who have attained 18 years as adults, and a person who comes of age is accorded respect, and starts to assume some responsibilities. The gender ratio in the city is 95 men for every 100 women, but this does not have a significant impact on acceptability of health care providers (Ocala, 2021). Some of the evident genetically determined physical features and physiologic differences is that people differ in terms of their skin color, sex orientation, gender, personality, and interests, which may have some impact on health. Members value those who work hard, honest, and cooperative. Some genetically determined illnesses present in the community are high blood pressure, cancer, obesity, and heart disease.
Psychological Considerations
Members of Ocala have an individualist perception, which compel members to prioritize individuals and their families. The residents of Ocala experience stress, and many people employ mechanisms to help them cope with the problem. Stress emanate from work-related complications, family issues, and illness, but members seek therapeutic intervention, take medication, and engage in physical activities to avoid stress. More fundamentally, members know change is inevitable and are flexible in the way they respond to change.
Physical Environmental Considerations
Members are conscious about the environment and take measures to achieve environmental sustainability. The residents of Florida and Ocala to be specific have witnessed the effects of climate change depicted by changing weather patterns. Some of the environmental changes impact on members’ health.
Sociocultural Considerations
Members acknowledge the presence of supernatural forces and respect the force. Some members, for example, believe that spiritual powers can restore good health. The family is a crucial part of the community, as well as cultural influence (Ocala, 2021). Both parents make decisions in the family, but in many situations the father has the final decision.
Safety Assessment
Safety Hazards in the Natural Environment
Pollution is a matter of concern in Ocala, but the relevant authorities continue to enact measures that would maintain the levels. However, cases of natural radiation are not a matter of concern in the state. Nevertheless, the community experiences other forms of pollution such as soil and land pollution. The weather is not problematic, unless when it is winter. Animal reserves try as much as possible to contain wild animals to avoid conflict with humans, and ensure they do not transmit diseases through proper vaccination.
Safety Hazards in the Built Environment
The local authority enforces stiff measures to prevent the emergence of commercial and residential units that pose safety hazards. However, it is still possible to find structural defects in area buildings (Ocala, 2021). The local industry also pose some safety hazards, but try as much as possible to prevent fatal consequences.
Safety Hazards in the Psychological Environment
Many residents feel safe, thanks to enhanced security by officers and CCTV cameras. However, certain environmental conditions such as lack of jobs, natural calamities, and sickness contribute to stress.
Safety Hazards in the Sociocultural Environment
The overall rate of crime in Ocala is going down, but it is still possible to witness criminal activities such as murder, rape, robbery, and assault. The police respond relatively fast to incidences of crime, and members of the community also take part in prevention (Ocala, 2021). Even though gang violence is relatively low, ethnic difference still creates some tension among members.
Disaster Potential
The likelihood for flooding in Ocala is considerably high, with about 100,000 people at risk of flooding in the coastal region (Ocala, 2021). However, the community rarely experiences cases of earthquakes.
County Health Rankings. (2021). County health rankings & roadmaps. Retrieved from
Florida Health. (2019). County-state profile – 2019. Retrieved from
Hiers, F. (2013). Marion still lags in county health rankings. Retrieved from
Ocala. (2021). Ocala. Retrieved from
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