Health Care Solutions

Posted: March 26th, 2020





Health Care Solutions

At least above 40 million people in the United States do not have medical insurance. This can be explained by the high cost of medical cover, which millions of people are unable to afford. The Affordable Care Act aims to rectify this problem by reducing the number of Americans who are uninsured.The government can remedy this problem by channeling more funds in healthcare through high-risk pools. These can be defined as programs set up in order to provide health insurance coverage through subsidies that are provided by the federal government.They are available to those who have predetermined health conditions and to those who have been denied access to health care, due to lack of insurance, considering the high rates of insurance covers.

I believe the risk pools should be directed and managed by a board of directors for accountability purposes. These monies are collected through various ways. For instance, through direct government subsidies, taxes and other revenues collected, and having other individuals pay higher premiums in order to cover those without a cover. In my opinion, this will ensure the uninsured population reduces and is receiving adequate and quality health services. However, for the high risk, pools to run efficiently, the programs must be adequately funded, therefore, state governments and the federal government alike, should ensure funds are directed to the pools in time and in the right amount. From my understanding, this is only achievable if the government is fully accountable for the funds they direct towards this program, so that patient needs are fully met.

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