Health care

Posted: September 5th, 2013

Health care







Health care


            Coenzyme is organic but not a protein. It is made up of mineral or vitamin, to merge with a certain protein. Coenzyme combines with apoenzyme and they create an active enzyme. Most of the soluble vitamins act as coenzymes. After an active enzyme has been created, its function is to control metabolic reactions. Some of the coenzymes are thiamin pyrophosphate (TPP). It is responsible for energy metabolism. Riboflavin extracts energy from amino acids, glucose and fatty acids. Other coenzymes include Ariboflavin, Niacin and Pyridoxine among others (Schlenker & Roth, 2011).

Many vitamins act as coenzymes, which later become active enzymes. One common coenzyme, which is a vitamin, is Vitamin B. It is complex and has different types. Vitamin B-6 is a water-soluble vitamin and appears in different forms like pyridoxine, pyrodoxamine and pyridoxal 5’-phosphate. The most active type is the P5P since it acts as the major coenzyme. Pantothenic acid is Vitamin B-5 and is an element of coenzyme A. Coenzyme A is responsible for metabolism and chemical reactions (Marieb & Hoehn, 2011).

Coenzymes with vitamins are not toxic and they are easily excreted via urine. Therefore, people should ensure their meals are rich in vitamins, for continued supply in the body. However, mega doses of vitamin C, niacin or pyridoxine might cause symptoms. It is vital to take only the required amounts. Other forms of coenzymes are NADP+ and NAD+, which facilitate synthesis of proteins. It is important for people to consume water-soluble vitamins. They prevent many disorders diseases from both adults and children. They should not also be over cooked because they will denature (Marieb & Hoehn, 2011).


According to the symptoms of the woman, she could be suffering from flu. There are three types of flu. The first type is A then B and C. The A and B are found in humans and animals. Type C is only found in animals. It is acquired through the air or having contact with the pathogens. These viruses are changing and new virus is coming up frequently. When a person is infected, the body produces antibodies of those viruses. Another attack of the same virus will be resisted by the body. A person can only become sick if the viruses are new. The body does not have the antibodies so a person is likely to fall ill. This could be the reason why the woman falls ill every winter (Schlenker & Roth, 2011).

Some of the questions that should be directed to the woman are other symptoms she experiences. It is also important to ask her whether there are other people around her also suffer flu simultaneously or after her. Flu is infectious and this question would help to confirm diagnosis. Questions about her diet are vital because they assist in immunity. She may be having a poor diet so she easily catches flu. She should be asked what measures she takes when she gets flu. It will assist in giving her advice on how to counter her problem. Questions about her allergies should also arise. They will determine the recommendations and treatment. If it is possible to avoid her allergies, the treatment should be included in the recommendation (Marieb & Hoehn, 2011).

When treating flu, it is important to remain at home to prevent infecting other people. In healthy people, flu will go away after within a week, if the patient is following treatment. Severe flu symptoms last for a maximum of four days. A patient should have a healthy diet with many fruits and vegetables. This will boost her immune system and enable fast recovery. She should also seek medication from a doctor. This will help her to suppress the symptoms. Since she gets sick during winter, she should keep warm and rest more. It will to reduce the pain in her muscles. A patient should never buy over the counter drugs. Instead, she should see a physician. Flu has vaccination and it should be done every year. This is because new types of viruses arise often so an annual immunization is an important measure (Kawaoka, 2006).





Kawaoka, Y. (2006). Influenza virology: Current topics. Wymondham: Caister Academic Press.

Mahan ,L. K. and Escott-Stump S. (2011). Krause’s Food and the Nutrition Care Process. New York, NY: Saunders.

Marieb, N. E. & Hoehn, K. (2010). Human Anatomy & Physiology. New York, NY: Benjamin Cummings:

Schlenker, E. D., &Roth, S. L. (2011). Williams’ essentials of nutrition and diet therapy. St. Louis, Missouri: Mosby.


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