Posted: August 12th, 2013
Global Socioeconomic Perspective
Global Socioeconomic Perspective
Just War Theory
In some cases, countries find it necessary to engage in wars with other nations as a means of defending themselves and securing their resources. Although many people oppose wars, there are cases when wars are necessary, especially because people do not have the same mentalities. Some people might have the idea of solving their differences in an amicable manner, while others do not see this as an alternative. The just war theory contends that for any country to engage in war, it must have a just reason for doing so. Some of the reasons include self-defense, protection of the innocent, and punishment for wrongdoing. Countries must have the right motivation and intentions for engaging in war. Only the proper authority in the land has the right to decide whether the country should go to war. The country’s leadership must follow the right procedures before going to war, and they should view war as the last resort. Countries go to war as a means of resolving differences and resolving peace, and they should seek other means of establishing peace before going to war. Religion recognizes the unnecessary nature of war, since it condemns taking away of human life. However, it recognizes the necessity of engaging in war as a means of protecting the people. It recognizes the position of a nation in defending and protecting its citizens, thus ensuring that justice is done. Countries go to extreme lengths to ensure that they fulfill their objectives of protecting their citizens. They engage in intelligence gathering techniques, thus ensuring that they avoid trouble whenever they can.
Human Rights
Everyone has rights by virtue of being human, regardless of race, gender, nationality, religion, color, language, or any other attribute. No human being is above the other, and therefore no one should treat the other unfairly. People should recognize each other’s rights and should not use each other for pleasure. They should respect each other’s freedom and possessions and recognize other people’s right to life and their importance of health. All people are created equal under God, and only God who gives an individual authority that others should be subjective to him. Women and children are vulnerable members of the society, and they continue being used and manipulated. Their rights are not recognized by many in the society. People continue to be divided, and they continue enhancing the differences between them. The abuse of power, has contributed to the abuse of human rights. Those in authority continue denying the less fortunate their freedom and liberty. Some people continue working and living in slavery because they lack opportunities to have a better life. The vulnerable continue being exploited since they are defenseless. Such challenges continue facing the international community today.
National Resources
National resources include land, water, plants, and animals. They are anything that people use which comes from nature. There is a lot of dependence on natural resources in the developing countries, and this has led to increased conflicts in these countries. People fight for natural resources, and this has contributed to the increase in civil wars. Many developed countries have established a system of managing their natural resources. They have established laws aimed at protecting these resources. Many people in these countries do not depend on the natural resources for their survival. Therefore, there is better management and use of the natural resources. The availability of natural resources at a particular place defines the environment in such a place Scarcity and abundance of natural resources leads to conflicts among the affected groups. Groups fight each other to secure these resources. Violence and conflict reduces the natural resources available in a place. People have to find ways of conserving the available natural resources, and using them in a more productive manner. They have to engage in practices that will ensure nature replenishes resources. This means taking care of the environment, as this will determine whether the resources will last
Population Growth
Malthus recognized the importance of food to humanity, and saw it as one of the most important factors in determining population growth. He also noted that people would continue reproducing. These two factors contribute to population growth. He noted that population increases geometrically if left unchecked, while food increases arithmetically. Population increases at a faster rate than the available food supply. Preventative checks affect the birth rate, and they include age of marriage, use of birth control, and sexual orientation. Positive checks are active. They reduce population increase the death rate, and they include war, disease, and hunger. Some of the examples of demographic variables used to check changes in population include age, sex, and race.
Economic Growth and the Global Balance of Power
The world has experienced a shifting global of economic power because of several reasons. Global economic power has shifted from the western countries to the southern and eastern countries. Increased consumerism in the eastern countries has increased demand for goods, and this has increased manufacturing and improved the economy in countries such as China. Presence of natural resources such as oil has ensured that countries with vast deposits continue to grow economically. International cooperation has influenced the shift in global economic power. Countries such as China have initiated their cooperation with other countries thus ensuring a market for their goods, and a source of raw materials for their factories. The concept of economic catch up asserts that countries that have a low gross domestic product should grow at a faster rate than countries that start with a high GDP, leading to a convergence of the two economies in time. Western leaders have continued to hold positions of leadership in many multilateral organizations for long. The shifting global economic power has changed this, and it has led to the people to consider the possibility of having leaders from different emerging economic countries.
The future of Aid Development
Developing countries have a clear idea on the problems facing them, and they know the methods that they can use to eradicate these problems. When they request for aid, they know how they are going to use the assistance provided in ensuring that they find a solution to their problems. On the other hand, many developing countries want to impose restrictions and determine the direction of the aid flow. This may be in contrast to the problems and needs of the country they are intending to assist. Some developed countries feel the need to impose their rules and regulations on the developing countries before offering aid, and this can be problematic. Organizations accept the terms provided by the donor bodies, because of the difficulties of obtaining such funds under any other conditions. Aid and development programs ensure improvements in identified areas of development. On the other hand, the strict regulations imposed may undermine the receiving country’s sovereignty and authority since the country is not in a position to use the funds provided in the way that it wants. Technology ensures that people improve their economy while conserving the environment. Challenges of ensuring a just and sustainable world include corruption, poor leadership, civil wars and conflicts, environmental degradation, and high population growth without enough resources.
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