Feminism and Youth Program Evaluation

Posted: January 5th, 2023

Feminism and Youth Program Evaluation

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Project evaluation is an assessment of any completed or ongoing project to determine the relevance and ability to achieve the set limits and objectives. Project evaluation helps in the determination of the best program that fits in a particular organization. The feminism evaluation program will be focused on the feminism evaluation of women substance abuse education. The program is focused on establishing the ideological framing of feminism to shared feminism relational perspective and understanding of women’s socio-cultural existence in modern society. Beyond measure is a program involving the youth in Ontario in Canada. The evaluation program is focused on establishing the inequalities in the program. The evaluation process follows a specific laid-down procedure to achieve the best results. For instance, the development of logic models followed by identifying key stakeholders for the evaluation program and assessing resources and evaluability. The theory of change evaluation will be applied in the evaluation program to aid in the illustration of activities take upon by an intervention to translate to the chain of results hence the realization of the desired impacts. Since an evaluation process’s success requires the utilization of various skills, good communication and sound resource management will be paramount. Human resource is vital for this study as they will form the team for conduct the evaluation program and aid in developing the questionnaires. The evaluation program on beyond measure youth program will involve a re-imaging research technique will be used in the study. In contrast, the feminism evaluation program will utilize the questionnaires conducted in phases to obtain data for the analysis.

Feminism and youth program evaluation

Project evaluation involves collecting and analyzing the information to understand the progress, success, and project effectiveness. Through the guidance of project evaluation findings, the limited resources are efficiently utilized for the organization’s most significant possible impact.

Background Information

Project evaluation entails evaluating ongoing or completed projects. It is usually designed to determine the relevance and the ability to achieve the laid down objectives, development effectiveness, efficiency, impact, and sustainability of the project (Abadie and Cattaneo 2018). Therefore, conducting the evaluation program on feminism and beyond measure the program will provide a platform to study a program, practice, intervention, or initiative to fully understand the best mechanisms that the organization can work to achieve the set objectives. It will also help determine the best plan that fits that particular organization and the weak points within the program that demand improvement. Project evaluation will also help demonstrate the program’s impact on funders, suggest edits for the continued efforts, and facilitate the support needed to ensure the program’s continuity. The project evaluation will help gather information on the approach that can best be shared with others and determine whether a system is appropriate to replicate in other areas with similar needs.

Feminism cases in society have been on the rise over the recent past, especially on how the feminist evaluators negotiate program evaluation on feminist philosophy, strategy, and values (Abadie and Cattaneo 2018). This evaluation program will be based on the experiences of the evaluation team’s facilitators to evaluate women abuse prevention programs. The program will involve repassing the feminist’s Evaluation to incorporate the participant stakeholders and evaluator’s voice into evaluation design and implementation, circumventing the hierarchical organizational context. The program will utilize cooperative imagery to help describe the development of strategies designed in the creation of the nonhierarchical evaluation team. The plan will further present the ideological frames of reference rooted in societal feminist Evaluation and connection between the shared feminism relational perspective and beliefs and understanding of the women’s socio-cultural existence.

Beyond measure is a program in Ontario involving the youth. The evaluation program is designed to reflect on the complexity and diverse voices sharing about how children are focused on learning and continuous improvement. Evaluation of the Beyond measure program will highlight how Evaluation can be an integral block in achieving the goal. The youth programs are designed to illustrate how the youths are trying to use the program in improving the programs and broaden their knowledge base about the program and how it works in addition to applying it in their regular schedules and service provision.

Rational or Interpretive adapted to Evaluation

Substance abuse education program was designed to primary and relapse prevention programs for women’s alcohol and drug problems in the rural geographical areas with diverse and ethnic backgrounds with a women Caucasian majority number. The project is designed in the spirit of two combined research paradigms that are feminist and fourth-generation approach. It is intended to seek a system that reflected the staff perspective on the evaluation design and implementation. The feminist theorists in this program focus on power and privilege and gendered social forces. The research attends to the participants’ political realities; the research context centralizes the gender and power dynamics to understand the oppressed groups. The world is neglectful of women’s lives, and the interpretations and assumptions of the researches are biased. In the fourth generation, the evaluator will shift from authoritarian technical expertise to a collaborative effort collaboration through the interaction with the stakeholders. Ownership of the program is increased through the agency staff’s empowerment. Hence the goal will be consistent with the feminist’s approach to Evaluation, attending to the evaluation elements, naming, and shifting power inequality among the stakeholders.

Feminism stereotyping is still not a thing of the past in the modern way world. Social service workers are five times more likely to live in poverty lines than the male counterparts. The new laws have been designed to improve the welfare recipients, coming along with the gendered pattern and mental health disparity, with women being favored over males. Female employees are predominantly dominating human services in the modern world. Society still upholds the traditional roles for women, lack of family, and government support for women like child care resources for working women hence encouraging them to continue exploring nontraditional professionalism (Lee et al. 2016). Evaluation of the Feminism program is based on the assessment of feminism in women’s substance abuse education programs. The youths in the Ontario society are more committed to the youth programs offered in Ontario. Beyond measure, the evaluation program is based on the inequality of the youth programs in Ontario.

The youth issues in Ontario are varied and complex. The Beyond measure program will be focused on evaluating the importance of building a youth sector concentrate on learning and continuous improvement of the program. Through various policies and dialogues offered to the government, the youth sector is becoming interconnected, hence equality. The evaluation program will check if youth face varied topics, despite a common objective for the youth being shared across all the provinces (Beardsley and Hughes 2002).

Evaluation Process

Before conducting an evaluation process, I will have to clarify what is to be evaluated. At this step, I will develop my desired goals, activities, the outputs, and the evaluation program results which collectively constitute the logic model of the evaluation program. After designing the logic model, I will engage the shareholders to back up the evaluation program process. The identification of the key stakeholders comes along with the understanding of the interests and specifications in addition to engaging the stakeholders in the review of the set objectives and development of the evaluation questions. Therefore I will have to create stakeholder information needs and the intended use of the evaluation program. Step 3 will entail the assessment of the resources and evaluability. The step’s purpose will be to assess the available resources for Evaluation and check whether the project is ready for Evaluation.

A careful assessment of resources will be a priority. It will avoid the possibility of future constraints since conducting the program is time-consuming and expensive. Time, ethics and approval process form the resources which will be evaluated in this stage in addition to timeline required for completion of the program. Step 4 will be designed to determine whether the evaluation programs meet the evaluation goals. To achieve the goals in this step, I will involve numerous stakeholders. I will consider the type of Evaluation as a formative evaluation used in developing a strategy;  as my process evaluation will be designed to address the extent to which the evaluation will be implemented as per laid down process and the targeted groups. Step 5 will help determine the appropriate methods of data collection and procedures concerning what to measure, when, how, and from whom to collect data from. Step 6 of the study will be designed in a manner that identifies the specific evaluation activities, resource allocation as well as the deadlines. Phase 7 will involve collecting data for every evaluation question and from which the results and recommendations will be based upon. Step 8 will involving tailoring methods to enter data and check the quality and consistency of data entry, hence identify the evaluation results. The final step will include interpreting and sharing findings, engagement of the stakeholders, and recommendations.

Theory of Change Evaluation

The theory of evaluation is described in relation to the activities undertaken by an intervention and how the activities contribute to the various results leading to the intended impacts and objectives. The change evaluation theory is developed through the situation analysis, review of existing documentation, relevant research, assessment, and engagement in talking with the shareholders. Thus, the idea will be developed at the planning stage, though it can often use in monitoring and Evaluation. It will be designed to create better key evaluation questions, including identifying critical indicators for monitoring and the available data gaps. It will also be intended to prioritize additional data collection and provide data analysis and reporting structure. Regular reviewing and revision of the theory of change will thus be vital during the commissioning evaluation. In the evaluation process, an opposing theory of evaluation will be developed to help in the identification of the adverse outcomes which help in designing mitigation strategies to evade them and the data collection which will signal if they occurred.

Planning and Process of Program Evaluation


The initiation, planning, execution, and control of any project is tedious. Since project evaluation is a time consuming, expensive, and complicated process, it will demand various skills. Leadership is core while supervising any particular project. This is because the project manager leads the team to achieve the set goals. The different leadership skills in motivation and mediation to execute the plan will be crucial (Davis and Hattery 2018). My good communication skills between the project manager and stakeholders and customers through either the reporting tools or fostering with chat, file sharing, and the task to gig discussion will be vital for the group. The successful utilization of resources, including time, entails proper planning, and rescheduling will help achieve the evaluation program (Mohagheghi et al. 2017). Before executing the project evaluation, I will have to identify, assess, and control the risks that may come with the assessment process’s engagement. My ability to control the risks will translate to the higher power of the project to succeed. In case of any issue unanticipated arising, it will be my priority to mitigate it. Good project management skills such as having realistic budget control, which meets the project’s financial needs, will be vital. Critical thinking is essential for the project evaluation process as I will have to be neutral while administering the questionnaires despite the answer I will obtain. My critical thinking will guide me to being objective, hence refrain from biasness.

Human Resources

Evaluation success of any business research work entails assessing the employee’s ability to deliver in a timely and profitable manner. Integrating human resource management into my strategic planning process will enable me to identify the goals, opportunities, and competitive advantages to hire and develop the right workforce to achieve my evaluation program goals. The human resource department helps keep track of the organization’s capabilities by matching the workers with the right tasks to complete the various strategic goals (Mohagheghi et al. 2017). By evaluating employee retention, satisfaction, and absentee rate, I will assess the employees’ feelings about their roles in achieving strategic goals. For the evaluation program on feminism, which requires a task force, I will hire several human resources to help in the study.

The data specialists will be in charge of analyzing the data collected, streamlining the results’ interpretation and presentation. During the formulation of the questions, a team will still be tasked in the various phases of conducting the three stages of the research about feminism. The steering committee involved in the formulation of questionnaires will be charged with the evaluation process’s overall oversight. The information technology experts will be tasked with software security and online survey facilitation. The youth, community leaders, and government officials will be evaluated to evaluate youth programs in Orrantia.

Financial Resources

The study is extensive and will entail grants from non-governmental bodies, personal contributions, and government grants.

Methods of Data Collection

In the feminism study program evaluation, the review methodology will be done in three phases. The evaluation questions will be formulated during the early discussions of the evaluation team. In the interactive formulation, the questions will be prepared to avoid the evaluator positioning as an expert. The four groups that will be engaged in conducting the evaluation program will include; potential founders of the Feminism program, past program participants who will present their reactions to our services. The present and plans can provide the evaluator with the best information on the best fitting services and the team members (Lovell et al. 2016). The three-phase methodology to be involved include; evaluation of the professional training services, which will help in identification of the increment of the professional knowledge regarding substance-abusing women; needs assessment, which will identify the educational needs for high-risk women and survey involving the women involved in the previous relapse prevention services, hence determine the program efficacy. The findings will be only be shared with the evaluating team.

A beyond measure methodology will be employed in the youth program research and involve re-imaging research as a community dialogue. The method will involve a four-step research process that is cornered on the community’s equitable engagement during all the research process phases. The study’s multifocal research will also include online surveys and in-depth key informant interviews with Ontario’s youth stakeholders. The key informant interviews will evaluate the short-term and project life cycle findings, grassroots organizations’ needs, and time as a badly-stretched resource for the youth and youths’ voices on being crowded out. The conclusions of the Evaluation will be confidential and used only for scholarly work.

Challenges of the Study

The evaluation program on feminism is highly likely to have a challenge in developing a survey due to the knowledge base of evaluation team members regarding stigma and personal biasness about the inadequacies of the existing substance–abuse delivery system. Restructuring questions that will look at the insight of the myths of women’s drug use without disregarding women’s substance abuse is likely to be a challenge, and women abusing drugs are more likely to neglect and abuse children who don’t use drugs. The lost opportunity for Evaluation to inform strategic learning for the youth programs and the broad youth sector and the distinctive characteristic of grassroots youth organizations in comparison to mainstream organizations will be a challenge in the Beyond measure evaluation program.


Abadie, A., & Cattaneo, M. D. (2018). Econometric methods for program evaluation. Annual Review of Economics10, 465-503.

Beardsley, R. M., & Hughes Miller, M. (2002). Revisioning the process: A case study in feminist program evaluation. New Directions for Evaluation2002(96), 57-70.

Davis, S. N., & Hattery, A. (2018). Teaching feminist research methods: a comment and an evaluation. Journal of Feminist Scholarship15(15), 49-60.

Lee, J., Cho, H., Kim, E., & Cho, M. (2021). Reduced-order modeling of nonlinear structural, dynamical systems via element-wise stiffness evaluation procedure combined with hyper-reduction. Computational Mechanics, 1-18.

Lovell, Alexander. Anucha, U., Houwer, Rebecca., & Galley, Andrew. (2016). Beyond Measure? The State of Evaluation and Action in Ontario’s Youth Sector. Youth Research and Evaluation eXchange (YouthREX)..

Mohagheghi, V., Mousavi, S. M., Vahdani, B., & Shahriari, M. R. (2017). R&D project evaluation and project portfolio selection by a new interval type-2 fuzzy optimization approach. Neural Computing and Applications28(12), 3869-3888.

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