Extended Definition of “Meditate”

Posted: September 9th, 2013





Extended Definition of “Meditate”

Most people think of reflection or chanting when they hear the word meditate. They associate the word with religion, especially various forms of eastern religion and Christianity. There are many mentions of meditation in the Christian bible. Christianity encourages people to meditate on the word of God, and on His acts. This may be different from the eastern religions, which encourage various practices such as chanting and emptying of one’s mind. The Oxford English dictionary defines meditate as a “focus on one’s mind for a period of time, in silence or with the aid of chanting, for religious or spiritual purposes or as a method of relaxation (Oxford Dictionaries).” Like many English words, the word meditate has its origin in Latin. It comes from the word meditatum from the verb meditari, which means to ponder. The Hebrew word for meditate is hagah, which has various meanings such as to “mourn, speak, imagine, study, mutter, utter, and talk (Blue Letter Bible)”. When the bible was translated into Latin, the word hagah was translated as meditatio. Meditate is an active word that involves a person doing something. Meditate is an action or practice involving the in depth reflection on something with the aim of fulfilling a purpose, which can produce the intended results if done effectively.

Meditate is a verb word and not a noun, meaning that involves doing something. People meditate differently, based on their understanding of meditation and their purpose for meditating. Some people focus on meditation as a way of relaxation. Others focus their thoughts on a particular issue while others focus their minds on an object. Some people emphasize the importance of stillness and silence as necessities for effective meditation. Others choose to do breathing exercises in a rhythmic fashion to enable them to concentrate. Some people find it practical to form a mental picture and focus on it when they are meditating. Meditation involves deep concentration. It is impossible to separate meditation from religion, as it stemmed from there. Different religions enforce the act of meditation differently. The bible urges Christians to meditate on the word of God, and on his wonderful acts. They read the Bible and then reflect on what they have read. They do not necessarily have to do something when reflecting or when thinking about God’s word. The Christianity concept of meditation allows Christians to solely focus on God, and not focus on themselves or on their abilities. The Christianity concept of meditation is different from most eastern religions, which encourage one to perform different rituals and practices when meditating. Some people choose to focus on a particular object to help them in concentration. Some people light candles and focus on them as they are performing chants.

People have different purposes for engaging in meditation, and they have meditated for different reasons over the years. Some people meditate as a way of training their minds, while others meditate as a way of relaxing. Some people find meditation necessary, as it helps them to gain more understanding on an issue. Great thinkers and philosophers found the concept of meditation fundamental in their quest for the meaning of life. They would concentrate on a single thought, until they would get a revelation. Those who were persistent in their thought usually gained more understanding of their world. From Aristotle to Plato, these philosophers gained more understanding of their world and they contributed their thoughts to the world in ways that continue being relevant today. For many Christians, the purpose of meditation is to fill their minds with the positive attributes of God and learn more about Him through His words and His deeds. Meditation enables them to realize the purpose and presence of God in their lives. It enables them to get rid of the negative thinking that they might have had before they began meditating. They are able to internalize the word of God, and this affects their behavior, and their thoughts and attitudes towards life and towards others. They consider meditation as a form of worship to God, since they are able to focus on the works of God. They also consider it as a form of obedience, since God instructs them to meditate on His laws. They see meditation as a source of inspiration, and as a way of changing their lives. The eastern perspective of meditation focuses on the mind. They focus on changing, controlling, and improving the emotional and psychological health and thoughts. They encourage people to become one with the object they are meditating on, as they direct their minds towards the object. They form chants, which they repeat as they are meditating.

People claim to achieve different results after meditating. This depends on the reason for engaging in meditation, and on a person’s religion. For Christians, effective meditation enables them to hear God’s word and know His purpose for their lives. They find the answers they need when they meditate. They may find solutions to the problems they are facing and the answers to the questions they have concerning certain situations. Some people have claimed to meditate for health reasons, asserting that it enables them to get rid of certain medical conditions. Some claim the meditation enhances their focus and adds their concentration. They claim that their understanding becomes clearer once they learn how to meditate.

Meditation differs from thinking or reflection, in that it involves an action with a purpose. Often times, people just think or reflect upon their lives by merely using their minds. Meditation is different in the sense that it is active, and it is intended to achieve certain results. Meditation means different things for different people but the overall intention is that it leads to a certain transformation. People who meditate transform their minds and their lives in certain ways. In both Christian and eastern religions, meditation is a way of understanding a higher power. It is a way of ensuring that people understand more of what they consider powerful. To some people, God is powerful, and it is not possible to understand Him without meditating. To others, the mind is a powerful thing, capable of achieving much, but it requires deep concentration.



















Works Cited:

Blue Letter Bible. “Dictionary and Word Search for hagah (Strong’s 1897)”. Blue Letter Bible. 1996-2012. Web. 5 Sep 2012

Oxford Dictionaries. “Meditate.” The Oxford University Press. Web. 2012. 5 Sep. 2012






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