Engineering Judgement Summary

Posted: August 27th, 2021

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Engineering Judgement Summary

Ralph Peck is recognized among geological engineering practitioners as a consultant with practical engineering wisdom. The video acknowledges him as a person with remarkable ability to grasp and detect practical fundamentals in geotechnical engineering, impacting various engineering disciplines. Therefore, the subsequent discussion is a summary of Dr. Peck’s views on engineering judgement.

The video, Ralph Peck – Engineering Judgement, acknowledges that everybody should have judgement. Regarding engineers, he states that successful engineers are described by high degree of engineering judgement. Ralph insists that engineering judgement exists. Indeed, it is indispensable for engineers that yearn to advance their technical capacity in engineering practice. However, the facets of the engineering judgement are attributed to the sense of proportion. The reason is that; engineers should have a sense of balance to ascertain reasonability in the calculations’ results. Hence, according to Ralph absence of engineering judgement has greatly contributed to unrealistic criteria in decisions and unreasonable outcomes. This is majorly because lack of appropriate perspective of things pf importance.

Further, Ralph explains that a feel of appropriateness beginning with the tiny technical details to the broadest ones in the planning depicts a sound engineer’s quality. In this case, the engineers’ judgement ascertains each step’s soundness and, therefore, the whole enterprise (Ralph Peck – Engineering Judgement). He disputes that theoretical assessments and calculations as a substitute for engineering judgement. However, they only apply as the basis for enhancing sound judgement. Thus, the actual security of engineers is established in their ability to make a quality judgement.

Subsequently, Peck observes that engineers can improve their engineering judgement through experience, self-discipline private studies and cultivated observational powers. Through targeted work experience, engineers are exposed to challenging responsibilities. In this case, they have put to the test their ability to experiment their understanding of concepts(Ralph Peck – Engineering Judgement). Equally, by having private self-disciplined studies, engineers get to add new ideas on their source knowledge. Cultivated observational practices strengthen this. Thus, an engineer gains the ability to make a quality judgement in their engineering career through these aspects.

Nevertheless, the engineer should be open to making non-technical judgements. Controversy in the decision is unwelcome unless there are limits. Peck alludes this to as only possible to lawyers(Ralph Peck – Engineering Judgement). Therefore, engineers pretending to delve into legal matters will struggle to arrive at a quality judgement. He cries against the myth that engineering constitutes only what is calculated since this denies the engineers an opportunity to make best of their engineering judgement(Ralph Peck – Engineering Judgement). Hence, critical problems especially those that cannot be solved mathematically will continuously remain unaddressed.

Peck worries about the continued absence of engineering judgement. The reason is that most decisions in the field have been taken over to where there is recognition of judgement and lucrative reward. These includes design offices that completely separates analysis from reality(Ralph Peck – Engineering Judgement). Judgement is also recognized in research institutions where there are high fascinations to idealize the actual properties. Research institutions idealize materials for analysis(Ralph Peck – Engineering Judgement. Thus, the opportunity to advance professional reputations often results into having all the best engineers moving to these sides. Hence, these selective approaches deny engineers and professionals the desired justice. Therefore, as revealed by the video, engineers mustn’t only rely on theory and practical calculations and grow their judgement to advance quality in their career.

Work Cited

Ralph Peck – Engineering Judgement. 2018. Directed by B. Holowick. GeoEdmonton ’08: 61st Canadian Geotechnical Conference: YouTube. Accessed on 16th January, 2021 from

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