Elementary Math Questions

Posted: August 26th, 2021

Elementary Math Questions


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Elementary Math Questions

Question 1

For an elementary student, to measure something means assigning a numerical value to an object’s attribute, for example, the length of a pencil (Johnson, Tipps & Kennedy, 2018). It starts with merely comparing objects. For instance, which object is longer than the other, or which one is shorter? The explanation works well with measuring length, area, weight, volume, and time because all of these measurements involve assigning a numerical value to the object attribute.

Question 2

The measurement process is done through six different steps. The steps include the identification of the concept, developing of a construct, defining the concept constitutively, operationally defining the concept and development of measurement scale as well as evaluation of validity and reliability of the obtained measurement (Johnson, Tipps & Kennedy, 2018). The process involves both standard and nonstandard measurements. Standard unit measurements are those applied within a particular measurement system. They include a ruler, a meter, or scales. On the other hand, nonstandard once are measurement units that are not commonly used in obtaining measurement (Johnson, Tipps & Kennedy, 2018). Equally, measurements can be estimated in various ways. For instance, using standard furniture measurements, it is possible to estimate a piece of furniture when making a purchase. A standard door measures about 78 inches and 80 inches tall: hence, the same can be applied for related furniture.

Question 3

The measurement goals are accomplished by having the students understand capacity, measure the same objects, and understanding the measurement process.

Question 4

The reasons offered for using nonstandard units instead of standard ones are that;

  •  nonstandard units ease direct focus on the measured attribute,
  • When nonstandard units are used, they help reduce the conflicts in the objects at the beginning of the lesson
  • Also, they provide the best rationale to use standard units

The most important reasons in the given three are that the use of nonstandard measurement units gives a rationale for the utilization of standard units.

Question 5

The area refers to the surface occupied by the shape. Rectangles, parallelograms, triangles, and trapezoidsareas are related in such a way that finding areas of each requires having at least two known sides (Johnson, Tipps & Kennedy, 2018). Figure 1 below shows that it is possible to transform parallelogram into a triangle;

Figure 1: Transforming parallelogram into a triangle

Figure 2: Transforming the triangle into parallelogram into

Figure 3: Transforming Trapezoid into Parallelogram

From figures 1, 2, and 3, it is demonstrated that the four shapes can be converted into each other yet retains standard measurement. Thus, implying it is possible to obtain an area of one by manipulating area formula for the other.

Question 6

The development of area formulas is based on the understanding that the area refers to the “amount of 2-D’object'” that is contained within a region. Through this informal reasoning, it is possible to come up with formulas for relevant objects.

Question 7

Comparing the weight of objects involves, first, looking at the figures on each of the lines. Then, the lightest object is clicked once while the heaviest one is clicked twice (Johnson, Tipps & Kennedy, 2018). Afterward, a comparison for the measurements obtained on lenth, the weight and the volume levels for the assessed objects. In this case, nonstandard or direct comparison methods are used.

Question 8

            Angles can be measured using a protractor. The steps are as follows;

  • Holding a protractor, place its midpoint on the angle Vertex.
  • Line up one side of the angle with zero line
  • Then, read the readings at a point where the other side cuts the number scale. Record the measurement.

Question 9

The best strategy for teaching elapsed time is using the Number Line. First, a numberline is drawn with start time placed on the left side. Next is move along the line up to the nearest hour. This can involve as many steps as possible. Once done, all the increments, either in minutes or hours, are then added. Figure 1 below demonstrates the number line;

Let me help you to teach elapsed time with these four different strategies. Check out these tips and ideas to include in a lesson while grabbing a FREEBIE!

Figure 4: Teaching elapsed time

Question 10

Strategy for counting the value of coins includes; using errorless teaching. The strategy involves having the students point and pick the correct coin. In case one picks a wrong coin or appears confused, do not introduce the next coin until when the student is 80% accurate with the selection.


Johnson, A., Tipps, S. & Kennedy, L. (2018). Guiding children’s learning of mathematics. Australia, Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

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