Effects of Embracing International Aviation Laws in Qatar

Posted: January 4th, 2023

Effects of Embracing International Aviation Laws in Qatar

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The call for civil aviation liberalization is increasing, and countries must embrace policies that would help them enter and be competitive in global markets. The study explores how Qatar considers its aviation sector to be a vital aspect of its economy. The government invests so much in the field intending to maintain the industry that is already blossoming. However, Qatar must consider applying the guidelines of more international aviation policies other than relying on local legislations and ICAO. Leaders and other stakeholders should identify the most applicable international regulations that may benefit the Qatari aviation sector regarding strategy, ideas, new skills, and technology. The research would use a systematic review approach to study data and sample suitable content using systematic random sampling. The descriptive data analysis method will provide adequate guidance in analyzing the collected information. The study provides insight into areas that require more attention and supports research that already exists on the subject. 

Effects of Embracing International Aviation Laws in Qatar


The study explores the possible effects of embracing the guidelines of more international aviation laws on the Qatari aviation sector. It describes how Qatar largely depends on its local aviation policies while paying more attention to ICAO. The country would improve its aviation sector by applying the guidelines of international regulations such as IATA, EASA, and FAA that may provide new aspects of handling civil aviation practices. A suitable approach to studying whether embracing more international laws would enhance is a systematic review that requires the researcher to examine available literature and determine what they say about the topic. The study will rely on systematic random sampling to identify and select relevant literature, and the descriptive method to analyze the collected information. The researcher must consider each approach’s strengths and weaknesses to avoid potential limitations that could affect the entire process. The study is essential because it expounds on existing research and identifies a gap that requires much attention. 

Research Context

The Qatari aviation sector plays significant roles in contributing to the economy, and the state puts much investment in the area to make it more effective. The aviation sector has indeed become a cornerstone of the country’s economy. It has added substantially to the economy’s advancement by forming new jobs in fields such as industry, trade, and tourism. Essa Abdullah Maliki, the Permanent Representative at the Permanent Mission of Qatar, said during an interview with the International Airport Review magazine that the country has made considerable strides in improving the aviation sector area is increasingly expanding due to the efforts all stakeholders.[1] Infrastructures such as Doha International Airport and Hamad International Airport (HIA) put the country on the global map with its quality and efficient services and passenger luxury. For instance, HIA is now a central hub and transported nearly 35 million travelers in 2018, and more than 154 million people since it started in 2014 to the end of 2018.[2] The facility presently records at least 222,000 yearly movements and has a 600,000 m2 passenger terminal. Its maintenance hangar is the largest in the world and ranks among the top five always. Equally, Qatar Airways continues to put the country’s aviation sector ahead of others. The carrier won the Airline of the Year, the World’s Best Business Class, the Best Business Class Seat, and the Best Airline in the Middle East during the 2019 Skytrax Awards. The organization had won similar awards in 2018 and others such as the Best Business Class in the Middle East and Best Regional Meddle East/Africa Airline.[3] Furthermore, many passengers like Qatar Airways because of its excellent customer experience and outstanding global presence. Overall, the aviation sector contributes to the stabilization of the Qatari economy through taxation and job creation. 

Local Aviation Policies

The Qatari government has enacted several regulations and policies to regulate civil aviation in the country. The Qatar Civil Aviation Authority (QCAA) is the state body mandated with oversight civil aviation in the country. The QCAA oversees the management of services related to security and safety, airport projects, civil aviation regulations, and navigational systems.[4] The authority performs its activities under five primary divisions, including the Joint Service Department, Meteorology Department, Department of Air Transportation and Airport Affairs, Air Safety Department, and Air Navigation Department. Legislation that is so influential in Qatar’s aviation sector is Law no. 15 of 2002 on Civil Aviation. The regulation has 15 Chapters that all dictate aviation operations in the country. For example, Chapter 1 provides definitions and general provisions regarding aviation in Qatar. Chapter 3 outlines steps to follow during aircraft operations, specifically addressing issues such as carriage of weapons, use of airports, powers to search and inspect, and issues regarding aerial photography, among others.[5] The legislation is so influential that all operators must know them to avoid any inconvenience. Relying on the local legislations provides Qatar with practical guidelines to conduct aviation practices in a way that is acceptable and attractive to buyers. 

International Aviation Policies

Qatar pays more attention to its local regulations and policies but does not consider other international laws to improve operations and stability. The country only aligns itself with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) directives while disregarding other international policies that could equip it with much information and opportunity. ICAO is a specialized agency of the UN that adjusts the techniques and regulations of global air navigation. It facilitates the planning and advancement of international air transport to boost safe and orderly development.[6] Members, including Qatar, adopt recommendations and standards set by the ICAO Council. Through such approaches, countries can prevent unlawful infringement, improve infrastructure, enhance flight inspection, and facilitate border-crossing outlines. Being an ICAO member allows the state to embrace stiffer cybersecurity measures that prevent the sector from becoming increasingly threatening. The Ministry of Transport and Communication announced the Aviation Cyber Security Guidelines, which outlined the standards and principles connected to safeguarding critical aviation structures, in addition to proper operations in electronic security in the sector.[7] Furthermore, Qatar develops useful airline codes and airport guidelines and appropriate aircraft type and aircraft registration structures, thanks to its adherence to ICAO regulations.[8] Also, adhering to ICAO allows the Qatari aviation sector to embrace approaches that lower CO2 emissions. ICOA finalized a pact among all its members to reduce the more than 1000 million tons of CO2 emitted yearly by international cargo and passenger flights. The aviation sector attributes part of its success to the guidance it receives from ICAO. 

Qatar acknowledges the importance of adhering to international aviation regulations knowing that compliance increases its chances of performing even better. During the interview, Maliki said that Qatar seeks election to the governing Council of ICAO to show its commitment since its joining the body in 1971.[9] The GCC country is dedicated to the organization, its principles, objectives, and mission to give safe, secure, and sustainable advancement of global civil aviation. It also focuses on forming air transport operations based on economic and sound functions, equal access to opportunities, and non-discrimination. These regulations have benefitted the country and other ICAO members, especially small countries, for whom air transport acts as a vital connector to other parts of the world. Qatar relates to the international body in many areas, encompassing environment, security, and aviation safety. Besides, Qatari representatives take part in the Aviation Security Panel. The country recently got the highest points on the ICAO Audit, with a 99% compliance rate concerning its security guidelines.[10] For example, Qatar engages in capacity-building initiatives through the Regional Aviation Security Forum and the Aviation Security Program to assist member states in improving adherence to ICAO directives and recommended activities.[11] Qatar’s involvement with ICAO indicates that the aviation sector acknowledges the importance of receiving international guidance, but more must happen to attain the desired objectives. 

Nonetheless, Qatar must consider other regulations if it wants to have significant transformations in its operations. Embracing and complying with more international regulations equips the aviation sector with more insight into enhancing safety, fortifying security, building efficiency, and safeguarding the environment. Applying other global aviation policies enables operators to embrace diversified planning and development approaches that ensure competitiveness and promote orderly growth of civil aviation practices. More fundamentally, abiding by more international regulations provides operators with better chances of venturing into many other foreign markets that adhere to these directives. The facility can choose from the various international organizations and identify those that would increase its chances of succeeding. 

The aviation sector should align its activities following the International Air Transport Association (IATA) directives that seek to represent, lead, and serve the airline sector. Specifically, adhering to IATA guidelines would benefit the Qatari aviation sector with more approaches to preventing environmental issues, advancing safety and security measures, simplifying business practices, and boosting relationships.[12] Moreover, the sectors stand a chance of benefitting from the standards, techniques, and procedures that provide consistent service levels for passengers and other stakeholders. Adhering to IATA standards allows operators to appreciate the importance of initiating training programs that equip employees with better skills to be more sustainable. Besides, Qatar would get the chance to enjoy a variety of financial services, such as debt collection, thus creating more room to attend to other important issues. 

The Qatari aviation sector is likely to improve its activities and approach to work by applying the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). Following the guidelines by EASA provides an opportunity to adopt better standardization, regulation, and certification frameworks.[13] The organization improves the chances of embracing more operative approaches to collecting and analyzing safety data, gives expert data to operators, and introduces proper ways of developing, implementing, and monitoring safety regulations.[14] EASA would introduce the urge to ensure all organizational aspects are certified and fall within the international standards. Acknowledging and following the principles of EASA would give Qatari carriers better chances to penetrate through European destinations. 

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is an American federal institution that can govern local and international civil aviation practices. The Qatari aviation sector would be more robust in the way it approaches its activities by following the FAA’s directives that regulate offers valuable tips on how to establish advanced air navigation facilities and adhere to flight inspection regulations.[15] FAA would inform Qatari firms how to use advanced technology to promote transport safety, control air traffic, research, and develop programs that contain noise and enhance other environmental issues affecting civil aviation. 

The many benefits that come with following international aviation laws should motivate Qatari regulators and administrators to consider becoming part of these policies or implementing their directives. Compliance with multiple international regulations provides a broader avenue to adopt more standardized and practical approaches to work. National leaders, including the Prime Minister, Sheikh Khalid bin Khalifa bin Abdul Aziz al-Thani, Jassim bin Saif Al SulaitiMinisterof Transport and Communications, and administrators of various carriers should come together and develop a concrete plan to increase Qatar’s engagement with other international aviation laws. 

Research Questions

  • Does embracing and enforcing international aviation laws improve Qatar’s civil aviation practices and make the sector more competitive? 
  • What factors obstruct adherence to more international regulations in civil aviation? 
  • What plans are in place to embrace more international laws?
  • Are local operators willing to abide by more international directives?  

Research Method

Research Design

The study uses the systematic review approach, which entails evaluating available literature to find relevant information and use it in answering the research questions. The process is suitable for the study because it provides a clear and in-depth overview of available evidence on a particular subject.[16] The research design is useful because it recognizes the research gaps in the researcher or society’s current knowledge of an issue. Nevertheless, the approach could be ineffective when the researcher cannot identify or ascertain the sources’ credibility.[17] Furthermore, some works may not give the necessary data, forcing the researcher to spend more time assessing each one to settle on the most suitable one. 

Sampling Method

The research uses systematic random sampling to identify and analyze the most relevant literature for the study. The design requires the surveyor to choose a sample from a larger group or population using a random starting point. The approach is suitable because it is easy to implement and comprehend, reduces risk factors, and gives the researcher a sense of control over the exercise. The main limitation of the strategy is it can result in selecting literature that is not helpful for the research. Lack of surety may disrupt the entire process, and the credibility may be less convincing. 

Data Analysis

The descriptive data analysis method is more appropriate for the study. It describes the necessary components of the information in a study. The descriptive data analysis method is more applicable because it offers simple summaries about the measures and sample.[18] It is also suitable for the study because it forms the core of almost every qualitative and quantitative analysis. However, the level of bias is high, and the researcher must be keen to avoid any overgeneralizations. The data collector will try to achieve credibility and validity by acknowledging the possibility of biasness in the study and being keen to avoid any adverse implications. 

Significance of Research

The research is significant in many ways, which require various stakeholders to take an interest in it. The study builds on already existing studies that examine the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries’ attempts to apply more international laws in their areas to become more appealing, compliant, and competitive. It echoes a 2009 study prepared by InterVISTAS-EU Consulting Inc. to assess the effects of international civil aviation liberation on aviation practices in the UAE. The Liberalization Report describes how at the invitation of IATA, the EU and representatives of 14 member states convened at the Agenda for Freedom Summit in Istanbul, Turkey, in October 2008 to deliberate further on the liberalization of the aviation industry sector.[19] The congregants acknowledged that t further liberalization of the global aviation market was generally essential, bringing advantages to the aviation sector, buyers, and the economy. In doing so, the partakers were cognizant of sovereignty, labor interests, infrastructure, fairness, and international relations. The members concur that to achieve air service agreement liberalization, the UAE must embrace more international regulations that would impact its civil aviation practices. Furthermore, the research exposes a gap that requires much attention to increasing efficacy in aviation services. It shows how most GCC countries tend to rely on their internal regulations and a few international guidelines. The study creates the urge to explore other procedures that would make the sector stable in the way it approaches its activities. Leaders see the need to develop a framework that invites teams from the West to contribute towards making the field more attractive to customers, workers, managers, investors, suppliers, and members of the community.  


The study illustrates how Qatar increases the chances of making its civil aviation practices more competent and competitive by embracing more international aviation laws. The country presently relies on the guidelines of QCAA and Law no. 15 of 2002 on Civil Aviation that provides directives in different operational areas. Internationally, Qatar pays more attention to ICAO’s directions that provide proper frameworks for countering cyber-attacks and developing relevant airline codes. The country must consider international frameworks such as EASA, IATA, and FAA to give more insight into the sector. The study will use the systematic review approach to examine available literature on the matter. The method is suitable because the researcher does not have to spend a lot of time searching to gather information. Secondary data makes it easier to acquire relevant content, thus saving much time. The research will use the systematic random sampling method to assess relevant literature and descriptive analysis method to analyze the content. The study is critical because it highlights other scholars’ works and creates the urge to adopt more international aviation policies. It reiterates that compliance with international regulations boosts preparations at the local and international levels, thus providing better insight into what must happen in terms of policy formation to become more effective and competitive.

Writers Interest in the Program

The program is suitable because it exposes me to the effects and importance of international law in various life areas. My interest is to understand how compliance and non-compliance to international laws could impact a country or an organization. I am glad the program offers me the opportunity. The program is suitable because it exposes me to a lot of international content that I want to hear and read about most of the time. I currently work in the aviation sector, and I hold a degree in engineering as well as MBA. The course is relevant because I would like to get more information on how international law impact on the sector to better fit. I get the chance to examine how different countries relate their local legislation with international policies and how this influences their activities and plans. The course provides me with the opportunity to explore how global law impact on areas outside civil aviation. For example, I now have much information on international law’s effects on law, business, history, and politics. I am committed to performing more research on the field to acquire better insight into international law’s consequences on modern society. I know that the program has more to give, and I dedicate myself to understand all that I need to know. I am optimistic the information will have considerable implications on my future and believe those who come after me will select a similar program. 


Best, Shaun. Understanding and Doing Successful Research: Data Collection and Analysis for the Social Sciences. New York: Routledge, 2012.

EASA. “EASA.” EASA, 2020. <https://www.easa.europa.eu/> Accessed September 2, 2020.

FAA. “Federal Aviation Administration.” FAA, 2020. <https://www.faa.gov/> Accessed September 2, 2020.

IATA. “IATA.” IATA, 2020. <https://www.iata.org/> Accessed September 2, 2020.

ICAO. “ICAO.” ICAO, 2020. https://icao.int/> Accessed September 2, 2020.

International Airport Review. “How Aviation has Accelerated Qatar’s Economic Growth.” International Airport Review, August 16, 2019 <https://www.internationalairportreview.com/article/99987/how-aviation-has-accelerated-qatars-economic-growth/> Accessed September 2, 2020.

InterVISTAS-EU Consulting Inc. The Impact of International Air Service Liberalisation on the United Arab Emirates. InterVISTAS-EU Consulting Inc., 2009.

Qatar Airways. “Our Awards and Achievements.” Qatar Airways, 2020. <https://www.qatarairways.com/en/about-qatar-airways/awards.html> Accessed September 2, 2020.

Qatar Civil Aviation Authority. “Civil Aviation Authority.” QCAA, 2020. <https://www.caa.gov.qa/en-us> Accessed September 2, 2020.

[1] International Airport Review. “How Aviation has Accelerated Qatar’s Economic Growth.” International Airport Review, August 16, 2019 <https://www.internationalairportreview.com/article/99987/how-aviation-has-accelerated-qatars-economic-growth/> Accessed September 2, 2020.

[2] Ibid

[3] Qatar Airways. “Our Awards and Achievements.” Qatar Airways, 2020. <https://www.qatarairways.com/en/about-qatar-airways/awards.html> Accessed September 2, 2020.

[4] Qatar Civil Aviation Authority. “Civil Aviation Authority.” QCAA, 2020. <https://www.caa.gov.qa/en-us> Accessed September 2, 2020.

[5] Ibid.

[6] ICAO. “ICAO.” ICAO, 2020. https://icao.int/> Accessed September 2, 2020.

[7] International Airport Review. “How Aviation has Accelerated Qatar’s Economic Growth.” International Airport Review, August 16, 2019 <https://www.internationalairportreview.com/article/99987/how-aviation-has-accelerated-qatars-economic-growth/> Accessed September 2, 2020.

[8] Ibid.

[9] Ibid

[10] International Airport Review. “How Aviation has Accelerated Qatar’s Economic Growth.” International Airport Review, August 16, 2019 <https://www.internationalairportreview.com/article/99987/how-aviation-has-accelerated-qatars-economic-growth/> Accessed September 2, 2020.

[11] Ibid.

[12] IATA. “IATA.” IATA, 2020. <https://www.iata.org/> Accessed September 2, 2020.

[13] EASA. “EASA.” EASA, 2020. <https://www.easa.europa.eu/> Accessed September 2, 2020.

[14] Ibid

[15] FAA. “Federal Aviation Administration.” FAA, 2020. <https://www.faa.gov/> Accessed September 2, 2020.

[16] Best, Shaun. Understanding and Doing Successful Research: Data Collection and Analysis for the Social Sciences (New York, NY: Routledge, 2012) 71.

[17] Ibid.

[18] Shaun. Understanding and Doing Successful Research, 80.

[19] InterVISTAS-EU Consulting Inc. The Impact of International Air Service Liberalisation on the United Arab Emirates (InterVISTAS-EU Consulting Inc., 2009), 2.

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