Eat carbohydrates

Posted: September 9th, 2013





Eat carbohydrates

Part 1: Misspelled words

The essay makes use of informal languages such as “carbs” that was repeated numerous times. The spelling of other technical terms such as “Saccharide” and “oligosaccharides

Part 2: Grammatical Errors

The essay has many wordiness mistakes. This is especially common where the vocabulary is not known for example “…There are so many people that are health conscious these days” instead of saying “…there are many health conscious people”. The essay also has many sentences starting with the word “but”. The rest of the document also needed to be proofread for possible typing errors. The mixture of tenses was another issue. The writer also confused the first person and third person perspective.

Part 3: Organizational suggestions

The paper is very disorganized and uncategorized. The essay needs to be organized into distinct parts for example the introduction, body and conclusion.

Part 4: Other Constructive Criticism

Academic papers require the use of formal language. To that extent, slang, abbreviations and corruption of words is not allowed as they give the essay an unprofessional impression.



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