Posted: March 26th, 2020





            Mental illness is among the major diseases that has caused increased deaths in most countries. People have often been exposed to social, environmental, generational and chemical aspects that have accelerated the development of mild mental disorder into chronic mental illness. The medical field has tried to ensure that it is at the forefront of this illness in terms of determining the causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention measures that can be used to counter the increasing effect of chronic mental illness. The theories and reasoning that surround the cause of mental illness is unclear but through evidence-based research, practitioners employ research and development aspects that aim at determining the origin. The treatment process of mental illness depends solely on the determined diagnosis if the affected will recover. Professionals employ treatment planning as is important in creating achievable objectives based on the health of patients. They are able to avail timely and credible treatment procedures to cater for the well-being of the affected.

Dropbox Assignment 6 (Career Paper)


            Chronic mental illness describes a condition where a person displays serious problems in handling tasks, relating with others and the environment, indifferent thinking and experiencing varying moods (Goldman & Grob, 2006). Practitioners and case managers have often associated chronic mental illness with persistent and continual development of mental disorder with elevated occurrences in the relapsing episodes. Although the health sector has designed prevention and treatment strategies that aim at mitigating and controlling such occurrences, people have failed to recognize the importance of prevention based on the signs and symptoms. Similarly, the causes of mental disorder are quite unclear but through evidence-based approach, practitioners have been able to associate relapsing episodes with the behavior, feeling, moods, perceptions and thoughts of a person as a basis for development of chronic mental illness (Schutte-Rodin et al., 2008). In this case, professionals employ different skills and processes before diagnosis and treatment of the illness. They take into account the religious orientation, social norms and cultural beliefs as they perform diagnosis, which proves relevant in designing the appropriate treatment planning process and procedures.



            Chronic mental illness may be classified according to the symptoms that people may possess (World Health Organization, 1996). Arguably, the various types of chronic mental disorder may have similar characteristics that may prove a challenge to the practitioners. However, it is important to identify the different aspects during the diagnosis phase if the treatment is to be considered effective and viable. It would be unprofessional and wrong to approach treatment of patients that have acute bipolar disorder with those that display severe conditions of chronic mental illness. Symptoms that pertain to the illness appear and disappear based on the exposure level of the patient. Therefore, it is possible that at this state patients may be functional at some point and may need intensive support while handling complex and sensitive activities. Often, people associate the onset of mental disorder with the generational aspect in terms of family tree. To some extent, this may be true but other symptoms may show otherwise.

            A major aspect to the classification of chronic mental illness is the personality disorders that cause the person to change their social orientation. People that possess personality disorders have issues handling the daily activities such as maintaining a clean environment and healthy eating (Goldman & Grob, 2006). Personality disorders represent long-term patterns in thought and behaviors that considered inflexible. Such people may have a problem in associating with colleagues and family members. To patients experiencing this disorder, they perceive that their thoughts and actions are normal therefore have an issue realizing they have a problem. People have a sense of superiority and desire to be treated different from others. They may also display high affinity for their principles and values.

            Sleep disorders are associated with insomnia (Schutte-Rodin et al., 2008). People with chronic mental illness experience difficulties in sleeping or may tend to sleep more during the night. Such feelings are associated with exhaustion that renders the patient inactive. Chronic mental illness is also classified based on substance dependence and abuse (Nagel et al., 2009). In this case, symptoms that may be evident include inability to take up the normal daily activities such as cognitive response and communication with others. Building interpersonal relationships for people with the illness may prove difficult since they may fail to express their views. Overdependence on drugs causes extreme dependency on family and friends. The feeling of isolation tends to develop in the patients and they display reduced sensitivity to issues regardless the impact posed on their life.

            Chronic mental illness that is classified into mood disorders tends to affect the patient’s feelings. Mood disorders are often known as bipolar disorder that is associated with constant experiences of mania and depression. Although people assume that bipolar disorder is caused by exposure to various chemicals in the brain, an interruptive environment that affects the behavior in people may contribute to its development. The disorder is associated by constant stress and anger (Goldman & Grob, 2006). In the process, violence may strike which is accompanied by grief and denial. They feel segregated from the rest of the community that causes them to experience self-blame. In such cases, the patient’s mental development may be impaired therefore interrupting with the normal development. Extreme cases of chronic mental illness causes psychotic disorders where the patient loses touch with reality and experiences hallucinations and delusions. At this point, patients display positive relation to suicidal acts.


            The signs and symptoms that are associated with chronic mental illness are used to issue a diagnosis on the disease. In most cases, practitioners seek the expertise of other psychologists and psychiatrists to classify chronic mental illness for treatment. Recently, counselors and other mental health professionals have been involved in research and development procedures that seek to identify the origin of mental illness. Diagnosis involves a series of tests known as mental status examinations where the practitioners rate the disorder based on the responsiveness, behavior, appearance and any evident symptoms. The generational aspect, mental health history and environmental exposure of the patient are also evaluated (Goldman & Grob, 2006). Arguably, the diagnosis of chronic mental illness is questionable considering that subjectivity is solely based on judgments rather than biological aspects. Controversy regarding psychiatrist diagnosis has arisen at different levels as chronic mental disorder is placed among the leading issues.


            Practitioners and psychologists owing to the advancements that have been made in the medical field have approached the treatment of chronic mental disorder differently (Cook et al. 2009). From medication treatment to the development of programs that intend to alter the staunch perception in patients, professionals argue that the procedures are effective. Although such treatment options may prove viable while approaching chronic mental illness, it is the role of the practitioner to understand their patient and influence their thinking to change how they view and approach issues. However, controversy regarding the professionalism of practitioners has risen that has resulted to mistrust in the medical system. Similarly, the delivery of treatment through medication may offer a remedy to the afflicted considering that the medicines have been tested and approved by the standards board. The workability of the treatment planning process and procedure used is likely to employ non-professional aspects such as input from the community and the immediate family to accelerate recovery.


            People with chronic mental illness are provided with psychiatric medication licensed to be issued by specific practitioners. The most common medication given is in form of antipsychotic and antidepressants delivered through tablets, injections and serums. Treatment planning regarding the use of medication is preferred since it reduces the prevalence in chronic mental disorder symptoms such as relapses and depression episodes. They tend to stabilize the mood of the affected enabling them to employ cognitive thinking as well as develop a calm approach towards activities and life. However, continued use of medication in treating has been associated with adverse conditions such as allergies and infections. In the past, antidepressants were not popular considering that extensive research was necessary before introducing them to the market. However, the recent medical orientation has seen major developments in the introduction of antidepressants as a method of treatment for mental illness. They are used to treat depression, sadness, anxiety and other related conditions. Antidepressants counter the effects brought by sadness, fatigue and hopelessness. They accelerate interest in people and are likely to accelerate performance. Antidepressants influence the intake of neurotransmitters norepinephrine, serotonin and dopamine that control energy levels in the body.

            Anti-anxiety medication is drugs used to treat people that experience constant panic attacks and anxiety in chronic mental illness patients. This medication helps in reducing agitation and insomnia symptoms that are present in patients (Goldman & Grob, 2006). During the treatment-planning phase, the dugs are offered on a long-term basis that renders the medication as an antidepressant. In the short-term, anti-anxiety medication can be used to steer dependency when approaching daily activities. Mood stabilizing medication is used to control the behavior of people with chronic mental illness. They are the most coon forms of medication used when people are in the initial stages of mental illness. Mood stabilizers control the occurrence of mania and depression a common symptom in patients. To achieve complementary treatment, mood stabilizers are used with antidepressants to suppress the development of mental illness. Antipsychotic medications such as Aripiprazole are used to treat psychotic symptoms in patients and reduce their effect (World Health Organization, 1996).

            Cognitive-Behavioral Social Skills Training

            Patients with severe mental illness are likely to experience issues with developing their social skills necessary daily. Treatment planning in this phase will take into account the activities that patients are exposed to every day. The cognitive – behavioral social skills training therapy plays an important role in ensuring that the patient is equipped with the skills and exposed to training programs. Once patients feel valued through being incorporated into a social skills training program, they are likely to improve in assertiveness, anxiety and related responses. They can apply the theoretical skills into practical life aspects that help them reduce dependence on family and friends. With cognitive – behavioral social skills training therapy, it is evident that the number of patients being hospitalized has reduced with the outcomes proving successful. The training schedules incorporate communication skills as well as problem solving that enables patients determine the communication patterns and develop interpersonal communication skills. Teaching them how to relate and build social bonds is an important aspect that steers quick recovery (World Health Organization, 1996).

            Targeted-Intermittent Long-Term Treatment

            Therapy in treatment of chronic mental illness has proven effective, as ore patients tend to display positive response in the sessions they attend. This approach involves an effective and affordable therapy session for patients that display frequent symptoms of the disorder and long lasting disability. The people involved in availing such services include the psychiatrist, caseworker and the psychologist. The intensiveness of procedures carried out during planning of intermittent long-term treatment seeks to help the affected avoid hospitalization, which would involve more scrutiny and elevated costs. In this case, patients are taken through intensive treatment and once they display positive response, the frequency in treatment is reduced. Treatment may also be intensified through involving the caseworkers to oversee on sessions that will help the patient cope with the issues and challenges they encounter.

            Individual Psychotherapy Skills training

            Individual psychotherapy has been employed over the years by a number of practitioners to help patients with mental illness or depression determine their strengths and abilities learning how to incorporate the in the daily activities. These programs enable patients to realize that the moods and feelings are associated with certain desires and conditions therefore are not health issues. In this case, the patient is able to view elevated moods with the surrounding conditions. Patients are equipped with problem solving skills that prove effective in building calmness and defining solutions to unstable feelings. Once they understand such a concept, they are more likely to employ it in most of their activities. This form of treatment is often blended with supportive psychotherapy that takes a rather traditional approach (Cook et al. 2009). Supportive therapy tends to strengthen the alliance in therapy, affect the external interventions for treatment, educate advice and encourage the patient. Such monitoring and intervention procedures are most applicable for patients with severe chronic mental illness.

            Therapeutic Contracting Program

            This for of treatment for chronic mental illness targets patients that feel ignored and experience denial. Indifference may cause patients to succumb to resistance and view the world different. Programs developed under this therapy apply a different approach where the family and friends are involved. They play an important role in influencing how the patient responds to life issues and challenges. Once a patient feels the love and concern from family, they are likely to improve in self-efficacy, self-control, and corrective response. Similarly, it enables patients strengthen the relationship with supportive interactions and assisted recovery. The patient considering their ability to define problems, interpret solutions and apply proper decision making with the help of the peers attains positive cognition.

            Case Management and Community Treatment

            Case management and community treatment takes an assertive approach that intends to manage the mental healthcare of any chronic mental illness patient. The treatment planning process involves identifying patients that are at a risk of being hospitalized, patients that require long-term evaluation and therapy, and caseworkers that are versed with the patient and the available treatments and the possible adaptive skills that the patient may be able to understand. Although this is a more recent development in the treatment process, practitioners have identified it as a credible method of treatment. However, the cost of such a procedure may be high.

            Multiple Family Therapies

            Family therapy may be used as an external resource to steer treatment procedures for the patient (World Health Organization, 1996). In the treatment planning, practitioners identify family members that may be willing to participate in the therapy. It is a voluntary act and preferred because of its ability to influence accelerated recovery. Multiple family therapies was initially introduced through rehabilitation but has changed in the recent years.


            The increase in mental illness patients in most healthcare facilities has warranted a strategic approach in the diagnosis and prevention of the illness. In the past, practitioners were unable to determine the treatment options that would apply in different mental illness patients. However, the shifts in practice has seen more research and development programs that intend to cater for extreme mental illness patients by blending the various treatment alternatives for the well-being and health of the patient. Clinical psychology and the health care sector have identified various treatment processes that may be applicable in case of chronic mental illness patients. These alternatives need planning and careful evaluation if they are to be rendered successful.


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Cook, J. A., Copeland, M. E., Hamilton, M. M., Jonikas, J. A., Razzano, L. A., Floyd, C. B., Hudson, W. B., Grey, D. D. (2009). Initial outcomes of a mental illness self-management program based on wellness recovery action planning. Psychiatric ServicesWashington, D.C, 60, 2, 246-9.Bottom of Form

Goldman, H. H., & Grob, G. N. (2006). Defining ‘mental illness’ in mental health policy. Health Affairs (project Hope), 25, 3.

Nagel, T., Robinson, G., Condon, J., & Trauer, T. (2009). Approach to treatment of mental illness and substance dependence in remote Indigenous communities: results of a mixed methods study. The Australian Journal of Rural Health, 17, 4, 174-82.Bottom of Form

Schutte-Rodin, Sharon, Broch, Lauren, Buysse, Daniel, Dorsey, Cynthia, & Sateia, Michael. (2008). Clinical Guideline for the Evaluation and Management of Chronic Insomnia in Adults. American Academy of Sleep Medicine.

World Health Organization. (1996). Diagnostic and management guidelines for mental disorders in primary care: ICD-10 chapter V, primary care version. Seattle: Hogrefe & Huber Publishers.Bottom of FormTop of Form

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