Diversity in Colonial Times

Posted: September 9th, 2013





Diversity in Colonial Times

There was diversity during the colonial period, even as the country remained sparsely populated. In the third chapter, “Diversity in Colonial Times”, the author examines different aspects of diversity that were present at the time. In particular, he observes how the scarcity of the English immigrants contributed to the development of the cultural diversity as more people from different European countries migrated to the New World. The author disputes other authors who speak of cultural homogeny during the colonial period. These authors speculate that the country did not have a cultural mix of people, because of the relatively few migrants, and the fact that most of the migrants seemed to have come from the same region. This chapter illustrates how, defining people from the same continent as a single entity, limits the study of the different cultures found within the group. There was diversity during the colonial period, as the migrants came from different countries, spoke different languages, and ascribed to different religions.

People in the New World came from different European countries, and all these countries had different languages, cultures, and belief system. Just because the people were from the same continent, and were similar in appearance, did not make them homogenous. The Swedes were different from the French, who were different from the Germans. People from different countries were able to maintain their cultures, by living in clustered communities. They did this even after they learnt the English language, which unified the people.

The people spoke different languages, and each geographical location had a majority. Even after they learnt the English language, people maintained their sense of identity by speaking their own language in their clustered communities. They maintained their individual cultures, even after adoption and assimilation. The Africans slaves developed their own way of speaking. They were from different countries, and had different dialects, and they could not communicate well with each other. Their need for interaction contributed to them forming their own language, which enabled them to communicate with each other. This served to homogenize them, as they now spoke the same language. Although this decreased diversity among the African people, it contributed to diversity among the communities. That diversity continues today, as African Americans seem to speak English differently from the white Caucasians.

The people had different religions, and this contributed to the diversity among them. Although most of the people were Christians, they were of different Christian backgrounds and denominations, and some of their beliefs were very different. Some of the religions represented during the time included Catholicism, Anglicanism, and Presbyterianism. This contributed to their diversity. The author fails to mention the different religious backgrounds. Although the chapter recognizes some of the diversity among the Africans, especially in terms of their language, it fails to recognize the different religious beliefs, practices, and traditions that existed among the people, and how these differences contributed to their diversity, and future culture.

The author uses different historical documents, as well as the work of other authors who have written on the subject. He has included authors who do not depict the presence of diversity during the colonial period, as well as the authors who showed different elements of diversity during the period. This makes his work more objective, in the sense that he has considered all the possibilities. The work differs from the work of others who have attempted to write on the same issue, by including detailed information concerning the immigrants. He has considered the diversity of the African slaves, who were diverse in many ways, having come from different countries. He has observed how their learning of the English language and lifestyle did not stop them from keeping some of the elements of their culture, some of which remain today.


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