Digital Transformation

Posted: August 27th, 2021

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Digital Transformation

Q1. Digital transformation integrates digital technology in all areas of the business environment, defining how the business or organization works.

Q2. Data Analytics is the scientific analysis of data to get usable information.

Q3. (Your answer must be on the table below)

A DT&DA will typically start with a Digital project’s strategic drivers – i.e., what and how can technology deliver strategic value to the organization. In this section, we will consider the drivers of strategic value to ‘frame’ our proposed DT&DA project.

  • You should be clear in what each dimension means and why it is essential for your client organization.
  • You should be able to defend it in front of your bosses/investors (as in a ‘dragons den).
  • The dimensions chosen should be desirable and feasible within context.
  • Treat the dimensions and the strategic spider process as an inquiry, not a statement of fact.
  1. In inquiring, we need to be:
    1. precise in the meaning of our ideas, constructs, etc.,
    1. to provide detail to deeply explore the key issues and
    1. develop transparency in the conclusions drawn (others need to know how we have concluded).
  • Try to identify ‘measures’ which indicate ‘how do we know we have got there’ to each dimension;
  • The strategic Spider will be referred to as we progress through the program regularly. We will adapt it, change it, adapt it, refine it.

 You can use the template (over) to get started. You can include explanatory text in and around it. Use additional sheets if required.

Define each measurement (we can call it a ‘KPI’ for now). This will help us define our Digital Transformation, ensure it is scoped with strategic impact, and ultimately how we might consider its impact.

Add or take away columns or rows as you see fit.

(Your answer for question 3 is to fill out the table below)

Add or take away columns or rows as you see fit.

KPI definition Measure now In 1 Year In 2 Years In 3 Years
Architecture Design Approval of the design 60% 86% 100%
Component and Detail Design Functioning and appropriately interactive components 40% 60% 70%
Algorithm Design Compatible algorithm 40% 60% 70%
Database Design Compatible database 40% 60% 70%
User Interface Design   Easy to work with interface 40% 60% 70%

Q4. Diagnosis & Contextual Analysis for Digital Transformation (your answer must go on the table for this question #4

Problem Diagnosis

Undertaking a diagnosis can be considered an inquiring activity that focuses on perceived ‘problems and the situations that cause the so-called problems. The inquiry is undertaken simultaneously by both clients and consultants.All DT&DA projects are applied in human organizations. Ignoring these dimensions will cause problems later. Further, it is effortless to throw technology at a perceived problem and subsequently realize that the ‘real’ problem remains.

  • Diagnose your client’s organizational context, identifying the explicit and implicit (or hidden) problems.
  • Treat the diagnosis as an inquiry, not a statement of fact.
  • Do not let yourself get into a thinking mode that is ‘whinging.’ Try to look at the situation analytically and thoughtfully.
  • Remember ‘blaming others is not an intellectual diagnosis. If you find yourself blaming others, likely, you do not understand their situation thoroughly. Try to understand their situation and the source of your frustration with them.

Use the space below to make notes of your thoughts.

Try to be as straightforward as possible, and justify your ideas.

The main problem within this organization is a lack of enthusiasm. Most potential users are not ready to adopt the new system and embrace its transformation agenda. This is coupled with inadequate training that may hinder its adoption. Another significant problem includes the lack of technical support from the organization as there are few employees with technical expertise.

Q5. Problems and Symptoms

A diagnosis is more than ‘identifying problems.’ Rather it is an inquiry into the fundamental causes (and effect) of the problems. For instance, in organizations, one ‘problem’ is often related to or caused by another problem. So a diagnosis includes the analysis of ‘other factors’ which give rise to a given problem. In effect, our ‘problem’ might be the symptom of something else. Both problem and symptom should be explored.

Taking each problem that you identified in the previous step, write down if it is caused by something else. If so, try to articulate what causes this ‘problem’ to arise. Use the space below to express your ideas. You can use a Rich Picture to express the context of the problems that you see!

Problem Causes
Lack of enthusiasm Unwillingness to change
Lack of Technical support Inadequate technical personnel
Lack of end-user training Poor organizational planning

Q6. Defining your Digital Transformation & Data Analytics Project

From your spider, your diagnosis, define the most important area for your Digital Transformation. Explain why you have concluded this.

Please note

You may want to identify a small and focused digital transformation/data analytics project in your department or business unit. Or you may want to develop the scope more widely. This scoping is a question of context, desirability, and feasibility.

The digital transformation area is the development and implementation of record and grading management systems for the institution. This is attributed to problems facing the organization concerning poor record management and enthusiasm towards the current systems. Hence, this system will ensure all student records are kept safe and secure and appropriate grades awarded.

Q7. Digital Building Blocks: Quick-Build (server-side) Environments

Outline your ideas (so far) of a digital technology that may help you achieve your Digital Transformation.

Please note

  • This may or may not be based on example technologies that have been demonstrated.
  • You should note that the definition of technology is not usually considered sufficient to solve problems or achieve strategic goals. Technology should be considered an ‘integrated element’ (in systems terms) or an ‘enabler’ of processes, in more general ‘management speak’!

Try to be as straightforward as possible, and justify your ideas

The main idea is to develop a student record and grading system. The system will enhance students’ recording and grading, thus reducing the workload, ensuring efficient data management and accurate grading.

Q8. Process Modelling for Digital Transformation Management

Take one process and define its inputs and outputs. What are the characteristics of the process that have you identified?

     Is it a ‘primary task’ process?

     Is it an ‘Issue based’ process or a ‘primary task’ process?

     Is it a ‘project for change’ process?

     Is it a ‘control process’?

One of the processes is primary task. The process is grading system development, which is design to receive input from different components that are then processed to get the output desired.

Q9. Identify 4 Different Types of Processes

Write down four processes from your chosen case organization (i) a ‘primary task, (ii) an ‘issue based’ process. (iii) a ‘project process’, and (iv) a ‘control process’. Insert your ideas below:

  1. Primary task – grading system development
  2. Issue-based – Student record system
  3. Control – graded work, submitted worker and student roaster
  4. Project – Student record and grading management system

Q10. Process Modelling for Information Systems Management

Activity: Try to apply the constructs to help to define at least one primary task process from your case organization, using the systems constructs.

Treat this as an inquiring activity to explore and clarify your selected process. At a minimum, you should explore the following constructs highlighted in the table and describe how each applies in the current process, expressed in systems terms:

Construct Your ideas about the application of the construct to a primary task process in your given organization
Transformation, What is being transformed? Student record and grades
Measures of Performance How is the process judged? What data needs to be gathered to judge when it is not functioning correctly?   The capability of transforming scores into grades The capability of capturing student registration details Data to be captured include; student’s name, scores, registration number, exam, period, instructor.
Systematics How systematic is it currently? Please justify your argument. It starts with registration to capture instructor and student records, exam scores, and grading.
Client Beneficiaries Identify the different beneficiary groups? Rhetorically use this construct, i.e., explore the effectiveness of the process in serving different client beneficiaries. Beneficiaries are students, instructors, and parents.      
Emergence Can you identify any emergent properties that arise out of its operationalization? Problems include retention of data and its safety.  
Hierarchy Can you start identifying sub-processes using the systems constructs? Draw one process and then its sub-processes. Administration sub-processes

Q11. Process Modelling for Information Systems Management

You might notice that in Digital Transformation, the study of an organizational process is done first, and then it is possible to identify resources (including information) that it needs. Unlike in other related areas, e.g., computing, we are fundamentally re-designing organizations.

Using a primary task and related processes from your case organization, undertake the following:

QA. Use a Data Flow Diagram to depict (i) the flows of data through the system, (ii) the data stores that hold data in the system, (iii) the human actions that operate on the data, and (iv) the ‘external entities that interact with the system.

Figure 1: Student Grading system – Data flow diagram

The flows of data through the system

  1. Data entry; Class roster, grading parameters, and submitted work
  2. Data output; Graded work, grade report, and final grade
  3. Data Stores holding data; Grading system and student records system
  4. Human actions that operate on the data; Instructor and student
  5. External entities that interact with the system; student

QB. What do you see as the technology options for the improvement of that system?

The system can incorporate precise auditing capabilities to ensure errors in the recording area are reduced.

QC. What other optimizations can you identify to improve the current system(s)

Other optimization capabilities include enhanced and tight security protocols to reduce unauthorized access to student records.

QD. What resources does the current system need/what resources does the future system need/what is the difference between the two?

Resources for the current system include capital, software licenses, and hardware. In addition to the current software licenses, the future system will require extra expertise to develop tight security and appropriate algorithms for precise recording.

QE. Shortfalls in your inquiry/Shortfalls in the process modeling techniques

The significant shortfalls include getting appropriate modeling standard methods and identifying the business value for the process modeling.

Referring to your last task, explore how difficult you found it. Was it easy or difficult? Did you have sufficient detail about the process? Do you need to develop better or different process modeling? If so, why not explore how to make a better inquiry using different techniques. Identify a more suitable technique and say why it is relevant/appropriate…

(Your answers for questions 11 includes a, b, c, d, and e) Answer must be under each question, please

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