Deadly Heat Wave Hits Larger Parts of the U.S.

Posted: August 25th, 2021

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Disaster Chronicles 1

Deadly Heat Wave Hits Larger Parts of the U.S.

In July 2018, about 80 million Americans received heat advisory and warningsabout the expected scorching temperatures and humidity affecting significant cities in the United States. So far, one person has died from the impact of the heat wave while two more deaths are still under investigation (Mindock). Most areas in the eastern United States will experience the highest temperatures of 100 to 110 degrees Fahrenheit (Mindock). The affected regions stretch from central Virginia to eastern Maine with major cities such as Philadelphia and New York being on the spot (Mindock).

The recent heat wave has brought severe impacts including deaths. People were warned about dangerof handling outdoor activities. A woman working on her farm on Saturday in Pennsylvania developed cardiac arrest which led to her death upon arriving in a local hospital (Mindock). Two other possible heat-related deaths occurred in Kansas City, Missouri (Mindock). One of the cases involved a woman in her 40s who died the previous week, whereas the different scenario, still under investigation, occurred on Monday claiming the life of aneighty-year old man (Mindock).

According to The National Weather Service in New York, the sevenday heat wave is very uncommon with a similar incident witnessed 33 years ago. The excessive heat warnings and advisories were issued in more substantial parts of New Jersey and New York and other areas likely to experience up to 105 Fahrenheit (Mindock). Some of the interventions are precautionary, such as drinking plenty of water, avoiding the sun, and staying in air-conditioned rooms (Mindock). While the effects could be far-reaching, the most at-risk people include those with mental conditions, the elderly, and children (Mindock).

Works Cited

Mindock, Clark. “4th July Weather: Deadly Heatwave Expected to Hit Huge Swathes of US on Independence Day.” The Independent, 3 July 2018, Accessed 8 Apr. 2019.

Hurricane Florence Leaves Americans in Losses

The 2018 Hurricane Florence, currently classified as a category one storm, left at least 51 people dead in Carolinas (“2018 Hurricane Florence”). It caused widespread flooding in most parts, including North Carolina. According to the Weather Channel, Florence set new rain records with some areas experiencing up to 3 feet of rain (“2018 Hurricane Florence”). Due to overflowing rivers, an inspection was conducted to establish the safety level of 1,445 dams in North Carolina, over 185 of them were found to be in a poor state that could threaten more lives (“2018 Hurricane Florence”). These dams became technically risky for human survival and endangered the lives of those who stayed nearby.

Loss of lives, homelessness, and destruction of properties were some of the major impacts of Florence Hurricane. In less than a month from the onset of the disaster, almost 15,600 people, mostly rendered homeless, received humanitarian support from the World Vision (“2018 Hurricane Florence”).

Due to the threatening dangers posed by the Florence Hurricane, most residents had no choice but evacuate their homes and relocate to safer regions. The concerned authorities ordered more than 1 million people to look for new places to stay before the flood could completely block the roads (Almasyet al.). As the rain intensifies, the effect of Florence will result in widespread power outages, cancellation of flights, and increasing river volumes, which could be more deadly than the storm itself (Almasy et al.).

Works Cited

“2018 Hurricane Florence: Facts, FAQs, and How to Help.” World Vision, 8 Dec. 2018,

Almasy, Steve, Holly Yan, and Gianluca Mezzofiore. “Hurricane Florence Starts Flooding Parts of the Carolinas.” CNN, 14 Sept. 2018,

Offshore Kodiak M7.9 Earthquake

An earthquake of magnitude 7.9 hit the Gulf of Alaska, located almost 175 miles southeast of Kodiak Island in late January, 2018. The tremors affected the groundwater levels of important rivers in Florida (“January 23”). While there have been more powerful earthquakes in the past, especially the Sumatra M9.1, the January 23 tsunami did not cause much vertical deformation of the seafloor, therefore, it led to less water displacement (”January 23”).

Despite the high magnitude of the Kodiak earthquake, it still received green light on the possible danger on human beings and properties. In essence, the green light meant this tremor had a low possibility of fatalities and low probability of extreme economic losses (”January 23”). Nevertheless, it led to evacuation of some segment of population residing in areas that experienced vigorous aftershocks.

The seismic waves caused significant changes in groundwater levels in regions around Alaska. For instance, due to the January 23 earthquake, some water wells became turbid while others dried out (”January 23”). In other areas, there was an increase in the rate of discharge of springs and groundwater into streams (”January 23”). Consequently, there was a severe degradation of the surface quality of water leading to the transmission of waterborne diseases (“January 23”). Besides, months later, the affected areas could still expect repeated aftershocks involving minor tremors of magnitude 4-5(”January 23”).

Works Cited

“January 23, 2018 M7.9 Gulf of Alaska Earthquake and Tsunami.” USGS, 30 Jan. 2018, Accessed 8 Apr. 2019.

Greece Wildfires

The worst wildfire that ever hit Greece in over a decade engulfed a small resort town near Athens. The Mati beach incident left 74 people dead with an extra 200 people sustaining extreme injuries (Smith et al.). According to the Red Cross, of the 74 people who perished, 26 people huddled on the beach located 18 miles east of Athens, Greece (Smith et al.). In a statement by the Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, areas around Attica region, including Athens, would remain under a state of emergency (Smith et al.). He further declared a three-day state mourning.

Wildfire has not been a rare occurrence in Greece. In August 2007, the country witnessed helplessly as the inferno consumed through southern Peloponnese peninsula eliminatingmanypeople (Smith et al.). Minimum 74 lives were taken by 2018 wildfire, the death toll continuedto rise following the extent of damage tohouses and cars(Smith et al.). A report from the government revealed that 172 people sustained severe injuries whereas 16 children and 11 more adults were in critical condition depending on the level of burns they received (Smith et al.).

The situation might take longer than expected to be managedadequately. Different people have blamed government agencies for the lack of preparedness (Smith et al.). The fire incidents have led to the evacuation of locals, leaving behind a daring image of a once-busy tourist attraction site of Mati (Smith et al.). An eye witness recounted on Skai TV, “Mati doesn’t even exist as a settlement any more. I saw corpses, burnt-out cars” (Smith et al.). Unless the government implements proper strategies to deal with the drought and high temperatures, such incidences are likely to recur.

Works Cited

Smith, Helena, Sam Jones, and Martin Farrer. “Greece Wildfires: Scores Dead As Holiday Resort Devastated.” The Guardian, 27 Feb. 2019, Accessed 8 Apr. 1992.

Guatemala’s Fuego Volcano Eruption

Residents of Guatemala City, especially those living around Fuego volcano, had a rough time of their life following the most horrendous eruption ever witnessed in the region. The June 3 incident affected more than 1.7 million people occupying three states (Reid). It was the most seriousvolcanic eruption in this region during last 45 years.

The eruption resulted in the loss of lives, destruction of homes and properties, and eventual evacuation of locals. By August 9, the death toll had reached 165 people with extra 260 individuals still missing two months later (Reid). A mix of thick mud and ashes covered crop fields while other damaged roads (Reid). The rescue team managed to evacuate over 3100 people who lived near the base of the mountain.

Fuego Volcano is an active volcanic mountain that has recorded the highest number of eruptions since the beginning of 2018 posing a more devastating danger to the local communities. So far, the authorities have warned of further volcano’s activity (Reid). Together with government agencies, the World Vision has initiated a series of operations in the region to ensure adequate humanitarian support reaches the affected population (Reid). For instance, those evacuated were able to receive aids, such as water, clothing, cooking implements, and medicines (Reid). More importantly, the World Vision has also established Child-Friendly Spaces where kids could easily interact with each other.

Works Cited

Reid, Kathryn. “2018 Guatemala Volcano Eruption: Facts, FAQs, and How to Help.” World Vision, 8 Dec. 2018, Accessed 8 Apr. 2019.

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