Posted: August 25th, 2021

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The Era of Good Feelings was marked in the US following the end of the war in 1812 fought between the United States and Great Britain, whose victory replaced the political divisions between the Northern and the Southernstates. It was characterized by happiness, which renewed a bitter rivalry between the twostates. Historically, Northern states were an industrialist who opposed the slave trade strongly. While the  Southern states were agriculturalists, and they exploited slaves to increase productivity and make a considerable profit. As a result, the era saw the rise of both nationalization and sectionalisation, as proven by various historical events. Nationalizationis an ideology that is based on protecting a particular nation’s interests. It was developed on the premise that the nation’sattention is more superior to individual interests.During the era of good feelings, nationalization was supported by the decreased political hostilities between the Democrats and the Federalists (doc. 2).After the Hartfordconvention in 1814, the Federalist Party was dissolved, hence reducing the hostile political competition in the country. Thus, the call byPresident James Madison for national unity was obeyed and upheld by the people who believed in the supremacy of the American flag.

Accordingly, Stephen Decatur (doc. 1), a naval officer at toast given at Norfolk in 1816, is among the champions and prove of nationalization in the US. In the toast, Stephen mentions that no matter the interaction his country makes with foreign nations, the decisions it makes are right (doc 5).The statement is an implication for the love of the country, whetherright or wrong.Besides, he is a prove patriotism that love for the country shouldsupersede all personal interests.

Joseph Rodman Drake, the American poet in his poem ‘The American Flag’ composed in 1819, is another case of nationalism in the US. The poem describes the American flag as the flag of free heart hope and home, implying that the hopes and dreams of the American people lie with the flag (doc. 2). “Thy stars have lit the walking dome” is an indication that the American flag has awoken the dreams of the people. The mood and tone of the poem are praising the American and a reminder to the people that love for the country should supersede individual interests.

However, sectionalism refers to an allegiance to a given section or part of the country or society. It was also prominent during the Era of Good Feelings. It came into existence because of the discord between the North and South. The North was dissatisfied with the foreign trade policy, whichaffected them negatively (Jefferson, doc. 6). According to the Northern states, as stated by John Quincy Adams (doc. 5), prosperity was possible without the exploitation of human slaves. Thus, they strongly advocated for a slave-free state. Henry Clay’s speech to congress on March 31, 1984,emphasized on modifying the foreign policy and adopting a genuine foreign policy which offered extreme protection against foreigners (doc. 4). He recommended a tariff on slavery to reduce the slave trade in the country. Therefore, these recommendations were proposed to hurt the business and economy of the Southern states that depended entirely on the slave trade to prosper.

To recap, both nationalism and sectionalism became critical aspects of economics and politics of the period. Whereas the Northern states believed in a slave-free country, the Southern states were keen to advance their exploitation of slaves as a source of cheap labor to assure their agricultural activities huge profits. The difference in ideologies formed the basis of political squabbles to propagate one’s believes. Hence, the two regions were divided as everyone championed for their discourse to another’s disadvantage. However, believe and being attributed to one country was a meeting point from which priority was given to nationalism than sectionalism.

Works Cited

Doc.1: Stephen Decatur, naval officer, the toast given at Norfolk, Virginia, 1816

Doc. 2: Joseph Rodman Drake, poet, “The American Flag,” 1819

Doc. 3: Emma Hart Willard, educator and feminist, address to the New York Legislature, 1819

Doc. 4: Henry Clay, Speech in Congress, March 31, 1824

Doc. 5: John Quincy Adams, Diary, March 3, 1820

Doc. 6: Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Congressman John Holmes of Massachusetts, April 22, 1820

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